New Chapter for Shelter from the Storm
Shelter from the Storm
livvy628 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 24 Favorites )
A seventh year is a victim of a Death Eater gang-rape. Now she must put the pieces of her life back together, with the help of Severus Snape, but no one can know she still lives. How will she be able to trust or love anyone? Inspired by Bob Dylan's "Shelter from the Storm."
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About livvy6
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 655 | 625 Reviews Written | 6,131 Review Responses
I am a grateful fan of Ms. Rowling and of her overwhelming Byronic Character, Severus Snape! Please check out the first chapters of each fic (except for "How Can I Tell You," which is on Chapter 2) to see pictures of the Heroines.
Admins' Note: Livvy6 died suddenly on February 22, 2012, leaving behind her husband, six-year-old daughter, and seventeen stories well-loved by the TPP community. All who knew her—including those in Harry Potter fandom and all of us, here—are richer for having known her.
Requiescat in pace, Livvy. Always.
Reviews for Shelter from the Storm
What a sad story :(
beautiful fic......... very nice, very touching n i especially liked the ending
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the ending.
I must admit that I was shocked that she killed herself in the last chapter but then I really shouldn't be surprised by what people will do for love.
I'm glad that you kept it as close to canon as possible and that Severus still died (although I do love him) - it's lovely to read how he found peace and love at last.
The epilogue is beautiful, simply beautiful.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I'm glad you liked it. It was a very difficult decision to have Mary commit suicide and then have to think, now what for these two? Then it was simple, keep it canon compliant.
I'm glad you liked the epilogue. I wanted to make it simple and not complicated.
Thanks for sticking with the story, I hope you will read more of my fics that I'll be posting soon.
Well that didn't end like I had hoped it would, but at least their together.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Tell me how you envisioned it? I racked my brain and thought, how am I going to make this work? Because I tried to make it work within the canon. But I'd like to know your ideas.
Oh my!
You caught me. I didn't expect this.
Thank you for such an intriguing and captivating story, and such a fulfilling ending.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
It was the only way I could keep it all canon compliant. I worked hard to keep it that way. I thought because I needed to keep the truth of Severus' love/obsession for Lily accurate, Heaven would be the only place where he would be able to be whole and so would Mary. Then they could be together always.
I don't even have words for this chapter. It was just.......... (No words in a good, shocked way though) This story has been great since the beginning and the ending was serous. I truly love everything you write. I think this is my favorite fic so far and you are my favorite fic writer period.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I am deeply touched. I am so glad my writing touches you and I do appreciate your coming here and on HHFF to check out my fics. Definately I have more to write. I have two finished and waiting to be beta read.
I do hope you like the epilogue!
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I do hope that's good. Remember to watch out for the epilogue!
Response from Merlinsbeard (Reviewer)
Of course that's good, it's bloody brilliant.
I couldn't express myself properly earlier.................I was in shock at the chapter ending.
Wonderful, wonderful!
I love watching the events transpire from a different perspective, and I love how you've developed Mary as understanding and accepting and reveling in "being loved" even though it isn't the same as having him "in love" with her.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Yes, I think it is VERY important (and will be covered in the Epilogue) to remain true to the canon - which is, Severus is -I don't know IN LOVE or if he's stuck in an obession with Lily- driven by his "attachement" to Lily. Which is sad, because it keeps him from fully experiencing a whole existence. It least that is my opinion.
Yea!! *does happy dance*, this is soooo good! I want another chappie now please, ok *pouts* have to wait. *tap* *tap* *tap*, are we there yet?? ...
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Well, I have it on queue, so as soon as it is validated it'll be up. LOL! So happy you're happy for Severus and Mary! Don't they deserve it!
Grow to love him indeed, words of wisdom they are. He's a very lovable man we all know that. I do have to say i almost had laser bolts shooting from my eyes at Rowling for killing him off in the last book! She always did hate that charater, witch! Sorry, I love Snape and kinda took it personally. My bad should not have deviated from your fic. Please forgive me. I am so very glad to seeyou have shown the true light of severs here. Its lovely. I can't wait for more.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
You and I are kindred spirits in the "what in the hell was jkr thinking when she killed Snape?!" I was depressed and cried for three days. My husband thought I was off my nut! I just thought it was a total rubbish death for someone as skilled and powerful a wizard as Severus Snape.
Absolutely, still waters run deep, if I may quote from Alan Rickman about Snape. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was Snape, after all the BS he endured over the years.
Oh well, enough ranting for now. I hope you will check out my other Severus stories. He is a wonderful character to write about.
Thanks for reviewing!
I'm sorry I was so hooked on reading I forgot to leave a review with the last chapter. It was very well done. I'm really glad Hermoine could be of some help to her. I like the fact that some of the original characters are involved. Sometimes when other write of OFC with Severus its sappy this one however is very very good in my opinion. This last chapter is my favorite so far. I really am enjoying this fic alot. Thanks
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you, I wanted this story to be canon compliant and I worked haard to make it so, I wanted to bring in an Original Character to help it stay canon compliant. I thought Hermione would be a good choice.
Poor little lamb ( I'm entitled to make cracks regarding Mary, its my real name too) anyway very nicely written, I just want to cry along with her. Bastards! I am throughly hooked tho, must continue on reading more.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thanks, and it's nice you let me know how each chapter affects you! I put a lot of soul into this fic and really struggled with making the decision even to submit it! I'm certaintly glad I did, since I have received so many wonderful reviews on it.
OMG! I must say that I was warned. Don't worry, I don't flame (thats just freaking rude) I am going to continue reading the rest of this anc check out your other fics. See ya then
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Yeah, it was horrific what happened to Mary, I think I'm getting your reviews in reverse order, but I'm glad you have stuck with it and hope you enjoy my other fic as well!
Wonderful and realistic and so, so good. What a wonderful job of taking them through this process.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Yeah, it was hard and I had to really think long and hard how to go about the process. Thanks!
Time is the greatest healer and Severus is just wonderful!
Awww I've come over all mushy again.
Well done.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you, Some might think this may be to OOC for Snape, but I think after Deathly Hallows, who can really tell what happens behind closed doors in the most intimate of relationships.
Thanks for reviewing!
Aw.... that's so sweet! He was so shy, and the kiss was wonderful -- and hand-holding! It made me melt.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Good, slowly we'll get them on to bigger and better things, but it's all gotta take time.
I just LOVE all your stories!!!!!!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you so much. I haven't been getting reviews and I've been really doubting that maybe this story wasn't such a great idea. But you and another lady here on TTP have been die hard supporters of this fic. So, thank you so much for cheering me on!
More. Please?
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
YOu betcha! I'll have it up as soon as I can! This is so awesome for me. Do you know that you are my favorite fic author? I have many stories as favs, but I told my husband the other day about your story and I thought you were the the best author I came across and that you were reading MY story! I was so geeked. So I'm really humbled you are liking my fic.
Response from mia madwyn (Reviewer)
Excuse me while I join you in a mutual squeee!
I'm not worthy!
And I can't wait to read the next installment!
Wow. Yes, intense. Yes, dark.
I can't wait to read more.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you so much for reviewing. I have fretted over this fic terribly, but it is complete, and I just HAD to write it. I just now have to have it beta read and have it validated.
I hope you will stick with it to the end.
Response from mia madwyn (Reviewer)
I started reading it wondering who the victim would be. OCs aren't always my faves, but you pulled this one off really well by establishing enough up front to get me fully vested in it, and then going back to where I had to relive it already caring about her. Excellent job.
o0o wow....what a begining. It was crazy though, I couldnt stop reading and when I got to the end, I was left looking for more. Anyway, 10/10 and please update soon.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I will. The fic is complete, I just have to get it submitted and approved. If you could get past the 1st chapter, the rest is cake in my opinion. There was no way I could post this on HPFF. Too graphic. But i'm still doing the other story as well. Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm nervous about this fic, because it is so dark. I'm curious as to how people will respond to it.
oh, what a great story, and so excellently woven into canon!! Even if we hear little of Mary's past, she is well enough portrayed to make this believable. The relationship between the two evolves so gradually, and we see so much caution in Severus' actions. Not easy to stick in the first-person narration but you managed nicely. we alwayw see a little deeper into Mary but we cna also see what Severus goes through--better than she can. The scene with only Minerva, Albus and Severus where they discuss Mary's future didn't work so well,as she isn't present. But in the long run, it was only this one problematic scene and is easily excusable. You finally give me a credible reason why Severus had to die in DH!!! OK, knowing this, I can let him go. Whoever else makes Severus reach heaven usually has him assume this must be hell. So I loved that seeing Mary makes him wonder right away whether this was paradise. Both being clad in white is also a stark contrast to their black attire during life. Your excellent story deserves a much much wider audience, but I assume an" own character" never gets the same attention as canon -- surely not as Hermione. I for one am glad you did not attempt to weave such a story around her.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it. I have started posting it on the Restricted Section, Occlumency, and Mia Madwyn had it put into The New Library Live jounal. It doesn't get as much "press" as HG/SS fics, but it has been recieved rather well.Thanks!Livvy
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it. I have started posting it on the Restricted Section, Occlumency, and Mia Madwyn had it put into The New Library Live jounal. It doesn't get as much "press" as HG/SS fics, but it has been recieved rather well.Thanks!Livvy
I'm crying. The ending was so bittersweet and perfect :)
What a surprise ending! Sad that they both had to die to be together, but very, very sweet.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
It had to be that way. There was still so much left for Severus to do and she loved him enough to let him go.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
It had to be that way. There was still so much left for Severus to do and she loved him enough to let him go.
Whoo-hoo! very good job!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you so much!Livvy
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
Thank you so much!Livvy
You really do a good job of illustrating the conflict Mary experiences in regards to her sexuality. Well done.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I really wanted to make it realistic. Things don't just go from one clean slice to another. Especially when dealing with sexual issues. It all takes time and trial and error.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Shelter from the Storm)
I really wanted to make it realistic. Things don't just go from one clean slice to another. Especially when dealing with sexual issues. It all takes time and trial and error.