New Chapter for Dragons in the Dungeon
Dragons in the Dungeon
MsTree35 Reviews | 35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
This story is a sequel to Velvet Song's "Damsels and Dragons". Severus apparently has not conquered the curse after all, or is there something else going on?
Start ReadingChapters (14)
About MsTree
Member Since 2007 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 106 | 999 Reviews Written | 918 Review Responses
A citizen of Calontir, living in the State of Misery, located north of Are-Kansas and south of Iowewaytoomuch. Writer of fiction who reads more than is healthy for her and owned by two terrors... I mean, terriers. ^_^
Reviews for Dragons in the Dungeon
I hope Gaby will be ok.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Keeeeeep reading (when the next chapters ate put up). :)
I must say I'm feeling a little sorry for Mr Diggory, he has no idea what he is walking into.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Oh, you have NO idea.
I keep hoping for an update ;) . I just finished rereading all the available chapters
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Sorry, there's been some illness in my family with a protracted stay in the hospital for myself as well. I have Chapters 12 and 13 ready to be edited, but I have to psych myself into editing them. ^_^
Response from mistresscosmos (Reviewer)
Well you are missed. I hope you and your family feel better soon. I know what you mean about illness, I just had my cancer removed after two years of trying to get insurance and then get everything approved.
It would appear that Athair is a permanent part of Severus, I wonder if it will be possible to separate them without harming one or the other.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
To quote one of my favourite authors: Keeeeeeep reading. ^_^
I wonder who tried to get through Severus' wards, it must be someone that has knowledge of his family.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
*whistles casually* Well, now, who do you think it was? ^_^
Athair has a mind of his own, and likes being close to Hermione, nothing but good can come of that. I really love little Marigold, she can stand up to Severus, and not many can say that. Can't wait to see what Hermione brings back from London.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
As Severus stated, Marigold is all but mistress of the manor. As for Athair, who knows. ^_^
I can't wait to find out about this obdurate potion Hermione is working on. I think it might prove useful with our Mr Bowles.But what I'm really chomping at the bit for is to see what Marbh-clah is like and what they can find in the library there!!!Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
The estate was described briefly in the first story, but I do go into a little more detail here. Not much, though. After all, I believe in letting readers use their own imagination rather than my telling them what's what. ^_^
It would appear the law in the wizarding world is just as hard to understand, as it is in the muggle world. Looking forward to viseting the library, with Severus and Hermione.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Laws is laws, no matter where you go. I had to study evidentiary law in college as part of my degree. Probably the hardest classes I had to take. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Laws is laws, no matter where you go. I had to study evidentiary law in college as part of my degree. Probably the hardest classes I had to take. ^_^
I wonder... could this "other wizard" who Obliviated Albert Bowles have something to do with the curse-that-won't-go-away? Could he have knowledge of what Voldemort did to Severus? Could he be an undiscovered Death Eater? There are soooooo many possibilities.Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Aren't there, though. *very evil grin* ^_^
Oh the plot thickens. It seems that someone wants Severus to suffer. I'm sure that Hermione will solve this with the help of all their friends. Great chapter
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Appreciate the thanks and the support. ^_^
First Severus turning into a Dragon again, now a Ministry official obliviated, the plot is thickening nicely.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
*curtsies* Thank you very much. ^_^
Severus is most afraid of being a were-beast - like Remus. Pansy appears competent and dedicated. Perhaps the cynical nature of a lawyer suits her. A school dragon is only one more reason for students not to be out of bed. Given the metabolic requirements of dragons, Severus should be ravenous. I was waiting for some wry commentary from Severus; "We'll have to schedule Potions (or DADA) for the afternoon."
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Severus, at the moment, is not teaching. He's been a dragon for the last eight years and others are teaching his classes. Lucius is the DADA teacher and Hermione teaches Potions. I imagine Minerva will find him a job, but it won't be one of those. ^_^
Who is this "other wizard" who doesn't want Severus' will overturned? Mr Bowles was clearly placed under the Imperius curse - and then Obliviated! Something wicked this way comes.I'm looking forward to the next chapter.Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Not necessarily Imperiused, but convinced Severus is an imposter by a very fervent person. ^_^
Now you really have me confused! Hummm... could it have something to do with Hermione since she was the subject of Severus' subconscious thoughts last night? Could she have become an Animagus? A dragon Animagus? Inquiring minds want to know!Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
All I can do is quote my favorite mainstream author (of which I have many): Keeeeeep reading! ^_^
Oh, my! If it isn't really Severus taking nightly flights as a dragon, I can't imagine what -or who- it could be... unless someone else has been cursed with the same curse that Voldemort had used on him... what's a wizard to do? And what is Hermione going to do?Very nice beginning!Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Thank you. I appreciate your continued interest in the story. ^_^
Interesting and original. Well-written too! I find no faults!
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Not so original, but thank you. Considering I used the jointly written story, Damsel and Dragon, as a springboard for this story, I'm happy to claim the interesting and well-written parts. ^_^
The first part adds a welcome extra layer which I think benefits the story although I do not know what the situation is or what Pansy's stake in the matter is. In the second part, the wizards did manage to identify the problem fairly quickly, didn't they?
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Part of the reason I encouraged people to read the first story. Pansy is now a lawyer and has been retained by Severus about overturning the will that left all his possessions to Hermione, which was part of the plot from the first story. ^_^
This chapter reminds of a drawing room scene in a detective story with its lines of inquiry, protestations of innocence, and various characters sniping at each other and reassuring each other. I keep thinking it is a difficult scene to write, but perhaps it wasn't for you.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
I actually had fun with this chapter. For some reason, the dialogue just flowed, unlike other times when the characters don't want to cooperate and go their own direction, rather than following mine. ^_^
Haven't read the prequel, but this seems to stand on its own. A poetic and haunting first section followed by a scene that offers partial information, the story characters, and some relationship undercurrents.
(This editor will not let me leave a rating.)
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Thank you for your kind words. It's not really a prequel, but a full story which I used as a springboard for this story with Velvet Song's permission. If you get a little confused later in the story, I strongly encourage you to go back and read the earlier story. ^_^
Oh MsTree I have just read all three chapters to the sequel and found myself drawn right in to the story. Great job Ilove the way you right Severus & Hermionie. Real life has put me behind in my reading, but I'm glad Ihad your story to read.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Thank you. Chapter 4 is in the queue. Anyone's guess as to when our poor overworked admins will be able to get to it, but you'll have that to look forward to at least. ^_^
Lucius is enjoying this entirely too much! :)
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Isn't he, though? I really enjoyed writing this sequel, especially later on. Keep reading and you'll see what I mean. ^_^
Like I said. Pot! (and no-one will have any idea what I mean! LOL :)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
I was referring to you torturing the characters by having the dragon thing not go away as planned! ;)
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
What good is a sequel if you don't involve elements from the original? ^_~
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Besides, sev-as-dragon was kinda cute!
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Oh, it gets cuter. *walks away, whistling* ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
This isn't a farce! Well, not yet anyway. I'll let you decide as we get further into the story. ^_^
I had hoped the revealing spells would have worked, it would be great to be able to turn into a dragon at will.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Wouldn't it, though? However, there are other factors at work. Keep reading to find out more. ^_^
I'm wondering, if this is left over from Voldermort's Tom Riddle's spell, or is something else at play.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
To quote my favorite mainstream author, "Keeeeeep Reading". ^_^
I am so glad to see, that you are continuing this lovely tale. Looking forward to more.
Response from MsTree (Author of Dragons in the Dungeon)
Thank you and thank Velvet Song for allowing me to use her characterizations and write a sequel. ^_^