New Chapter for Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden
notsosaintly30 Reviews | 30 Ratings, 0 Likes, 45 Favorites )
Multifaceted Round Four Nominee: And on the eighth day there was temptation and knowledge reared its ugly head.
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About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Garden of Eden
Hello! I really liked it! Will you give permission to translate the story into Russian? I will definitely provide a link to the original and your authorship.
Sometimes the only refuge left, is in the mind.
what an amazing story! i wish i could have heard the video but my sound is on the fritz. thanks so much
Good heavens but I adore this story! Dont mind me I am just wandering around hunting up stories for Voldy Lives part 2 Quiz.
I have never read this before, but it is positively exquisite. Your prose is a delight, and the answers you give us at the very end perfectly close the circle of questions that fluttered through my mind throughout -- namely, what were Severus' motives? Tragic and beautiful at the same time. Thank you for sharing!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I was so glad to see someone read/reviewed this. This has got to be my most favorite piece of fanfic I ever wrote. I am truly happy that you enjoyed it!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I was so glad to see someone read/reviewed this. This has got to be my most favorite piece of fanfic I ever wrote. I am truly happy that you enjoyed it!
so sad. beautifully written. i liked how you described how the terrain changed as she walked further, and then the tree. you really captured that feeling of awe that i get walking amongst trees and looking up at all their glory. and i really liked this: "His glassy eyes enthralled her, always reflecting her questions, making her more introspective."
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you. I always love it when someone reads this story. It's one of my favorites.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you. I always love it when someone reads this story. It's one of my favorites.
Wow, that is all i can say, this story is amazing, i am a seasoned HGSS fan fic reader and i have never read a story like this, it is truely original and different then anything else i have ever read, keep up the good writing, its amazing!!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
And thank you for the wonderful review. I love to hear what my readers think about the stories I write.
Wow! I can't believe I'd never come across this anywhere. That was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It's an amazing piece of work. You're so talented!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I'm really happy you liked it. I think "terrifying" was exactly what I wanted my readers to feel, and I'm glad I accomplished that for you.
I reviewed on Ashwinder when you first posted. Felt like leaving another. GREAT WORK!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I had some excellent reviews over on Ashwinder. There were such a variety, too, from those who appreciated it to those who criticized the way I portrayed Hermione. This story was the one that I felt bad about losing reviews.
I'm happy to have you review here too. Thanks!
A very powerful tale.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you. I enjoyed writing this, and I'm happy for the responses I've received. An AU story is not everyone's cup of tea, and it's probably not believable canon-wise, but my intention was to use the magical HP world in retelling a classic story. Your review made me smile.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
That was the exact response I was looking for. *lol*
Nice use of the Garden of Eden mythos and an interesting twist.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I'm glad you liked this one. I took a lot of flack on it the first time I posted it way back when (another archive). Nevertheless, I kind of like it, and I'm always happy when someone else does too.
Response from harmony_bites (Reviewer)
God, why? Because it's dark, I guess. Some people just don't like that.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Oh, some were complaining that it was drug abuse, which apparently is a big no-no where Severus and Hermione are concerned. Others did not understand the whole Garden of Eden reference and were quite confused. I ended up explaining myself a lot. *lol*
Good grief, woman. That was amazing. The very idea is stupendously original. It wrenched my heart. Thank you.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you very much. I think perhaps I stretched it a bit, placing Severus and Hermione into Adam and Eve's "shoes." It certainly poses more questions than it answers. Still, it was a lot of fun to write ... I felt so daring.
Interesting take. I liked it
I am partially shocked and yet partially not that you apparently received some negative feedback for this. It's incredibly different, very powerful and not your typical SSHG fic... I like it though. I like the darkness, I like the Eden interpretation, I also like the "drugs" theme running through it - I don't care if Hermione is supposed to be "stronger" than that, or if drugs are a no-go area for this ship, myself. I found it very intense and the first truly novel fic I've read in this fandom in a very VERY long time. For that, you deserve many congratulations.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you for this review. I love to hear what people think about this story, in particular, whether positive or negative. I admit that when I first posted it almost two years ago, I was shocked at the negative feedback. But now, I can see this story more objectively, and it is one of my favorites. I'm happy that you liked it too.
Wow, that was a really well-written and thought evoking story. I agree with you about Hermione's character. I believe that she is strong but everyone has that point past which their exteriors start to crack and the reality of the horrid experiences they have lived through start to splinter that strength.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thanks for your review. This story is one of my favorites even though it is quite AU. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Such heartbreaking tragedy... thank you for such a brilliantly written tale.
Wow... I don't know what to say. I read it twice I enjoy the visions it envokes so much. Great job, really!Jenn
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
I'm really happy you like this story. It is a personal favorite of mine.
This was great. Bittersweet. I love stuff that is different!
I am just looking up old stories and stumbled upon this one. This was lovely.
Oooh! What a powerful story! So sad and yet so beautiful at the same time. So dark and yet his care (dare I say love?) for her just shines through.This is really heartbreaking but at the same time so long as they have each other I leave the story with the feeling that all is not lost for them.Bravi, bravi, bravissimi!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you! It's always nice to see someone enjoy a story that is near to my heart.
This is an awe inspiring story. I also disagree with the reviewer that said Hermione was off. I think that person react differently when war happens; not like them selves. People do things they usually would not do when under alot of stress. I think this is my favorite as of yet. Truly amazing writing.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Actualy, this is my favorite of all the fanfic I've written as well. To me, there are many layers to the story; more to it than just Severus/Hermione.And you are right. People act differently when faced with difficult life situations. It also changes people, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. But I don't blame anyone for what they write in their reviews. Usually—and fortunately—they haven't experienced enough in life yet to know this.
Beautiful, heartwrenching, moving. Those are the words to describe this. I think it's wonderful.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Garden of Eden)
Thank you so much.