Chapter Two
Chapter 3 of 14
TeddyRadiatorIn a world where Lord Voldemort defeated Harry Potter and the Order, the Minister for Magic makes Hermione Granger an offer she cannot refuse - become a spokesperson for the new regime, or rot in prison. But Hermione has her own, dangerous agenda. Can she complete her appointed task without running afoul of the law, or the man she despises most - Severus Snape?
Written by stgulik and Teddy Radiator for Droxy. This story was originally commissioned as a TPP Every Flavour Auction gift, but was actually written for the 2012 Summer LJ het_bigbang fest.
Severus Snape stepped off the lift at the level of the executive offices. He strolled down the polished black marble hall, the heels of his boots ringing purposefully on the stone floor. Golden torches illuminated the hall, throwing glittering reflections off the black tile walls and ceiling. The effect was the sense of perpetual night. Time had no meaning in the Ministry of Magic. One might emerge from the vast underground building to find it was the mid-afternoon or three in the morning. Severus never got used to it.
The double doors to his office suite opened silently ahead of him. The desk in the outer office was empty; his secretary was away. She was an elderly woman who had served the previous administration. Severus knew she would return according to some arcane schedule only she knew. Not that there was a lot here to keep her busy. Whatever work she did to occupy her time in this office, very little of it stemmed from his own responsibilities.
Another set of gleaming doors opened in response to his touch and led to his inner office. He shed his ceremonial robes and draped them carelessly on a nearby chaise. For a second, he weighed the merits of four or five expensive-looking bottles ranged on a sideboard before rejecting them all. He made his way instead to his ornate desk, pulling a bottle of Ogden's and a tumbler out of the bottom drawer. He took a healthy belt of whisky, then poured himself a second shot, put back the bottle and sat down behind the desk. Kicking back, Severus carefully loosened his cravat and starched collar.
He caught a glimpse of himself, mirrored in the false window of his office. Same face; same harsh, severe lines, same large black eyes, same scimitar of a nose, same inscrutable expression, which everyone assumed was one of utter nonchalance. In reality, it was abject emptiness.
He took a smaller drink from the second glassful, and wondered what had happened to the man he had been for most of his life. Severus had never been stupid; he knew he was generally disliked, and he'd gone out of his way to cultivate a manner both unapproachable and avoidable. Getting close to others could hurt; getting close to others got people killed.
He wondered when it had gotten easier to take the path of least resistance; he wondered when all the colour had gone out of his personality. Yes, he'd been a right bastard to friend and foe alike, but at least he'd been awake. Now, he felt like he was sleepwalking, dreaming in black and white.
He had once been a man of great passion and emotion and energy; now it all seemed like too much effort. What was the purpose anymore? Everyone he'd ever felt any passion and emotion and energy for was gone. Severus had been alone for most of his life, but this was a loneliness of self he never quite got used to.
He gently touched the scar tissue on his neck, which still ached after a long day in dress robes. He never quite got used to that, either.
By all rights, he should not have even survived with an injury like this. After Voldemort set the snake Nagini on him, and Severus had done his final duty by Lily Potter's boy, he had lain on the dusty floor of the shack and welcomed the end. But minutes later, he was discovered, purely by chance, and effectively rescued. He had awoken to a new world, one in which the Dark Lord had triumphed over the light.
Severus was not sure who found the fact of his miraculous survival more inconvenient...himself, or the Dark Lord. For Voldemort now considered Severus somewhat of a public embarrassment: the faithful lieutenant who was sacrificed to turn the battle's tide, yet who did not have the good sense to die on command.
However, having won the war anyway, Voldemort seemed to feel he could afford to be generous. Smiling benevolently from atop his new throne, he had sketched an obscene parody of an apology and then blighted Severus's second chance at life.
Lucius and Draco had been at his bedside when he awoke, and he'd struggled to conceal the overwhelming feeling of loss and guilt as Lucius bragged on the victory as if he'd orchestrated it single-handedly. Severus glanced at Draco while the boy's father droned on about a new era dawning in the Wizarding world, but the younger man had looked away, unable to meet his stare.
Severus had felt so heartsick and defeated he had seriously considered ending his own life, but then Lucius said something that snagged deep within him.
"I'm sorry, Lucius, could you repeat that?"
Lucius sighed, heaving his shoulders in that supercilious way that made Severus want to punch his face in, and said, "I'm offering you the moon, Severus, and all you can do is stare at me blankly?" He rolled his eyes and leaned toward the bed. "Our Lord has granted you a very high position within his new Ministry. You are to be Foreign Minister, Your Excellency," he added smugly. When Severus didn't react, he scoffed, "Oh, don't tell me you'd rather spend the most pivotal moments in this or any lifetime buried up in that school in Scotland, Severus! Merlin's sake, man! We are making history here!"
"Your Excellency?"
Severus lifted his eyes to the painted countenance of Foreign Minister A.K. Lugubrious (1872-1997), his predecessor, now a portrait above the mantle.
"What is it, Alfred?" he asked wearily.
"The Minister for Magic would like a word with you. He will be here shortly," the portrait replied. Sure enough, before Severus could finish his last swallow, the fireplace flames turned green and Lucius Malfoy stepped through.
"Bugger the fucking Ukraine," remarked Lucius by way of greeting.
Severus raised an eyebrow. "Obviously I should have read my job description more carefully, Minister. I wasn't aware sodomy was part of my formal duties as Ambassador. Would that be a literal or figurative requirement, sir?"
Lucius headed to the sideboard. "That little troll Lazarov packed up this morning before sunrise and Apparated with his entire bloody diplomatic contingent, leaving behind a letter of regret. A letter." He sat in a chair across from Severus' desk, glass in hand.
"I'll wager it was diplomatically worded, though," replied Severus. "So, if the Ukraine said no to an exploratory diplomatic exchange, then Poland and Romania will no doubt follow suit."
"No doubt." Lucius agreed and began to apply himself to his drink.
"I can see I'll have to get in better shape physically. Although Poland and Romania are used to being reamed on a frequent basis by now."
"I ignored the first tawdry reference, Severus," Lucius remarked, giving his glass its own seeing-to. "I'm disinclined to humour you any further."
"Alright, seeing as you're disinclined toward any humour, I will simply remark that Lazarov's note was not exactly the response we were hoping for," said Severus laconically.
Lucius leveled a stare at him. "By 'we,' you mean me," he said bluntly.
Severus sighed. "Lucius-"
"You yourself are not invested, Severus. You never have been. You're supposed to be our Foreign Secretary. But this-" he waved his hand carelessly to take in the posh office, the secretary, the job title- "doesn't seem to interest you."
He rose to fix himself another drink. "Severus, when our Lord won and we took control, it was a new opportunity for us all. But for some reason, you have never had any real-"
"How did the subject turn to my inadequacies?" asked Severus testily. "We were talking about the fractious Eastern Europe."
"-any real interest in power," continued Lucius, sitting back down. "As your oldest living friend, it doesn't concern me. But our Lord has heard a rumor that you are not happy or productive in your post." He held up his hand peremptorily. "Not from me. I don't discuss administrative matters with our Lord; therein lies the way to madness.
"But Severus, our Lord is watching, regardless. He wanted you in this position. It was his way of thanking you for services rendered before the war. And he wants to see you take a greater interest than you have been in building the new regime." Lucius leaned back and stared absently at his glass as he twirled it with his long fingers. "You were rescued from certain death. You were pardoned by our Lord for your breach of loyalty."
"Loyalty?" Severus cut him off. "Don't recite the party line to me, Lucius. Not here." He stood and placed his hands on the desk, staring at Lucius intently. "Dumbledore did own a very old wand, this is true. He never told me where it came from. But the idea that it was the Elder Wand, and that it possessed some sort of moral code, was the stuff of legend and conjecture. It was a fairy tale. No man in this day and age could believe such a thing. No one could have stated with authority that the wand's loyalties had shifted to someone else after Dumbledore died.
"But even if that wand had somehow allied itself to me...or to anyone...that is no kind of breach of loyalty on my part, and you know it." He paused, breathing hard. The hell with it. "Let's be clear between us, Lucius. I never betrayed Volde..."
"Enough." Lucius's authoritative tone pierced like a knife. He sat forward, graceful even in his anger, and his grey eyes flashed red with reflected light from the fire. Severus wondered if he'd finally gone too far. "The 'party line' saves freethinkers and agnostics from an early grave......or an overdue one. Pray you do not forget it. Severus, all that is important is the present day. Our Lord, in his indulgence, has forgotten that business with the so-called Elder Wand. He has forgotten the past entirely, in fact, and I suggest you do the same. You were rewarded handsomely for your part in the war effort with a position in our Lord's cabinet. You continue to have his favour." He fixed Severus with a stare. "But now, you arrogant arse, he requires your tremendous intellect to help us expand our influence into Europe." Lucius smirked suddenly. It was an obvious effort to break the tension. "So do try and make more of an effort, old chap."
Severus looked away as he took his seat again. He forced himself to relax. "Why, Lucius. I didn't know you cared."
"Sarcasm, after everything I've done for you. You're as bad as my son." Lucius rolled his eyes. "Now, I'm actually here to discuss the little public relations campaign we are launching. If you'll remember, I mentioned the particulars over dinner last month."
Lucius stood and began to pace. "A few speeches carried on the wireless, a few interviews in the Daily Prophet, and our new representative will have our half-bloods and Mudbloods eager to return to the fold. We weren't sure she would take to the task, but so far..."
"Oh, yes, didn't I mention? I've selected the perfect parolee. None other than the Granger girl."
"No, you didn't mention," replied Severus evenly. "Fascinating choice."
"Wasn't it? I must say, I'm rather proud to have brought it off. Harry Potter's closest friend. A crowd favorite. And it could have gone either way, frankly, but as it turns out, she was most eager to assume all of her duties." Lucius smirked. "Of course, if you had seen her, it would have been obvious she had no choice. You may not know, but the Lestranges had a bit of sport with her early on when they used to visit the prison to see about releasing all our brethren."
"Did they? I hadn't heard." His eyes flicked to the bottom drawer.
"I understand she sought protection for a time by giving herself to other males. Pitted them against one another. Several even managed to keep other would-be suitors disinterested. But the last of her protectors...Arthur Weasley, in fact...died recently. Without them, she promptly became fair game again. She leaped at the chance for parole, and no wonder."
"You're a veritable Fairy Godmother," drawled Severus.
Lucius glared at Severus without heat. He clearly did not understand the reference but would not admit it. "So, to business. And do pay attention this time." He resumed his seat. "Once this campaign launches, everything must be in place on the international front..."
Hermione entered her tiny office at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, slinging her coat onto one of the wooden visitor's chair of the type so beloved in government buildings. She sat down immediately at her desk and leafed through the incoming post, just as the inter-departmental parchments arrived, fluttering through the door like paper birds.
She was just settling in to read when her secretary, a short, dumpty witch with a wide smile, bustled into the office and handed her a steaming mug. "Good morning, Hermione. Here we are, my dear," the little witch chirped.
Hermione looked down at the iridescent oil slick floating on the top. She already knew the coffee would be so wretchedly strong it would practically crawl out of the mug of its own accord. Perfect. She'd taken to coffee immediately upon her return to civilization...the stronger, the better. In the last two years, her tastes had become quite coarse in some respects.
Taking her first sip and grimacing, Hermione cast her eye on a letter in her secretary's hand. "What's on deck for today, Mrs. Grovertree?"
"Just the usual things. The Jarvey survey is nearly complete, and, oh, there's a report of a lovely new nest of Griffins on the Isle of Man. Davies is going to fly up and check on them..."
June Grovertree was a bit of a bonus as a secretary. She was efficient, fairly intelligent and, to Hermione's surprise, very kind toward her. Hermione had steeled herself for ostracism in her new post; instead, she had found a fair amount of acceptance, particularly among the rank and file who toiled in the Ministry vineyards for mere Sickles.
June, for instance, always seemed to want to loiter about and chat a bit longer than was strictly necessary from a work colleague, filling her in on gossip, relaying the exploits of her former boss, regaling her with tales from the weekend. "Perry and I listened to your speech Saturday on the wireless," she informed Hermione, smiling approvingly. "I must say, your technique is much improved from that first time, my girl. Hardly a quaver. We were so impressed. Sitting down with the Minister himself! And won't you just be a sensation at the Ministry ball come Friday? I should say! You've taken to your work like a shrake to water. I was only saying to Perry last night, I said, 'Our girl Hermione has taken to her work like...'"
"Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, Mrs. Grovertree. I can't tell you what it means to me." She indicated the pile of parchment on her desk. "Well, I'll just get on with these, then. Please let me know when Mr. Malfoy arrives."
"Mr. Malfoy has arrived."
Hermione looked up at the sound of his voice. Draco Malfoy was lounging in the door frame in immaculate robes, looking every bit as smugly pleased with himself as he had at Hogwarts. His silver-blond hair gleamed in the overhead lighting like a cap, and he preened like the peacock he was.
"Draco." Hermione frowned and greeted him with the same flat inflection with which she would have pronounced "dragon shit."
"Hermione," he drawled, "I was just telling Father this morning, I don't feel my day has truly begun until I see your smiling face." Hermione answered with a cheerful laugh and a two-fingered gesture. "Yes, I will have two sugars with my coffee, thank you."
Draco had been one of the strangest and best things to happen to her in this whole benighted situation. A high-level bureaucrat and rising star in his own right, Draco had been ordered by his father to come around periodically and keep a stern eye on Hermione. But what started as perfunctory check-ins had turned into companionable visits, and finally, a burgeoning friendship. They were both amazed that, after seven years of unrelieved distrust and hatred, followed by fighting on different sides of the war, she and Draco had found common ground down in the unfashionable end of the Ministry of Magic.
Well, it was a fucked-up world. Why not make friends with your sworn enemy?
Hermione sometimes wondered if Draco's new, mellower side might have to do with his recent bout of self-discovery. After his turbulent youth, when he had finally settled down into the quiet life of adulthood, he finally uncovered his true sexuality and became, in his words, "screamingly camp as a row of tents." His best friend, Blaise Zabini, had been delighted by the change. His fiancée, Pansy Parkinson, had not. And Lucius ... well, Malfoy the elder had eventually done the expeditious thing and learned to ignore the entire matter.
Hermione peered closely at Draco's face. "Are you wearing makeup?"
He looked away, nonplussed. "Of course not."
"You are! I see eyeliner."
He pursed his lips. "I think you'll find that's guyliner."
Hermione smirked. "Oh, and I suppose that's manscara on your lashes as well?"
June gave a little chuckle and headed for the door. Draco plopped unceremoniously in a wooden chair, wincing at the unyielding seat. "Merlin's nads, Granger, why don't you ask your supervisor for some decent chairs? It's devilishly difficult to seduce you when I can hardly sit still in one of these for more than five minutes."
"I think you answered your own question," she smiled. "If you got comfortable and hung around a while, I might take you up on it, and poor Lucius would expire with shame at the thought of the august Malfoy lineage being sullied by muddy blood."
"Oh yes. The august Malfoy lineage. Some would say I've sullied it enough on my own." His gaze seemed to turn inward for a moment, as if recalling an old argument. "But the truth is, I couldn't do better than you, my girl." Then his face cleared again and he smirked. "If I swung that way, which I don't, ever since a certain party in Chelsea, so dry your bitter tears and use your shiny new powers of persuasion to requisition me a comfy visitor's chair."
Hermione returned his smirk. She enjoyed their banter when he dropped by every morning, and she knew he did, too. It limbered up their wits, loosened the brain for storming; it was the verbal stretching of muscles to prepare them for the real business of the day. Hermione was amazed how much she had come to rely on it.
"My shiny new powers of persuasion, is it?" She shook her head. "Do you know I've given five speeches in two weeks? I've lost count of how many interviews with the press. I feel like I've been given a crash course in how to win wizards and influence witches, but I'm not sure what my grades are yet. Have you heard anything?"
Draco smoothed a crease from his immaculate cuffs. "Exceeds Expectations. Granger. Father is pleased, I can tell. Not that he'll come right out and say it."
"Oh, that's a relief." She turned her eyes up to his. "Draco, what do you know about Romania?"
Draco reached for her coffee mug, but when he spied what was in it, he delicately put it back, a faint expression of distaste on his aristocratic features. "What do you know about it, Granger?" His voice carried a note of studied diffidence. Hermione wondered what secret she might be close to.
"Oh, just, after the interview, the Minister spoke to the editor off the record, and said something about Romania." She grinned. "Will we be taking our show on the road?"
Draco laughed, clearly relieved. "You never know. But between you and me, Father hopes that, if it looks as though things have returned to normal here, it will be time to show our united front to other countries."
Hermione frowned. "Are you talking about Vol..." Draco shook his head warningly. "Our...our Lord expanding his influence abroad?"
Of all the people who could have clued Hermione in on the real reason she'd been chosen for the job, Draco had been the most honest and the least politically correct. On her first day, he'd sat with her and laid down some home truths. "Granger, do you really want to know why you're here?"
At her uncertain nod, he had continued. "Good. Here is the situation: it's all about appearances, innit? The Wizarding world flourished without a central government for many long centuries before Merlin; what's to stop them from doing it again? There are those in Wizarding Britain who are expending a lot of time and energy finding ways to live apart from the influence of the Ministry."
Hermione chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully. "And a government without the support of its people may as well not exist."
Draco smiled mirthlessly. "In one. I'm not going to whitewash it: the Dark Lord's policy of subjugating half-bloods and Muggleborns had a greater impact than was previously anticipated." A tiny frown of unease had flitted across his smooth face. "Whole swaths of the Wizarding community have gone underground rather than bend to the will of authority. More and more are passively slipping away. Beyond that, the populace has begun to reject the authority of the Ministry. Wizarding Britain is becoming fractious."
But telling this to Lord Voldemort and his consort, Bellatrix Lestrange, was tantamount to suicide. Even in near-seclusion as he was now, the Dark Lord still possessed prodigious skill and strengths. Failing him was a death sentence no one could appeal.
So in desperation, Lucius devised a plan. He would entice people back by improving the public face of the Ministry, showing them that his was a system of government that truly represented Wizarding Britain. A new world order, embodying tolerance and diversity.
"And that's where you come in, Hermione," Draco concluded. "You will be the face of the new world order. A figurehead. I mean, short of launching a long and potentially fruitless manhunt for his own subjects, Father doesn't have much choice."
Hermione had understood all too well. Lucius had his figurehead, and if the initiative failed, hers would be the head that rolled, not his. She was well-known, but expendable. And if she couldn't pull this off, he could accuse her of treason, throw her back in Azkaban and be home in time for tea. It was all so civilised.
Hermione sometimes wondered if Draco was as much on her side as his father's. Telling her the truth so baldly had predictably gotten her dander up and called on every insecurity and inferiority complex she'd nursed since her first year at Hogwarts. Draco had seen it enough to know; perhaps he had deliberately challenged her into keeping herself alive.
"Abroad? That's for the fat cat ambassadors to work out. We're backing Britain here, Granger. You just keep the hoi polloi at home, and let the real crooks deal with Romania."
"But you just said..."
He smoothly changed the subject. "So, all ready for the ball, Cinderella?"
Hermione shot him a wary look. "Maybe. Are you and Blaise coming as the ugly stepsisters?"
Draco affected a pained expression. "You need to show more respect for your older sister, my dear," he lisped, in a credible imitation of June.
Hermione grimaced as she took a sip of coffee. "To be honest, the idea of this ball is scaring the pants off me. I've not exactly been in a social whirl for the past two years." She looked up, letting her concern show. "Draco, I have to get a new set of dress robes, and I haven't been to Diagon Alley in years. I don't know what's in fashion anymore. Pansy is supposed to go with me, but..."
"But you want a man's opinion, and you know I have perfect taste, is that it?" He smiled, all Malfoy charm and smug confidence. "Want me to take you shopping, Granger?"
"Oh, would you?" she asked, relieved. "That would be lovely. If you're not too busy, that is."
"Never too busy for you. Besides, Pansy's taste is decidedly on the Dom side. You need the considered opinion of a genuine gay man if you're going to shine." Draco unfolded himself from the chair and stretched until his spine cracked. "I'll be here tomorrow around two o'clock, yeah? And don't worry. I'll square it with Pansy." He smirked in that insufferable way that used to make Hermione want to hex his bits off. Now that they were friends, it just made her wistful. "She might pretend differently, but deep down, she still loves me."
Hermione didn't bother repressing a snort. "Yeah, way deep down. Somewhere down around China, I think."
The Minister for Magic left an hour later, having secured a series of promises of a diplomatic nature that the Foreign Minister forgot the moment the green flames died down.
Severus sat quietly for a long while, staring at the dying embers of the fire, lost in thought. Then he stood up and strode to the door to see if his secretary had made it back. She had. "Mrs. Bulstrode?"
She looked up from her copy of Witch Weekly. Marion Bulstrode, mother of one of his former Hogwarts students, had looks that did nothing to dispel the rumor that there was troll blood somewhere in the family line.
"Yes, sir?"
"Bring me the Printsesa file, please."
Back in his office, Severus renewed the fire with a wave of his wand and then knelt before the fireplace, hefting the fat file in his hands. The charms he'd set on the file were subtle, but he knew they had not been broken in the last few months.
He waved his wand again to open the file. One by one, he removed crisp white Ministry forms with their gleaming, blood-red seals. In the middle of each seal was stamped one word, described in runes: "Denied." Carefully, Severus laid each form on the flames and watched them burn. They would serve no purpose now, not that they ever had. He threw the file in last, for good measure.
When it was done, Severus returned to his desk, gave up abstinence as a bad job and pulled out the whisky bottle.
"Alfred." He stood, waited to be sure he had the portrait's full attention, then raised his glass in salute. "Arthur Weasley." He took a swig and then toasted the portrait once more. "Neville Longbottom."
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Latest 25 Reviews for Droxy's Folly
174 Reviews | 7.29/10 Average
aww, poor ron. Poor Severus. Poor baby. *sniff sniff* :(
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - we did have a lot of people suffering in this story.
aww, poor ron. I love that Severus has been covertly visiting him, and clearly brings him presents disguised as spoils lol. Ron usually is portrayed as an insensitive prat in ss/hg stories, but I actually feel sorry for him.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you. While Ron isn't my favourite character, I think JKR gave him a bit of a bum deal, and the movies made it worse. In the beginning he was seen as a quick thinking chess player - then the movies and JKR turned him into a buffoon of sorts. Stgulik and I wanted to portray the Ron of Philosopher's Stone all grown up in this story, and I hope we succeeded.
so, I'm curious what "printsesa" means..
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
It was a word Stgulik used. To be honest, I can't exactly remember if it had a meaning or not, but for some reason 'Princess' comes to mind.
hmm, an interesting turn of events from canon. I'll be waiting to see where this goes, and what exactly happened to Ron.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.
Love this, glad to have finished it finally.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you!
Sequel! Loved it.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
We are indeed working on a sequel!
Teddy, this is magnificent! I couldn't stop reading until it was done, even though I had to be up at 6. Well done!!!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! I'm so sorry for the delay in responding - my email was sending all my TPP notifications into SPAM, and I didn't know they were here! But I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you eventually caught up on your sleep.
This was absolutely amazing -- you two worked together beautifully on this collab! :D
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. It was a complete pleasure from start to finish. Stgulik and I have a great relationship, and it's a privelege to work with her.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. It was a complete pleasure from start to finish. Stgulik and I have a great relationship, and it's a privelege to work with her.
This was the chapter that tore my heart in two
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you! I will say, writing this was hard. I remember the first time I sent it to Jules, she wrote back and said, "Wow, that was tough." It is hard, because I love these characters and hate to see them in conflict.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you! I will say, writing this was hard. I remember the first time I sent it to Jules, she wrote back and said, "Wow, that was tough." It is hard, because I love these characters and hate to see them in conflict.
I'd read this over at ffn and reviewed it on stgulik's profile but I never told you how I LOVED this and read it countless times since it was posted.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much, sweetie! This was a joy from word one, and I've been thrilled at the comments we've received for it. Working with Jules (as you know) is a privilege, and I count her as one of my greatest blessings.
Response from onecelestialbeing (Reviewer)
She really is amazing, and I've told her so. For me, it's rare that I find someone that can easily flip something and make me see it another way, all the while not making me feel like a complete heel. And you two did great justice to this story ;)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - she is a genius, as far as I am concerned. We have always said that the story comes before my ego, and there have been times when she's just sent something back and said, "No, this isn't working!" And I've looked at it and thought, "Yep, she's right." And I've gone back and found what the story was supposed to be. She's so incredibly talented. And while her skill as a beta is unsurpassed, she's also an incredible writer in her own right. So many of the great moments of this story are pure Stgulik.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much, sweetie! This was a joy from word one, and I've been thrilled at the comments we've received for it. Working with Jules (as you know) is a privilege, and I count her as one of my greatest blessings.
Response from onecelestialbeing (Reviewer)
She really is amazing, and I've told her so. For me, it's rare that I find someone that can easily flip something and make me see it another way, all the while not making me feel like a complete heel. And you two did great justice to this story ;)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - she is a genius, as far as I am concerned. We have always said that the story comes before my ego, and there have been times when she's just sent something back and said, "No, this isn't working!" And I've looked at it and thought, "Yep, she's right." And I've gone back and found what the story was supposed to be. She's so incredibly talented. And while her skill as a beta is unsurpassed, she's also an incredible writer in her own right. So many of the great moments of this story are pure Stgulik.
All right, I'm feeling totally bamboozled here. What kind of past do Snape and Hermione share? There is such malice between them, but not just the kind that should be there as teacher and student. This seems to run a bit more personal. Consider me intrigued.And Lucius Malfoy, I can't figure him out at all. Clearly, he is the MOM under Voldemort, so he can't be all goodness and light, but I'm not certain he is exactly what he seems. Maybe I am just hopeful. He can be so smarmy, that one.The Daily Prophet guy ... I was sort of intrigued to see him speaking to Hermione about such forbidden topics, but then he had to go and ruin it by asking for an interview.I am so anxious to find out what's next. My kids are asking for dinner, but I want to say to them, "come on kids, where are your priorities?" Your story is making me neglect my family, LOL.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
LOL I'm so sorry your children will suffer here, but hey, priorities are priorities - they have to learn sometime, don't they? Seriously, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. I won't say anything, I'll just let you read on....
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
LOL I'm so sorry your children will suffer here, but hey, priorities are priorities - they have to learn sometime, don't they? Seriously, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. I won't say anything, I'll just let you read on....
Okay, I haven't stopped to review yet because I have been reading on my phone, and if typing on that isn't a royal pain, I don't know what is. Oh, and the fact that since this is finished, when I finish a chapter, I just want to move on rather than stopping to chat.I don't typically like stories where Voldemort has won, but if they are really well written and have a happy ending (*shoots you a hopeful look*) then it is fine.The scene with Severus and Ron about killed me. Is Severus there because he, like Hermione. feels like he needs a link to the past? Or does he go, knowing Ron won't get any other visitors? It almost seemed like he was doing things with the intent for Ron to remember things. Maybe he thinks he can bring him back? Either way, it was a touching scene.I love that Hermione still has a spark in her, enough to sneak away from the bank. I suspect that will grow as time goes on. And her reunion with Headmaster Black was great. Maybe there is a way out of this afterall. So sad about the Hogwarts portraits.I like that Draco is her friend. I never felt like he was 100% on the bad side, but rather was following family lines. So while he was a big giant snobbish brat at school, I think he has some redeeming qualities.Okay, off to read more.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you for this amazing review! I won't discuss much because a lot of your questions will be answered soon, but I really wanted you to know how much we appreciate you taking the time to write - I'm the world's worst at reviewing - I love to receive them, but I'm hopeless at writing them. I always love comments like yours - focusing on those things that affected us, and knowing they affected the reader as well. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you for this amazing review! I won't discuss much because a lot of your questions will be answered soon, but I really wanted you to know how much we appreciate you taking the time to write - I'm the world's worst at reviewing - I love to receive them, but I'm hopeless at writing them. I always love comments like yours - focusing on those things that affected us, and knowing they affected the reader as well. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
=) Glad you posted this here so I can fave it. Can't do that on AO3. Here you are! Converting readers who don't like Voldemort Wins!fic into fans. Have fun with the sequel. LOL.So happy you are all getting lovely reviews.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
The response to this fic has been phenonmenal - I felt like it would be well received, because we worked very hard on it and we thought it was good, but especially here the comments have been awesome. I'm just sorry it took so long. It was a privilege to create this fic for you, and the fact that you liked it so much has been the greatest feeling in the world.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
The response to this fic has been phenonmenal - I felt like it would be well received, because we worked very hard on it and we thought it was good, but especially here the comments have been awesome. I'm just sorry it took so long. It was a privilege to create this fic for you, and the fact that you liked it so much has been the greatest feeling in the world.
I dont know which is more funny that Lucius patronus is a peacock or the Mighty Chief of Staff Holy cats Pansy really came through for her. I find myself feeling oddly sympathetic towards Pansy. Strange that. The pieces call to eachother? Huh. I am going to be surprised right along with Hermione when/if this ever comes together. I dont want to know who Lucius sent the patronus to do I?
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you ! I can't take credit for Lucius' peacock patronus. I think someone else has already used it in another fanfic ;) Pansy was the most fun to write - I based her look a little on Mimimanderly on LJ, who also has a delicious sense of humour. I'm not sure you want to know who, but I bet you can probably guess...
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you ! I can't take credit for Lucius' peacock patronus. I think someone else has already used it in another fanfic ;) Pansy was the most fun to write - I based her look a little on Mimimanderly on LJ, who also has a delicious sense of humour. I'm not sure you want to know who, but I bet you can probably guess...
Good chapter! But when did they pack her flat and pick up Phineas? I don't recall that happening.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - They packed up between the 12th and 13th chapers.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - They packed up between the 12th and 13th chapers.
Wonderful end, now there is hope for a future { with lots of sex and babies, for SS & HG}Looking forward to the sequel.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much for your comment, and for your lovely reviews throughout the story. We hope to start working on this in early 2013.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much for your comment, and for your lovely reviews throughout the story. We hope to start working on this in early 2013.
Good greif! Just when Hermione wants to talk to Snape and he has buggered off to who knows where! YOu really know how to keep a reader on the edge of her seat! Meepers.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - we luvs our evil cliffies! ;)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - we luvs our evil cliffies! ;)
And here I thought things were at their worst! But noooooo the misscarriage and now Ron's sucide. Snape is going to crack. Stone or not how much can one man take? Oh poor Ron, he was sweet even in his craziness. Now who can Severus confess to??
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Who, indeed! Thank you for reading and reviewing! I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Who, indeed! Thank you for reading and reviewing! I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
Very nice. Loved Pansy. Enjoying the darker feel of it all. Gritty.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you!
Oh my gosh what a great story!!! Please say there will be a follow up? I would really love to know what the weapon really was and if Severus and Hermione get their happily ever after like they dreamed!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! We hope to start working on a follow up in 2013, so watch this space!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! We hope to start working on a follow up in 2013, so watch this space!
I am SO not ready for this story to be over!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
That's such an awesome compliment! Thank you - I have to say, I'd much rather read that than, 'thank heavens it's finally over!' LOL Seriously, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
That's such an awesome compliment! Thank you - I have to say, I'd much rather read that than, 'thank heavens it's finally over!' LOL Seriously, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Again, thank you stgulik and TeddyRadiator for this gift of love to Droxy and to fandom! Wonderful, rich, seductive dynamic tale!!! May we have some more, please? Looking forward to it!!!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank YOU for taking the time to write such thoughtful, encouraging and supportive comments all through the story. Writing is a joy for me and what I feel is my calling, but receiving glowing comments like yours gives me such a boost. Stgulik and I have both thrilled to your lovely reviews, and we are looking forward to working together on a sequel in early 2013. Right now, she is editing my original novel, Her Minder, and we are having a wonderful time challenging one another with this, so we'll be ready very soon for a change of pace!
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
Yay! A Sequel!!! Also, please, do you go by another penname for your original novel--could you post it here or on your bio or pm me? You and stgulik should also write some screenplays--I can visualize and taste every second of your yummy tale here--either and any genre--it's all solid gold! Best wishes and can't wait (but must) for more!!! *happy dance*
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Bless you. At present, my novel, Her Minder, is available as an e-book through B&N, Smashwords, Sony, ibooks, etc. But I am in the process of a MAJOR rewrite, and at the end of this month, I am taking it off the net until I can finish it. I hope to engage an agent, and see if I can publish it through a well known publisher. It also has a sequel, which is about 60% done as well. At this time, I also use Teddy Radiator for my original fic as well. I am known by this name, and much prefer it to my real name, which is dead ordinary and boring.But yes, Jules and I will be working together for a long, long, long time to come, if I have anything to do with it!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank YOU for taking the time to write such thoughtful, encouraging and supportive comments all through the story. Writing is a joy for me and what I feel is my calling, but receiving glowing comments like yours gives me such a boost. Stgulik and I have both thrilled to your lovely reviews, and we are looking forward to working together on a sequel in early 2013. Right now, she is editing my original novel, Her Minder, and we are having a wonderful time challenging one another with this, so we'll be ready very soon for a change of pace!
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
Yay! A Sequel!!! Also, please, do you go by another penname for your original novel--could you post it here or on your bio or pm me? You and stgulik should also write some screenplays--I can visualize and taste every second of your yummy tale here--either and any genre--it's all solid gold! Best wishes and can't wait (but must) for more!!! *happy dance*
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Bless you. At present, my novel, Her Minder, is available as an e-book through B&N, Smashwords, Sony, ibooks, etc. But I am in the process of a MAJOR rewrite, and at the end of this month, I am taking it off the net until I can finish it. I hope to engage an agent, and see if I can publish it through a well known publisher. It also has a sequel, which is about 60% done as well. At this time, I also use Teddy Radiator for my original fic as well. I am known by this name, and much prefer it to my real name, which is dead ordinary and boring.But yes, Jules and I will be working together for a long, long, long time to come, if I have anything to do with it!
Oh dear Teddy and know me. Sometimes I'm flippant....sometimes I try and be amusing but I'm having to be a bit serious here because this story has been written in an obviously serious vein. It has also been primarily very realistic. Severus has pursued other witches...she has been abused and raped in prison (albeit the archaic, anarchic wizarding one) and Voldemort has behaved as someone with a damned soul would do. Droxy's prompts have enhanced rather than constrained the story and the plot you've weaved around them has been mesmerising and incredibly well written.Yes...a sequel has to written and I'm glad to see that you may already be sketching out the bones of it. All in all a triumph my friends........oh and the smut in the penultimate chapter was smokin' hot too. almost made me late picking up my five year old grandson yesterday as I just had to read THAT chapter....again! Best wishes for all your endeavours whether together or as a solo venture, Love Ali xxxx.PS My neighbour has built a beautiful folly next to his house in the most gorgeous York stone. He has a bar and full size snooker table in it and oil paintings and dead stuffed animals. Not sure it has planning permission though!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Ali, thank you for your fantastic comments. I'm thrilled to bits you enjoyed the story. We had a wonderful time writing it, but I have to give so much credit to stgulik - she had this great idea, and asked me to co-write, and I was thrilled to be asked. She and I spent some lovely hours plotting and scheming and cackling merrily over different bits, but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding - we just had a blast doing it, and we've been over the moon from the response it's received. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - you're one of my readers whom I always hope to please, because you've been so faithful and loyal to me all this time. I hope you'll continue to enjoy what's coming up over the next few months - and I"m sorry we nearly make you late! PS I would love a folly - Jules had a blast looking them up and showing me what 'Droxy's Folly' looked like!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Ali, thank you for your fantastic comments. I'm thrilled to bits you enjoyed the story. We had a wonderful time writing it, but I have to give so much credit to stgulik - she had this great idea, and asked me to co-write, and I was thrilled to be asked. She and I spent some lovely hours plotting and scheming and cackling merrily over different bits, but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding - we just had a blast doing it, and we've been over the moon from the response it's received. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - you're one of my readers whom I always hope to please, because you've been so faithful and loyal to me all this time. I hope you'll continue to enjoy what's coming up over the next few months - and I"m sorry we nearly make you late! PS I would love a folly - Jules had a blast looking them up and showing me what 'Droxy's Folly' looked like!
That was a great story. any chance for a sequel? I'm glad they got away together, and to live & love and fight another day. :)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - we are thinking about doing one - stgulik has ideas...
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you - we are thinking about doing one - stgulik has ideas...
What a wonderful story! The only sad thing is to have this finish :) I join the unanimous chorus of reviewers asking for a sequel - it'd really fit in! You have a great ending, and I'm amazed at how well you've put Droxy's prompts together. Your work is very inspiring and your writing is very strong. Keep it going - can't wait to see more fics co-written by the two of you!!
And, as ever, thank you so much for posting all of this so quickly - it really made a huge difference :)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! I remember laughing with the Headmistress of TPP. She said a lot of writers will stretch out posting a story, hoping for more reviews, but in my mind, I HATE having to wait, and I didn't want readers having to wait, either! The reviews we've received have more than made up in quality anything we could have got in quantity. I'm just thrilled you enjoyed it, and yes, we have discussed a sequel and hope to work on it in early 2013.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Droxy's Folly)
Thank you so much! I remember laughing with the Headmistress of TPP. She said a lot of writers will stretch out posting a story, hoping for more reviews, but in my mind, I HATE having to wait, and I didn't want readers having to wait, either! The reviews we've received have more than made up in quality anything we could have got in quantity. I'm just thrilled you enjoyed it, and yes, we have discussed a sequel and hope to work on it in early 2013.