New Chapter for Affected Recollections
Affected Recollections
little beloved75 Reviews | 75 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Hermione Granger is charged with the task of preparing Severus Snape's memories for trial.
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About little beloved
little beloved
Member Since 2006 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 353 | 79 Reviews Written | 698 Review Responses
Reviews for Affected Recollections
Wow! I was surprised you ended the story like that, but this is a much more realistic outcome of his court case.
And now we know he'll find his happily-ever-after in just two years (or 16 months, with good behavior)! Thanks for this lovely story, great job at showing how very compatible our favorite couple is. :D
I enjoy the camaraderie they are sharing, but can't help but feel sad for Hermione's 'emprisonment'. It always angers me when (either in canon or fanfic) she gets left out in the cold after a falling-out with Ron. :(
"grinning like an ape"
Ha! Love this description!
Fabricating memories of Lily to motivate Harry seems much more of an Albus-y kind of manipulation, so it makes total sense that it would be a joint plot. No matter how much Severus' spying helped the Order, no matter even that he felt remorse for accidentally making Lily a target, Harry's animosity toward him was too great. It would have to get personal for Harry to believe that Severus would be on the 'good' side.
Geez, Albus' puppet-master tendencies and Severus' magical talents were a powerful combination!
Yes, that's our Snape: a complete and utter (and innocent) bastard!
I also like Albert, and that he keeps Snape supplied with Crackwords. :)
What a delicious beginning to a story! I love fics that either tell the books' story from another point of view, or twist certain aspects to become slightly AU, and this is certainly fitting the bill on both counts. Can't wait to see how this develops!
Oh you meany! Still, lack of Hollywood ending aside, that was a lovely story.
I think I'm in danger of getting all soppy over this!
Hee! This is a very charming story!
it was entirely more noble to have acted out of a sense of justice, goodness even, than to have done it all for the memory of a dead woman.
Oh my, I love the Patronus scene! Poor, Snape and his effeminate Charm!
Ooh ooh ohh! Although I'm wondering how well his defence will go when they admit that his main character witness was taken in by the false memories. Although I think I may personally have more time for a man who betrayed Voldemort because it was the right thing to do, rather than because of a rather pathetic love story.
Er - I don't much like what Rowling did to Snape's back story.
At last! Severus lets down his barriers.
On to the trial.
At last! Severus lets down his barriers. On to the trial.
Shameless doing crosswords together, and Albert right outside the door.
A doe! the marauders must have had a field day. loving the foreplay with Sudoku, the next thing you know they'll be doing the crossword together, she does across ne does down.
I hope Harry won't take it to badly, I love that Severus is still a bastard, I don't like it when he all soppy.
Well that was a surprise! On to the next chapter, to see what other bombshells await.
Thank you ,I enjoyed your story very much, the ending was perfect.
Imagine my surprise when this ended, since for some reason I thought is was 8 chapters long. Obviously I'm tired. Good side, as it is 2 chapters shorter than expected, I can go to bed now. Lovely job and thanks for the author's note/epilogue. The only thing I left wanting to know was why his patronus was a doe. Left to my own devices I believe James' was a stag because he had a secret crush on Severus and it was in direct response to the doe. However that still doesn't answer the question 'why a doe'. But it does make me chuckle. Yes, obviously time for bed. Goodnight and good reading....
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
I really have no explanation for the doe, other than that it might, as Hermione suggests, be the soft side of Severus that he tries so very hard to hide from the world. :) Thanks for your reviews! LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
I really have no explanation for the doe, other than that it might, as Hermione suggests, be the soft side of Severus that he tries so very hard to hide from the world. :) Thanks for your reviews! LB x
Heartbreaking. But in a good way.
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Good heartbreak is good. LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Good heartbreak is good. LB x
Dwaaa they're crushing on each other. How sweet. (And there is a kitty making biscuits on my foot in its sleep. With all four paws. That's sweet too).
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Severus is angry that you called him sweet! :) LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Severus is angry that you called him sweet! :) LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
LOL. Glad you liked it. :D LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
LOL. Glad you liked it. :D LB x
I love your authors note at the end. You are too funny. I am extremely pleased you are back. Your return, coupled with that of Subversa has made me one very happy reader. And yes, now I will head over to Denial, which is one of my favorite all time stories. I find it hard to believe that it can be any better, but I am sure it will be. I was just waiting for a few more chappies to get up so could enjoy my reading with my Friday night martini. Cheers!
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Cheers right back at you, Gryff. I hope that martini was good. :) Thank you for your lovely review, and I hope you enjoy the rewrite of Denial. I'll be uploading Chapter 7 in a few minutes. LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Cheers right back at you, Gryff. I hope that martini was good. :) Thank you for your lovely review, and I hope you enjoy the rewrite of Denial. I'll be uploading Chapter 7 in a few minutes. LB x
This was charming! It was the perfect foil to distract me from the the frenzied anticipation of the next chapter of Denial... Arrrrgh! I love your writing!
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
LOL. Thank you very much, chow. :) You're very kind. And the next chapter of Denial will be up within the hour! LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
LOL. Thank you very much, chow. :) You're very kind. And the next chapter of Denial will be up within the hour! LB x
Lovely story. Very enjoyable.
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Thank you, reader! :) LB x
Response from little beloved (Author of Affected Recollections)
Thank you, reader! :) LB x