New Chapter for The Potion Mistress
The Potion Mistress
a_bees_buzz86 Reviews | 86 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )
There is trouble brewing at the Potions Guild and a possibly-not-so-ancient mystery to be solved. Hermione is determined to find the answers, and that includes working out why all paths seem to lead to Severus Snape.
WARNING: Contains DH spoilers
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About a_bees_buzz
Member Since 2007 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 169 | 35 Reviews Written | 634 Review Responses
Reviews for The Potion Mistress
I absolutely love this story. Please do continue it! It's one of the best I've read in a while.
I just happened upon this story.
It might well be one of the best fics I've ever read in the Potterverse. And I've read a lot.Hopefully you will one day find the inspiration to continue this. And hopefully it will be soon!
Has this story been abandoned...? I just remembered there was this very original, intriguing storyline that I started enjoying 2 years ago...
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I hope not. I'm on break from fic, but may get back to it some time.
I love the backstory about the attack on Hogsmeade and Hermione's work with the burn victims. Her relationship with Charlie works, I think. (Frankly, I can see her with just about any of the Weasleys except Ron.) And while I'm longing to see more of Severus, the bit you've shown here is great. The amount of detail you've poured into the world of the Guild Houses is fascinating, and I love the pictures. They add so much.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I have real trouble seeing Hermione with Molly! ;-)One of the first things Bambu suggested, when this story was just an outline, was that I try to have some bit of Severus in each of the early chapters before he joins the main story line. So I'm giving the backstory of their earlier connection in bits and pieces, rather than all at once. I'm pleased to hear it's not feeling too disjointed for you.I'm having tremendous fun developing the Guild and it's history and traditions. I've got files of notes on all the Houses and a timeline of the Guild and the development of alchemy that mixes Muggle and magical elements, though I'm not sure how much of that will get into the story. It's becoming a very real place for me.You like the pictures! They are my precious babies. I'm still a bit wibbly about not posting on Ashwinder, but I can't cut out my pretty pictures.
Response from firefly124 (Reviewer)
Er, okay, let me reframe that: I can see Hermione with any of the Weasley kids except Ron. LOLI've got files of notes on all the Houses and a timeline of the Guild and the development of alchemy that mixes Muggle and magical elements, though I'm not sure how much of that will get into the story.That does happen. And while probably only a small fraction will ever actually be shown in the story, it's making it a very real place for us readers as well.I'm still a bit wibbly about not posting on Ashwinder, but I can't cut out my pretty pictures.I can understand that. The pictures do add quite a lot.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I once read a Hermione/Arthur fic, and it was exactly as awful as I'd expected it to be. That was before I learned to be selective in my reading. I can't much stomach her with Percy either, though I can see how there might be an intellectual connection.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I have real trouble seeing Hermione with Molly! ;-)One of the first things Bambu suggested, when this story was just an outline, was that I try to have some bit of Severus in each of the early chapters before he joins the main story line. So I'm giving the backstory of their earlier connection in bits and pieces, rather than all at once. I'm pleased to hear it's not feeling too disjointed for you.I'm having tremendous fun developing the Guild and it's history and traditions. I've got files of notes on all the Houses and a timeline of the Guild and the development of alchemy that mixes Muggle and magical elements, though I'm not sure how much of that will get into the story. It's becoming a very real place for me.You like the pictures! They are my precious babies. I'm still a bit wibbly about not posting on Ashwinder, but I can't cut out my pretty pictures.
Response from firefly124 (Reviewer)
Er, okay, let me reframe that: I can see Hermione with any of the Weasley kids except Ron. LOLI've got files of notes on all the Houses and a timeline of the Guild and the development of alchemy that mixes Muggle and magical elements, though I'm not sure how much of that will get into the story.That does happen. And while probably only a small fraction will ever actually be shown in the story, it's making it a very real place for us readers as well.I'm still a bit wibbly about not posting on Ashwinder, but I can't cut out my pretty pictures.I can understand that. The pictures do add quite a lot.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I once read a Hermione/Arthur fic, and it was exactly as awful as I'd expected it to be. That was before I learned to be selective in my reading. I can't much stomach her with Percy either, though I can see how there might be an intellectual connection.
I'm sorry it took me so long to read this chapter, but this is one of those fics where I really want to have time to sit down and enjoy properly!Anyway, once again, I loved this - both the present and, especially, the flashback. I wasn't all too sure about Hermione's sort-of relationship with Charlie before, but with the back story added, it makes perfect sense and was fascinating to read about. (And I also found it believable that there would still be rogue DEs out and about, causing trouble - it's quite unlikely that one battle was all it took for everything to be fine, after all!) And the bits with Snape, weaving him into the tale, were wonderful, too.I rather suspect JJ might have his suspicions about Hermione's identity - one can but hope that Hermione's secret is safe for now!~Kribu
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I'm so glad you liked the Hermione/Charlie part. I worry that the true ss/hg fans will get turned off by that relationship, but it's an important part of who she is and how she's organized her life at this point in the story. You'll notice I brushed over the Ron relationship rather quickly - there is only so much I can ask my readers to tolerate!Severus has been a bit player in the story so far, but he'll be getting more important very soon, I promise.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I'm so glad you liked the Hermione/Charlie part. I worry that the true ss/hg fans will get turned off by that relationship, but it's an important part of who she is and how she's organized her life at this point in the story. You'll notice I brushed over the Ron relationship rather quickly - there is only so much I can ask my readers to tolerate!Severus has been a bit player in the story so far, but he'll be getting more important very soon, I promise.
Just read this story today...and I found it quite intriguing in a good way. There is a lot of detail and groundwork laid out for more to come, but I just wish there was just a smig more to go on.Oh, I see the mystery, the questions, and the possibilities, and it's great, but it is just a touch broad for me.Now, it could be me (I'm only a reader), it could be the sheer number of ideas and possibilities that you could be bringing in, or you are about to do something with the story to help me out and I'm just impatient. That's cool! I'm an easy reader.Can not wait for the update! Thank you for writing and posting!~
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
You are quite right, the story is very broad at the moment, with lots of threads, but I promise that I will be bringing them all together eventually. It's going to be a long story, so right now I'm still introducing plot elements. Sorry if that's a bit confusing. I'm very pleased that you are enjoying it, even if it isn't everything you could want just yet.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
You are quite right, the story is very broad at the moment, with lots of threads, but I promise that I will be bringing them all together eventually. It's going to be a long story, so right now I'm still introducing plot elements. Sorry if that's a bit confusing. I'm very pleased that you are enjoying it, even if it isn't everything you could want just yet.
Thank you for continuing this story. I was impressed a few months ago when I found it. It is very interesting. Please remember to write more.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I can promise I won't forget. RL got a bit busy, but I never abandoned the story. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I can promise I won't forget. RL got a bit busy, but I never abandoned the story. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.
I’m re-reading, because I have a feeling that we’ll get an update soon, and I have to say that I love this chapter even more the second time around.
You’re a wonderful world-builder: I could feel the heart of old Tallinn, in the intricacy of its two worlds, Muggle and Wizarding, both overlapping and apart. The account of Hermione’s daily life as Journeyman is vivid and credible, and it also sheds a retrospective light on Snape’s story, in such details as the brewer’s costume or having to give up one’s wand on joining the Guild.
What is most fascinating for me, though, is the feeling of time-depth you create.Using the model of the Mediaeval Guild was already a brilliant idea, but framing the story between the publisher’s notes and Calpurnia Bagshot’s notes at the end, as if it were already an object of scholarly debate, is both intriguing and moving. It means that Hermione’s deeds were important, even the stuff of legend. That final note, about “the photograph of the very bed cover the Potion Mistress slept under as an apprentice and a Journeyman” suggests there’s deep affection and curiosity about her character.
The note about Sunjata House is also thrilling, especially accompanied by the beautiful photos. On that subject, may I ask how you managed to insert the images in the text?
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
It shouldn't be too long; I'll finish it up as soon as I'm done with the end of semester marking. The world-building is so much fun, but also time consuming. This is true not just for Tallinn, but also the broader world. I'll be continuing to use the footnotes as my version of the Silmarillion - a place outside of the narrative to describe the history and culture of the world in which the story resides. As to Hermione's importance, well, maybe a bit of forshadowing there.To insert images in text, I just use Photobucket. Go to, get yourself a (free) account, and upload a picture. It will give you the HTML code you need to insert it into a story. It's very easy, but let me know if you have you any trouble.
Response from duniazade (Reviewer)
I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter. I'm jealous of Tallinn, though, as the location of the story - I'd love to see your evocative powers applied to old Bucharest! But you needed a Hanseatic city. I guess I'll have to deal with Bucharest myself.I have tested the photobucket method, and it seems to work fine - thank you so much for the information!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Actually, I had a different reason for choosing Tallin, but it hasn't come out yet. *tries to act mysterious*Glad photobucket's working for you. It's a wonderfully convenient little toy.
Response from duniazade (Reviewer)
A different reason for choosing Tallinn? I'm on tenterhooks!
I love the originality of this story! It would appear that with just a little tweaking it could stand on its own - outside of the Potterverse - as an intriguing *original* story! I look forward to reading more!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
It is, by far, the most original story I've attempted. There will be plenty of links to canon - Hermione is still very much connected to her friends and family back in Britain - but the main story is separate from that world. I'm glad you are enjoying it, I was worried it was too original to appeal.
Response from starmom (Reviewer)
I guess what I like about it is that it COULD exist in its own world outside of canon and wondered whether you thought to attempt to write this as a wholly original piece. I know that I often wonder if I'd ever be inspired to write something original and be brave enough to actually attempt it if I was... Don't get me wrong - I love writing HP fanfic. It's comforting to write within a universe someone else created. But I always wonder if I can do more....
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
The idea for this story actually started with a discussion of why Severus is referred to as a Potions master, when none of the other professors are given the title of "master". It immediately made me think of the medieval guilds, with their ranks of apprentice, journeyman, and master. We only see a very little of the wizarding world in canon, so there is no reason why there shouldn't be all sorts of different aspects to it outside of Britain, and the education recieved at Hogwarts is clearly not specialized enough or advanced enough to account for some of the professions we encounter in canon.
I suppose this could have been done as an original work, but for the moment I like the challenge of seeing how much of canon I can fit into and explain from this different perspective.
Like you, though, I do think about writing original fic someday. I see this story as a bit of a practice run - seeing if I can manage world-building on my own, but still holding onto that HP framework.
Response from starmom (Reviewer)
And you have SO much to work with, given the Guild-framework! Rivalries! Mysteries! Rituals! Secrecy! It's a perfect framework that uses the foundation of the Medieval Guild system and its peculiarities and then adds magic on top of it. Very cool!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I'm sitting here with a big grin on my face, because you've just said exactly what I think of this story. It's ambitious, but if I can pull it off, it should be a lot of fun.
This would be fascinating even without the illustrations - as it is, it is wonderful.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you so much. "Fascinating" and "wonderful" are truly lovely words.
I'm very pleased that you liked the illustrations. For canon, being set in Britain, most of us have a pretty good idea of what things look like. We don't need a picture of a British pub to imagine The Leaky Cauldron. I don't think most readers have as clear a sense of what Estonian art and architecture look like, so I wanted some visuals to help the readers form mental images. There will be more of them as we go along.
I was so happy to see an update to your story. Though this chapter is quite different from the previous ones I wasn't disappointed. On the contrary I love the rich background you create for the Potions Guild and the different threads that seem to open up. Very intriguing and I hope to read more soon.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
It is quite different; this chapter is the real beginning of the main story. The prologue was a link to DH and Chapter One introduced the ideas of the Guild and the mystery Hermione has to solve (finding true love along the way, of course), and catching us up on where everyone is in their lives. Now is where it gets interesting. At least, that's what I'm hoping. If you found it intriguing, then it did what it was supposed to do.
awesome! please update soon :)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you, but no promises on timing. I've got an exchange piece to write, and I've been told the mods get mean if you slip the deadline.
I'm enjoying the slow reveal of the mystery, and the time you've taken to draw us into the Guild. Looking forward to more.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you. This is going to be a long story, so there is a bit of build-up here at the start.
dunno about this Charlie-Hermione thing. So Ron married Luna, huh? That's good, because she's so eerily calm that she'd keep his temper and impulsiveness in check. Much better than that Crappy "epilogue." I like the sound of Harry being Snape's "carer." Talk about giving him added incenntive to get back to "normal", LOL (whatever that is).
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Not to worry, Charlie won't last. You wouldn't want Hermione stuck on a shelf while she waits for Severus, would you? She deserves better than that.
I do think Luna would be good for Ron. She would appreciate his good qualities and let his annoying habits roll off her. And I just couldn't help myself putting Harry and Severus together. They do have so much unfinished business. Plus Harry would push all of Severus' buttons. (And he has so, so many buttons!)
Snape's condition makes perfect sense, as he could "brew glory and stopper death" better than most anyone else. Sounds like a great continuation to what DH termed an ending (of Snape's life, that is). I'm still pissed about his 'death' in DH and appreciate your effort to set things right by Snape.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I'm so glad you liked my version of saving Severus. I drafted this piece just days after finishing DJ, when I was still feeling really angry about how Severus had been abandoned by both Jo and the characters. This was my attempt to set the story right.
Ohhh, I LOVE that. Seriously. To get Harry to take care of him and become his friend. That's fair brilliant.
And an ancient, medieval Guild. With its own magic and mythology and mysteries. I think I'm in love.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I figured he and Harry had some unfinished business. Putting them together makes them deal with it so they can then move on with their lives, not to mention letting me skip the annoying "but what will the boys say?" nonsense.
I'm so glad you like my idea of the Guild! It's my very own little world to play in.
SQUEEE! I loved this first chapter. YAY! He's alive.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I dashed this off pretty quickly after DH came out, so it's not as polished as some of my writing, but I was determined to save Severus as quickly as possible. Yay, indeed.
Interesting story. Looking forward to the next part.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you.
Holy wow.
I very nearly didn't make it to this chapter. Your first two chapters are full of dialogue which at times feels rushed and flat, and the transitions aren't as smooth as they could be.
This chapter? VERY, VERY different. In fact it's almost as if they're not written by the same writer! This chapter is lush and full and intriguing. Your narrative voice is really fantastic! And oh my god, your knowledge of history and culture is really impressive. A lot of fanfic writers can't be arsed to discover that people don't typically trick or treat in modern day Britain, much less the extent of research you've done. And PICTURES! z0mg!
*is impressed*
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. I'm pleased that you liked this chapter. The previous ones were necessary bridges from DH and the canon settings before the story could move into the Guild. This has a lot more description because it's new territory for the reader. I didn't feel like the Burrow needed describing, nor do we need a lot of explanation to picture Harry or Ron's behavior in a conversation.
As for the history, some is researched and some comes naturally - I'm a historian by trade. There will be a lot more of that as the story unfolds.
I like the exposition in the chapter. Lots of background, very detailed. Nice.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you. I was worried it was too much exposition and not enough action. I'm glad you didn't find that a problem.
A very interesting story so far. Love the historian! Looking forward to the next chapter. Good work!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you. I'm very please with Calpurnia. As a writer, there is so much you want to tell that doesn't fit in the story. She lets me tell some of it. I'm so glad you like her.
Being a native of Tallinn meself, I was quite delighted with the description, especially as I've been toying with similar ideas and placing the wizarding Tallinn in roughly the same areas as you've done here. Technically though, it's quite some distance from the "nondescript concrete housing" area to the Old Town; and if we assume that until the Middle Ages at least, and (as per your) also afterwards, there used to be closer contacts between the muggle and wizarding traditions, it would have been more appropriate to use German words and terms, or perhaps Swedish (Estonia was under Sweden in 16th-18th century) instead of the French "petit dejeuner" and such. We've had very little French influence up here.Other than that, I really enjoy the story.It made me realize though, how hard it must be for the Brit readers to see their familiar education systems, speech patterns, foods etc mangled by the rest of the world, as we do in HP fanfic. I suppose I may have been a bit more critical towards this chapter than I would have been if it had been set in the UK, or Africa, or anywhere else in the world. (OK, that was not really a review, rather a piece of self-reflection.) Say lehva-lehva to Kribu and I'd suggest to her(?) to look also into Katariina Käik and Katariina kirik for other possible wizarding sites :)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you so much for the concrit, it truly is appreciated.
Kribu's found me a particular building that Hermione has her flat in, which she assures me is only about 10 minutes from the Old Town - it will appear in more detail in a later chapter. It's not in one of the major concrete housing areas, but there is enough there that the description should fit.
I'm very pleased that you picked up on the language issue - it's a very complicated one. The question is, how much is the Guild influenced by being in Tallinn, versus how international it is. While they are physically in Tallinn, the Houses each represent a different geographic area or language group, covering the whole world. So there should be linguistic influences from all over. But the Guild is not all of wizarding Tallinn, and the rest is heavily Estonian. I actually chose the French term deliberately, because the House next door is French and to balance using a British term for the evening meal, but I did check first to make sure the types of meals were appropriate for medieval Estonia.
I hope you do write a story set in Tallinn; I'd love to see how another author uses the same spaces.
I love the detailed, rich background you have constructed for the Guild!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you. This really is a foundation chapter, that creates the setting for the rest of the story, so I'm very pleased that you found it detailed and rich.
Response from Mint Stick (Reviewer)
There were things that made me go "hmm", but I chalked them up to poetic licence, and also going with the idea of the Wizarding part of Tallinn (and its history) being as separate from the Muggle part as the Wizarding part of London is clearly very different from the Muggle part.
Anything that I might have found odd otherwise can quite easily be explained away, such as the West African apprentices - we can for instance assume that being from a pureblood background, they wouldn't be interested in visiting the Muggle town during any free time (as, well, having black youths seen in real/Muggle Tallinn would be something quite unusual).
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Don't forget that, in canon, Muggles generally don't notice witches and wizards wandering around in robes, walking through walls, and taking owls through train stations. OTOH, they do notice flying cars. There seems to be some sort of "don't notice me" aura around magical people, which would apply to the Guild members in Tallinn.
Was there anything else that made you go "hmm"?
Response from Mint Stick (Reviewer)
Nothing that I couldn't have reasoned away, really.
And that would make sense. I was mostly thinking that if someone already goes to the Muggle part, they might want to interact with people, too, but I guess that wouldn't be necessary.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
I just realised you're Kribu - I'm sorry, I'd forgotten you use
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
around here. Which explains why you're thinking about West Africans running around Tallinn and makes the whole conversation make much more sense.
If it is rich and detailed, it's because you helped to make it that way. I hope you don't mind if I keep picking your brain every now and then for elements of Tallinn life.
Response from Mint Stick (Reviewer)
Oops, I should probably have reminded you. :-D And pick away, it's what it's there for!
Wonderful and fascinating. I'm enjoying the back story of the various Guilds as well as the pictures! Can't wait to read more.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Potion Mistress)
Thank you so much.