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More Magical Mating
a_bees_buzz14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
A teacher must maintain discipline in the classroom. Especially when the topic is as delicate as magical mating.
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About a_bees_buzz
Member Since 2007 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 169 | 35 Reviews Written | 634 Review Responses
Reviews for More Magical Mating
Lol. Cheeky - Snape. Naughty - Snape & you for stopping there! Loved it.
:thud: More please! More about motivations! Thank you kindly for this, though, if you don't intend to continue it. :sigh:
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. There might be more one of these days.
This fic contains the best detention line I've ever read! "...get your affairs in order." Great! But, aside from that, I have to tell you, this was as satisfying as d.i.y. sex! Not.
A few more words, a few more chapters [yes, lots of words all placed one after another] and this could have been one hot romance instead of a leave you wanting one-shot.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
I may, at some point, write more of this series, but I can't see it being a romance, unless it's between Draco and Hermione. This version of Snape is just a little too abusive for my comfort. I'm sorry you were disappointed.
Bad, bad, bad author! Nasty cliffy. Should send Peeves after a_bees_buzz!
There is so much UST between them it isn't even funny. How could you not put them together?
Great story.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
How could you not put them together?
Erm, because he's totally abusing his authority as a teacher and is a disgusting letch who gets off on sexual harassment so it would be really, really squicky? I have put them together in other fics, but in this one? Ewww.
sends Peeves back to mock your pervertedness
On the other hand, Draco probably gets really lucky. :D
Glad you liked it.
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
*shakes Peeves hand* He said he liked my style.
Erm, because he's totally abusing his authority as a teacher and is a disgusting letch who gets off on sexual harassment so it would be really, really squicky? I have put them together in other fics, but in this one? Ewww.
*lol* You know I didn't think of it like that. Boy am I kinky or what. No wonder Peeves liked my style. EWww
On the other hand, Draco probably gets really lucky. :D
Would you write that ? Hey I need some cheering up after DH.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
I may write it someday; it has spawned a small but growing plot bunny which I've been nurturing. At at the moment I'm working on something else. Which should have a good helping of post-DH cheer-up factor in it. Fear not, there is plenty of fic left in this fandom.
Response from snapes_gemini (Reviewer)
Fear not, there is plenty of fic left in this fandom. Thank the gods for that! I will keep a look out for new works from you then.
Would you like to learn the secrets of ensnaring the senses?*urgently waves hand in the air*Yes, yes, YES!!! Oh yes, Sir, I would very much like to....Oh, good grief, I just out-Hermione'd Hermione.*whimpers*Well done, you! ..... Mmyrtle
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
Sadly, he lied. And then wanked about it. Which makes it all a bit squicky.
Glad you enjoyed it anyway.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
I see you found it. And liked it. *grin*
Ooh, that was a twist! Great little fic. It was a delightful read.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
I have a bad habit of writing twisty endings. Not always, but pretty regularly. I'm glad you enjoyed.
LOL sneaky slytherin!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
Isn't he just! Thanks for reviewing.
Such a tease! The image of Malfoy hanging about to reap Snape's work made me snicker...I'm hoping the teasing note this story ended with was intentional, and a sequel is in the works to counteract whatever's on DH?
Hope is everything after all
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
There may indeed be more in this sequence, though I can't see it turning into an ss/hg pairing. Maybe more little classroom moments. Or it might jump archives to describe Malfoy's side of things.
" in the knowledge that it would be years before she knew he had lied."
ahhh! i'm hooked... just how much of that was a lie?! plz don't say it was the part about wearing out 3 instructors!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
Oooh! That icon! Leprechaun Snape is the yummiest!
Actually, the whole thing was a lie. There is no subfield in procreative and erotic potions, he made it up. But, as a consolation, you can focus on the kind of mind that would make such a thing up.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
Thanks for sharing. :D
"it would be years before she knew he had lied." About all his knowledge?That would be a great ending because the boasting was a bit too much for me and I was actually glad, she could walk out! (Or perhaps I'm a bit too squeamish at the moment because I met my old philosophy-teacher yesterday , who was a bit tipsy and he was telling me and his wife (!) the whole evening that the breast of today's pupils are bigger than five years ago :( )The style was great though!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of More Magical Mating)
Ewww! Now I have to go wash my brain out. :D
This is definitely a squicky, abusive version of Severus. Which is why I haven't continued the sequence. I just can't see it going anywhere good.
I'm glad you enjoyed the style, despite the squick factor.