New Chapter for Work Release
Work Release
phoenix76 Reviews | 76 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Victims from a late war poisoning attack have one hope of survival - incarcerated Death Eater Severus Snape. Can he be convinced to not only help save them, but to work with Hermione Granger to do so?
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Work Release
Well, I'm hoping you are still working on this story, and haven't given it up. I quite like it. And who says you have to follow JKR's story now? Just write what you were always going to, and the rest can go hang. Mark it as A.U. If you have to; we'll still read it. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Don't worry, this won't be abandoned. :) It's actually almost complete. I have a couple of more chapters almost ready to post. I've just had one of those pesky attacks of RL - you know things like cooking, cleaning, taking care of children. LOL I also don't want to spam the board by updating both of my stories at the same time. Thanks for reviewing and glad to see you are enjoying the story.
Response from TheCopperDragon2004 (Reviewer)
Yay can't wait! So many of my beloved stories ate being abandoned, I'm glad this one isn't!
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I know what you mean. I did the review-a-thon and saw so many stories that looked interesting from the descriptions, but had not been updated in 6 months or more so I reluctantly passed, even though I was sure I would enjoy the story.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Don't worry, this won't be abandoned. :) It's actually almost complete. I have a couple of more chapters almost ready to post. I've just had one of those pesky attacks of RL - you know things like cooking, cleaning, taking care of children. LOL I also don't want to spam the board by updating both of my stories at the same time. Thanks for reviewing and glad to see you are enjoying the story.
Response from TheCopperDragon2004 (Reviewer)
Yay can't wait! So many of my beloved stories ate being abandoned, I'm glad this one isn't!
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I know what you mean. I did the review-a-thon and saw so many stories that looked interesting from the descriptions, but had not been updated in 6 months or more so I reluctantly passed, even though I was sure I would enjoy the story.
Well, I'm hoping you are still working on this story, and haven't given it up. I quite like it. And who says you have to follow JKR's story now? Just write what you were always going to, and the rest can go hang. Mark it as A.U. If you have to; we'll still read it. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Thank you for your review. I haven't given up on it, I just have summer vacation and visiting relatives in the house, so it's been chaotic to say the least. The next chapter should be up soon. I generally don't have problems with AU (heck, most of what I've written has been AU), but I was writing this when DH came out and the muses were gutted by what happened to Severus and refused to cooperate for years. They finally got over it. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Thank you for your review. I haven't given up on it, I just have summer vacation and visiting relatives in the house, so it's been chaotic to say the least. The next chapter should be up soon. I generally don't have problems with AU (heck, most of what I've written has been AU), but I was writing this when DH came out and the muses were gutted by what happened to Severus and refused to cooperate for years. They finally got over it. :)
Gah, hell of a cliffie!it's probably just as well Dumbledore is already dead, because no doubt Severus would be inclined (after he's cleared) to repeat the task for all the missteps and wandering path he's leading the pair of them on.I tend to agree with Hermione, that it's all moving at too fast a pace, but then love is not something that runs to a definable schedule. ;)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
<eg> Cliffies are always such fun - from the writing point. I know how frustrating they can be for the reading point.I have to agree with you that given all he's been through, Severus is probably going to start feeling a bit less guilty about the role he played in Dumbledore's demise. And poor Hermione is in a bit of a land of confusion. She didn't even want to work with Severus and now she finds she not only can get along with him, but might have some feelings for him. Pretty scary for her.Thanks for the review, and the resolve for the cliffie should be up soon.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
<eg> Cliffies are always such fun - from the writing point. I know how frustrating they can be for the reading point.I have to agree with you that given all he's been through, Severus is probably going to start feeling a bit less guilty about the role he played in Dumbledore's demise. And poor Hermione is in a bit of a land of confusion. She didn't even want to work with Severus and now she finds she not only can get along with him, but might have some feelings for him. Pretty scary for her.Thanks for the review, and the resolve for the cliffie should be up soon.
I can't help thinking that Dumbledore wanted Severus back in the castle, so used the idea of a 'keepings box' as incentive,knowing full well that it would take both of them to open it.The revelations into the psyche of Severus are interesting, and it's layering of his life that is making Hermione more and more cognisant of how large a role he had in saving their skins. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Dumbledore is so annoyingly cryptic. I don't know that he planned for the two of them to get together, but he certainly is annoyingly pleased about it, isn't he?Hermione is definitely getting her eyes opened to the real Severus, though she is more open minded than the boys and always defended him - knowing the Dumbledore had a reason for placing so much trust in Snape. I think she's actually a bit relieved that despite everything Dumbledore put her and her friends through, that she was correct in standing by Severus. And she is gaining a new appreciation of what he did to keep them alive, even if all of it from the books isn't relevant to this story, he did still help out immensely.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Dumbledore is so annoyingly cryptic. I don't know that he planned for the two of them to get together, but he certainly is annoyingly pleased about it, isn't he?Hermione is definitely getting her eyes opened to the real Severus, though she is more open minded than the boys and always defended him - knowing the Dumbledore had a reason for placing so much trust in Snape. I think she's actually a bit relieved that despite everything Dumbledore put her and her friends through, that she was correct in standing by Severus. And she is gaining a new appreciation of what he did to keep them alive, even if all of it from the books isn't relevant to this story, he did still help out immensely.
Curiouser and curiouser. Manipulative old coot that he is, I doubt it's been too often that Dumbledore has ever had a dressing down from anyone.To give the information readily means there are things at play than neither Severus or Hermione realise.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Yeah, the old codger really had it coming. I don't know if she would have had the gumption to do it to his person, but she definitely reached the breaking point here, didn't she? Not that anyone can blame her.And yes, he would never make it that simple, would he?
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Yeah, the old codger really had it coming. I don't know if she would have had the gumption to do it to his person, but she definitely reached the breaking point here, didn't she? Not that anyone can blame her.And yes, he would never make it that simple, would he?
A pleasant snape in a position to ask, and receive pretty much anything from the Ministry. it seems a little too easy that the antidote worked so quickly, and I sense that it's going to be a long and windy path (with lots of jagged edges) before Severus truly is exonerated
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It was nice to see Snape find his backbone again, wasn't it? He knew he had something he could bargain with.And there is a difference between a pardon and being exonerated. The latter clearly having a much more arduous path. Here's to hoping that path leads somewhere, right?
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It was nice to see Snape find his backbone again, wasn't it? He knew he had something he could bargain with.And there is a difference between a pardon and being exonerated. The latter clearly having a much more arduous path. Here's to hoping that path leads somewhere, right?
This is such an inventive and original start, and it's sucked me in almost straight away. :)The mystery and hard decisions made make me wonder just what could be so toxic, and I can't help wondering if Minerva isn't one of the victims. It would make Severus work that much harder and longer to find a cure I think, given his previous friendship.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked the start. I was trying to find something that would cause the Ministry to decide that perhaps working with Severus is better than leaving him to rot. Of course, given he's working for his freedom, I don't know that it would matter too much who the victims were. Cure them or spend a lifetime in Azkaban - not really much of a choice, is it?
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked the start. I was trying to find something that would cause the Ministry to decide that perhaps working with Severus is better than leaving him to rot. Of course, given he's working for his freedom, I don't know that it would matter too much who the victims were. Cure them or spend a lifetime in Azkaban - not really much of a choice, is it?
Hermione, he cooks. Don't let that one get away! I'm glad he was able to get his feelings out in the open, but that she wasn't afraid to let him know it was too much too soon. Now, I really want them to get some answers!
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love the sentiment about him cooking. His eagerness and her reluctance come from their respective ages, but at least he wasn't put off and deciding to pull away from her over it. Of course given he's who he is, he's probably inwardly thrilled that she didn't recoil from his affections. And yes, they need some answers.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love the sentiment about him cooking. His eagerness and her reluctance come from their respective ages, but at least he wasn't put off and deciding to pull away from her over it. Of course given he's who he is, he's probably inwardly thrilled that she didn't recoil from his affections. And yes, they need some answers.
I should have known that Dumbledore's answer seemed to clear cut. He never quits, does he?That was quite an intimate secret that Severus shared to his newly acquired friend. Of course, he probably does realize how much he owes her, and he still wants to get in her good graces. I hope they find what they are looking for.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Nope, Dumbledore just has to obfuscate everything. As to him telling Hermione, I think he's finally realizing that there is a give and take to life, that now that he's a free man (well, almost free) he can do what he wants for the first time ever. He wants to learn more about her, so he realizes he has to tell her more about him. He's still trying to figure out why she wants to help him since no one else seems to want to do so. Of course, he was also careless with his remarks and backed himself into a corner where he was forced to answer, but it felt good for him to finally share that with someone who cared about him.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Nope, Dumbledore just has to obfuscate everything. As to him telling Hermione, I think he's finally realizing that there is a give and take to life, that now that he's a free man (well, almost free) he can do what he wants for the first time ever. He wants to learn more about her, so he realizes he has to tell her more about him. He's still trying to figure out why she wants to help him since no one else seems to want to do so. Of course, he was also careless with his remarks and backed himself into a corner where he was forced to answer, but it felt good for him to finally share that with someone who cared about him.
Well, at least Severus wasn't too stubborn, and he is allowing her to help him, even if he just thinks he is humoring her. Now, let's hope they can find this keepings box.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Severus is still a bit beaten down from his time being left to rot in prison and being abandoned by everyone. Of course Hermione while not Dumbledore's number one fan, has to have her Gryffindor belief that there was no way he could have abandoned Severus.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Severus is still a bit beaten down from his time being left to rot in prison and being abandoned by everyone. Of course Hermione while not Dumbledore's number one fan, has to have her Gryffindor belief that there was no way he could have abandoned Severus.
I didn't expect success so quickly. That just means more time for a developing relationship. Well, provided he doesn't get fussy and run off or something. That would be totally unlike him though, wouldn't it? :) I suppose he probably can't really move on until he is officially pardoned, even though it has been promised. Off to find out more ...
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Well he had to succeed quickly since the Ministry left securing his help until just about the last minute. But that's okay, Hermione has found herself and underdog to champion. So it's not like she will be abandoning him. Thanks for your review. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Well he had to succeed quickly since the Ministry left securing his help until just about the last minute. But that's okay, Hermione has found herself and underdog to champion. So it's not like she will be abandoning him. Thanks for your review. :)
Being mean is not in Hermione's nature, and I'm glad she realized it and backed off. I wonder how long it will take them to decide that working together is not so bad? Snape will find an answer; there is too much at stake.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Being mean isn't in her nature. I think she was trying to find that line between authoritatve and mean and having some trouble with it. But she is bright enough to know that some methods don't work with some people. Ahem, Snape. ;) We're all rooting for Severus. I doubt anyone has the knowledge or experience he does, hence Arthur being forced to turn to someone he isn't sure he should trust. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you enjoy the rest of it. New chapters come every 4-7 days if I don't forget. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Being mean isn't in her nature. I think she was trying to find that line between authoritatve and mean and having some trouble with it. But she is bright enough to know that some methods don't work with some people. Ahem, Snape. ;) We're all rooting for Severus. I doubt anyone has the knowledge or experience he does, hence Arthur being forced to turn to someone he isn't sure he should trust. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you enjoy the rest of it. New chapters come every 4-7 days if I don't forget. :)
And being the Potion Master he is, I suspect him to be quite a formidable cook.I like that Hermione allows herself time to be in doubt. Some things should not be rushed.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I'm sure he is quite a good cook. As everyone has said, following a recipe is a lot like brewing a potion.Hermione would naturally have doubts. Her life has been a whirlwind of adventure that is just now starting to slow down. Of course, his life was stagnating in prison and he's likely got the 'take the bull by the horns' mentality. Quite a dichotomy there, isn't it?
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I'm sure he is quite a good cook. As everyone has said, following a recipe is a lot like brewing a potion.Hermione would naturally have doubts. Her life has been a whirlwind of adventure that is just now starting to slow down. Of course, his life was stagnating in prison and he's likely got the 'take the bull by the horns' mentality. Quite a dichotomy there, isn't it?
I'm guessing that when Hermione realises she loves Severus the "keepings box" will open, perhaps they already have it but won't know until it opens, The kiss was very sweet, and unexpected .
I'm sure that Severus is a good cook, being a potions master would help in that line.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Soon the mystery of the keepings box will be revealed. I'm glad you liked the kiss. I think Severus is in this place where his thoughts are something along the lines of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' and that he knows his time with her is quite finite if something doesn't happen. This is a man who can finally take control of his life.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Soon the mystery of the keepings box will be revealed. I'm glad you liked the kiss. I think Severus is in this place where his thoughts are something along the lines of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' and that he knows his time with her is quite finite if something doesn't happen. This is a man who can finally take control of his life.
Dumbles and his riddles. Why do I get the feeling that they are making this harder than it really is this time? A keeping box sounds so much like a house-elf term for something. Hermione is so very cute when she's flustered - I get the feeling Severus enjoys seeing her that way when he's responsible for getting her that way.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Yup, Dumbledore has to have his riddles. Can't give a straight answer to anything, even if it keeps an innocent man out of prison. And isn't flustered Hermione fun? Something tells me Severus' has enough personality quirks he could do that for years. :) Thanks for reviewing.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Yup, Dumbledore has to have his riddles. Can't give a straight answer to anything, even if it keeps an innocent man out of prison. And isn't flustered Hermione fun? Something tells me Severus' has enough personality quirks he could do that for years. :) Thanks for reviewing.
That elderly wizard in Magical Probate was getting on my last nerve. If Hermione hadn't decided to talk to Arthur to sort out this folderol, I think I might have cursed the old man myself just to get him out of the way. I keep thinking about what that Keeping Box might be, and we have a few clues to go by:•Severus had said that "It's a magically sealed object that will open when the time is right." •Dumbledore had talked about Faith, and how Harry's faith had allowed him to call Fawkes when he an Ginny were trapped in the Chamber of Secrets. •And Hermione has already demonstrated the quality that was necessary to open the keeping box.Well, I have no idea right now what that "box" might be, but I'll keep reading this story and looking for more clues. You've really set us quite a puzzle to unravel.I'm glad that Severus' kiss didn't put her off. I think they can find the evidence to prove his innocence and get to know each other better at the same time, too. In fact, I don't know how the two of them could find that proof without getting to know more about each other.Thanks for another great chapter!Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Aren't lifelong, institutionalized bureaucrats fun? NOT! I really enjoyed having some fussy old, by the rules wizard for Hermione to have to deal with. Thank goodness she knows the Minister.I'm glad you are enjoying the puzzle of the box. It just wouldn't be right if Dumbledore had left evidence where someone might actually be able to easily find it. So frustrating that he can play these little games even from beyond the grave.That kiss was a nice subtle shift in their relationship, wasn't it? He figures he can finally live his life on his terms and not feel like he has to protect others and she's coming into adulthood and not quite sure what she wants. And he can feel confident that he didn't get outright rejected.Thanks for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful review.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Aren't lifelong, institutionalized bureaucrats fun? NOT! I really enjoyed having some fussy old, by the rules wizard for Hermione to have to deal with. Thank goodness she knows the Minister.I'm glad you are enjoying the puzzle of the box. It just wouldn't be right if Dumbledore had left evidence where someone might actually be able to easily find it. So frustrating that he can play these little games even from beyond the grave.That kiss was a nice subtle shift in their relationship, wasn't it? He figures he can finally live his life on his terms and not feel like he has to protect others and she's coming into adulthood and not quite sure what she wants. And he can feel confident that he didn't get outright rejected.Thanks for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful review.
And, as a Potions master, I'm sure he's an excellent cook at that. ^_^
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I'm sure that he is. Given his reputation, I'm sure he has plenty of skills that can surprise Hermione.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I'm sure that he is. Given his reputation, I'm sure he has plenty of skills that can surprise Hermione.
Now there's a new idea for Severus to warp his mind around, someone that cares about him, and doesn't make him suffer for it.
On to the search for the keepers box.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It is a new idea for Severus, isn't it? She's be nice to him and really has nothing to gain for herself. She's doing this because it's the right thing to do. Very novel for him.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It is a new idea for Severus, isn't it? She's be nice to him and really has nothing to gain for herself. She's doing this because it's the right thing to do. Very novel for him.
YES! at last someone willing to stand up to the old bastard esteemed Headmaster, I hope he will at least tell Hermione what this " keepings box " looks like.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love everyone's reaction to her lashing out at Dumbledore. Someone had to do it, right? Hopefully she can solve the mystery of the keepings box and help Severus get his life back.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love everyone's reaction to her lashing out at Dumbledore. Someone had to do it, right? Hopefully she can solve the mystery of the keepings box and help Severus get his life back.
Hermione doesn't have much reason to trust Severus, and yet she does, she must be listening to her heart. Cant wait to see what the great bearded tit... sorry professor Dumbledor, has to say for himself.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love your description of Dumbledore. Severus has said just enough to picque Hermione's curiosity, to help her realize that none of them really knew him. And of course she loves to champion and underdog. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
LOL I love your description of Dumbledore. Severus has said just enough to picque Hermione's curiosity, to help her realize that none of them really knew him. And of course she loves to champion and underdog. :)
Perhaps there is method to Dumbledore's madness. At each stage when they have run into a barrier to finding what they needed, they have worked together to put the pieces in just the right order. As it was with brewing the healing potion, now to find the keeping box they are working together... and at each stage they learn something more about each other... and each time they grow closer and trust more deeply. I can't wait to find out what they find in that stroage room!Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Given it's Dumbledore, I'm sure he thinks there is a method to his madness and always has been. Just not everyone shares his vision of things. And I think he's meddling from beyond the grave, much to everyone's annoyance.
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
LOL! I think you're right about Dumbledore's opinion of his meddling ways. He was always clothing his plans in that "greater good" ploy which, if one happened to find him/herself not among the ones who benefitted, was very annoying, indeed.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Given it's Dumbledore, I'm sure he thinks there is a method to his madness and always has been. Just not everyone shares his vision of things. And I think he's meddling from beyond the grave, much to everyone's annoyance.
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
LOL! I think you're right about Dumbledore's opinion of his meddling ways. He was always clothing his plans in that "greater good" ploy which, if one happened to find him/herself not among the ones who benefitted, was very annoying, indeed.
Y'know, why does Dumbledore have to be so cryptic? There's NO NEED for it. Jerk.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I think your last word answers your first question. LOL When has that man ever given a straight answer to anything? But at least he gave her some sort of an answer - which is more than Minerva got.
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Yeah.Dumbledore? NOT high on my list of "favourite people". Even IF I DO think Snape and Harry were right to be "Dumbledore's Men". That's less praise of Dumbledore than condemnation of the Dark Lord and the Ministry; the alternative was so much worse...
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
I think your last word answers your first question. LOL When has that man ever given a straight answer to anything? But at least he gave her some sort of an answer - which is more than Minerva got.
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Yeah.Dumbledore? NOT high on my list of "favourite people". Even IF I DO think Snape and Harry were right to be "Dumbledore's Men". That's less praise of Dumbledore than condemnation of the Dark Lord and the Ministry; the alternative was so much worse...
I wonder what Snape makes of Hermiones comment about her being the only one that cares for him. I hope he doesn't balk too much.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Definitely a shock for him to hear to that someone actually cares about him. That's something that probably hasn't happened since Lily. Dumbledore may have acted like it, but I think in hindsight Severus realizes he was merely a tool. Hopefully his new lease on life will allow him to open his eyes and realize he doesn't have to be alone, that no one would be in danger from getting close to him.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
Definitely a shock for him to hear to that someone actually cares about him. That's something that probably hasn't happened since Lily. Dumbledore may have acted like it, but I think in hindsight Severus realizes he was merely a tool. Hopefully his new lease on life will allow him to open his eyes and realize he doesn't have to be alone, that no one would be in danger from getting close to him.
Enjoyable chapter thank you. Wonder if the House Elf could have found the item. But then they would not have the opportunity to cement their friendship.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
The house-elf would have gladly helped, but there is the small matter of not knowing exactly what they are looking for. And as you said, it gets her more opportunity to unravel the enigma of Severus Snape.
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
The house-elf would have gladly helped, but there is the small matter of not knowing exactly what they are looking for. And as you said, it gets her more opportunity to unravel the enigma of Severus Snape.
I bet writing this chapter was something of a catharsis for you. I know I had some major grief with the 'Sainted Dumbledore'. Enjoying!
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It really did feel good to have someone finally lash out at him. Yes, he was a powerful wizard, but he was by no means perfect and those cracks were showing before Rita's book, but her investigation really put them in perspective. I'm glad you are enjoying this so far and thanks for the review. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Work Release)
It really did feel good to have someone finally lash out at him. Yes, he was a powerful wizard, but he was by no means perfect and those cracks were showing before Rita's book, but her investigation really put them in perspective. I'm glad you are enjoying this so far and thanks for the review. :)