New Chapter for The Serpent's Egg
The Serpent's Egg
Azrael47 Reviews | 47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 74 Favorites )
A Time Turner Story. Finding Horcruxes is dangerous business and the trio are looking forward to a night at the Hogs Head. But then a Time Turner accident changes everything...
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About Azrael
Member Since 2006 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 0 Reviews Written | 43 Review Responses
Reviews for The Serpent's Egg
Sirius is a real rotter! Great story so far!
Can Hermione send a patronus message?
Dumbledore's niece... now that's a lot to live up to!
whoopsie! interesting start
I'm giving myself a headache trying to work out whether it makes any sense for her to refuse Severus' help, since he's taught her most of what she knows about Potions in the first place ... except he hasn't yet. Love the way she reamed Sirius out. Lily really is persistent, isn't she? Great chapter!
Response from Azrael (Author of The Serpent's Egg)
Well then, it sounds as though you are as confused as she is :) Glad you liked it.
What a delight to read Hermione giving Sirius a proper dressing down. She sure let him have it, and I loved it. That man is an idiot and I do not like him - I don't care who writes him, he comes up smelling just as foul.
I'm 50-50 on Hermione having Severus help her with the potions test. I want her to floor icky Slughorn, but I'd love to see her do it on her own. But, if she does it on her own, how is she ever going to get to know Severus! Then again, Severus was her teacher in the first place, so technically she wouldn't be doing it on her own...
Enjoying the story.
Oh where would we be with out an enigmatic Dumbledore? Great chapter. I enjoyed Severus and I feel badly for Hermione...which is to say that you are writing her remarkably well, enough so that I am empathizing with her. Good job!
Response from Azrael (Author of The Serpent's Egg)
Thank you :)
HeyI'm really surprised at Hermiones hostility... Waw! That is something new. Snape offered help??? Fishy!The world has come to an end.I really like this fic. You do know how to captive the readers. Hugs, Carmille
Heck, I would take his help. I can't believe he even offered.
Response from Azrael (Author of The Serpent's Egg)
Yep, I can't believe he offered either. I think he's interested.Az :)
I missed this when it first went up because I was on vacation, and I'm so glad I happened to notice the new chapter when looking for things to read. Time turner stories have always fascinated me, and it's wonderful to read one that deals realistically with the "culture shock" aspect, if you can call it that. I look forward to reading more as it appears.
This is good! I've been resisiting fanfics that include the original Maurauders, but this one has got me intrigued! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Write On!
Hubby (medicdaddy), suggested I should start reading this.
It's been awhile since I've read one of your stories. This looks to be a treat.
The boys and company will be in a panic. Malfoys are nice. I can picture that.
Waiting for more wonderful chapters.
ps How is your family?
Wow, Az is writting again (Delighted Dance)!
oooo, mysterious.....I can't wait to see what happens next!
Great story really sucks you in good detail with out getting monotonis .But i new it was worth reading when i saw who the writer was and i was right. I will be wating for the update's .
Oh this is a great start. I look forward to reading more of it.
I can't wait to see what happens next. Excellent beginning. It makes you want more!!!
Ooh, very interesting set-up. I can't wait to see where the time turner takes her and what happens then.
And, honestly, can I slap Harry for the old "if Voldemort doesn't see me and Ginny together then she won't be a target" thing? I mean, didn't he see how well that worked when Dumbledore tried that with him?
Ooh, very good start. I love the longer chapter, and I'm eagerly awaiting to see what happens next!
Oh, my ... suspense! I was just telling SW that I enjoyed keeping readers in suspense ... or was that having fun at their expense? Writing suspense is fun. It's even more fun being in suspense. Waiting too long, however, can be detrimental to one's health. I can feel mine waning already.
In all seriousness. You set up this chapter nicely. Gave us a lot of background, and honestly, I don't know why I didn't see the end coming there, but I didn't. And now I'm definitely looking forward to more!
Your story is very intriging. I hope you update soon!
I'm not a regular reviewer on this site, but I liked this story well enough a year or two ago--whenever it was that I first found it--that I've kept checking it every few months. It has the potential to be the most realistic time-turner story I've seen.Out of curiostity, though, do you ever plan on finishing/posting more? I've been in fandom long enough to understand that life happens, though I would be sad to see this story abandoned. However, it'd be nice to know, one way or the other.
Response from Azrael (Author of The Serpent's Egg)
I have to admit that I had initially abandoned the story due to RL issues and DH stealing any desire to write fanfiction - but recently I have started writing again. I am finishing Selling Snape, and once that is done I plan to get back into the Serpents Egg. I have three more chapters already written for it, so I certainly plan to get it finished in the coming months.Az
Response from Azrael (Author of The Serpent's Egg)
I have to admit that I had initially abandoned the story due to RL issues and DH stealing any desire to write fanfiction - but recently I have started writing again. I am finishing Selling Snape, and once that is done I plan to get back into the Serpents Egg. I have three more chapters already written for it, so I certainly plan to get it finished in the coming months.Az
This chapter is an interesting take on familiar characters from twenty years in the past, and your story is being well developed. Good writing!Beth
This first chapter gave great background to what had been going on with the trio for the previous months. I love time turner fics because the possiblilties are endless and the writer can take you anywhere, to any time.I was happy to find that you had stories posted at TPP. The first fanfic I read was Objects of Desire at Obscurus Books and I was HOOKED!Beth
I love time turner stories! I've favorited this one and I do hope you keep it up!