New Chapter for Timing
a_bees_buzz23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 34 Favorites )
Severus Snape wants Hermione Granger to come work at Hogwarts, but she wants more than just a job, a proposition he finds deeply disturbing.
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About a_bees_buzz
Member Since 2007 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 169 | 35 Reviews Written | 634 Review Responses
Reviews for Timing
I loved it! Of course she couldn't settle for anything less.
lovely story :)
great job
Why is it always the tab that gets called A? That's tabbist!
Albus’ response, amusing as it had been, had got him thinking. Since everything Albus had ever wanted for him had turned to his disadvantage, perhaps this bore consideration.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
"That's tabbist!"LOL!
I really enjoyed this story. I think Hermione is very much in character, and I believe Severus would be much as he is portrayed, once the war was over and all the madness had a chance to settle down.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Thank you so much! Keeping Severus in character in a humorous/romantic piece is always a challenge, so I'm really pleased that you think I succeeded.
What a wonderful romantic story! It lifted my mood :)I wish only you would make a long story with many chapters out of it!(But please delete the A/N, I understand why you want tell pestering smut-addictes your opinion, but it feels wrong to have it after such a sweet romantic, tale! It's like a bucket of cold water)My favourite part was the modern arts-threat :)Thank you very much!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
I'm pleased that you liked the story.
Did the A/N seem to you as an attack on smut writing? It certainly wasn't meant that way, it was just meant to be cute and funny. I haven't gotten any other feedback that readers saw it as negative, and I would never criticize the writing of smut, since I do it myself when the story calls for it. This story didn't, so I left it out.
Response from laperchette (Reviewer)
I read the other reviews after mine and they seem to love the A/N :) - funny how taste can be different!I was not offended or something, because I'm not too keen on smut-writing anyway, I was only bewildered about the different style - sorry! But I love the rest of the story :)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
No problem, and I'm sorry if it seemed bewildering. Tastes are, indeed, wildly different in these things. I'm sure there were some readers who were disappointed in the lack of erotica in the end or who didn't read because the story wasn't rated for erotica. Myself, I'm not anti-erotica, but I don't write it just for it's own sake; when it's integral to the plot of the story, I include it, otherwise, I leave it to the readers' imagination.
I'm very glad that you liked the story itself, and please feel free to let me know any time there is something you find out of place or bewildering. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
That was wonderful.
Absolutely wonderful story! My favorite line (which sold the entire thing over for me): "Let me introduce you to modern art."
Hilarious, seriously - I can't stop grinning!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
I was rather proud of the modern art concept. In my mind, the paintings she brought in were all cubist!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reviewing.
I'm happy that the slots and tabs are happy!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Not just the slots and tabs, but their owners as well! The world is a better place when the slots and tabs are properly matched up. ;D
Good for Hermione. I don't think Sev ever stood a chance. I loved the way she handled Dumdledore.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
I do think that, post-DH, there will be very few people who accept Dumbledore's guidance without second, third, and possibly fourteenth thoughts. Severus would certainly not be one of them, and Hermione knew that. Thanks for reviewing.
Yes...we will leave it to our imaginations on tab a and slot b. That was too cute!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
They are particularly private, that tab and slot. ;D Thanks for reviewing.
...Yes, but was the ring applied to her finger?~Lotm
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Timing, my dear Lotm. First the slot and tab must become thoroughly acquainted. Then there must be tea and conversation. And more getting acquainted. And more tea and conversation. The ring? Perhaps eventually. When the time is right.
One of the most erotic G-rated stories I've ever read! Yay!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
That is such high praise! I'm so pleased that the erotic tension of the story came through, despite the lack of explicit action. Thank you for that lovely review.
This is one of the most adorable tales I've read!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I always knew Sev is a man of action ... when the times come. He just needs a bit of thinking first, especially when it's about feelings. Nice story, thank you.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
You are quite welcome. He took a while to get there, but once he knew what he wanted, he went after it. I do like a bit of decisive!action!Severus. :D
The story was great and the A/N was better....
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Thank you. I'm amused that the A/N seems to be more popular than the story itself! Not that I mind; I quite like the A/N myself.
I thought this was just delightful. Hermione sees with her heart and holds out for what she wants and needs. Severus fears with and for his heart, and lets himself think too much. Good thing she's a clever witch! I really enjoyed this.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
Yes. That's exactly what I was going for. I'm so glad you saw it that way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :D
Awwwww, lovely!! But he sure made her wait!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
He did indeed, not to mention making her force the issue. Thank you for reviewing.
I love how she knew that if Albus supported it Severus would run from it. I also liked the author's note. :)
Author's Response: Severus' relationship with Albus would have to be horribly fraught, with all the history they have. But Hermione knows her man! The author's note is a favorite line of mine, so I'm very pleased that you liked it.
Lovely! Not too easy, not too explicit; just right.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Timing)
What a fabulous compliment! Thank you so much.