New Chapter for Bereave
Sugaryfine50 Reviews | 50 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Severus Snape was on a mission, one he could not delay any longer. Returning hours later into the night, he got into the soft, warm sheets of his marital bed, sighing and thanking the gods for his luck. He was appeased, and the world with him. Or at least that’s what he thought.
Mistrust, half-truths, infertility and meddlesome Weasleys. What will Hermione Snape do?
Chapters (4)
About Sugaryfine
Member Since 2009 | 1 Story | Favorited by 5 | 26 Reviews Written | 48 Review Responses
Reviews for Bereave
I'm curious how the child is magical. Was it an anomally or are you saying Tobias was a wizard? I like the story,mostly. The characters are off, but I can usually let that slide, somewhat, with an AU fic. The one question stands out to me and I feel like I missed something along the way.
This was very good. well written.
Oh how touching. *sigh*
I would have loved to see the day after.
Thank you for sharing~Elou
lovely ending! :)
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thanks for thinking that. I may write some more about this loving family.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
I'm sketching a sequel, and Im sure you will hear more of Helen in the future!
GRRRR!!!!! NO CLIFF HANGER!!!!Love the story!
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thanks Whench! I did what I could at the time.
Part of me thinks that Severus should have just walked off with the child and left Hermione to stay with her shallow, sanctimonious friends. [No, "pumpkin", those people aren't YOUR friends and will turn on you in a heartbeat as soon as you act more like a Snape than they are comfortable with.] You actually had a pretty good set up here -- wish you had kept both Snape and Hermione stronger. I like to think Hermione wouldn't have gone hiding behind Weasleys and would have blasted Harry or anyone who tried to stop her going to talk to her husband privately. And no reason to have Snape basically on his knees in front of his enemies, as dramatic as that may seem. Perhaps try a different ending so Hermione can have a backbone and Severus some dignity? I'm sure you have the ability to make it work. Anyway, thanks for your efforts!
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
That was the way I saw the ending, and believe me when I say that at that time I had read all stories related to SS/HG. I wanted something different, and that's what I got. I may try an alternate ending, but it will still be a happy/sappy one.
I love your writing, but this Severus is screwed up big time!
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
He had his reasons... one of them a wall of redheads and another his past. I was too dramatic at the time I wrote this story
What a sad life. I'm glad Severus rescued his niece from it. Now Hermione has a child to love and raise. Nicely wrapped up with a happy ending. Thanks.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Welcome! I will try something different and better for Severus next time. Thanks for reviewing
I am so happy there were a happy ending for Hermione, Severus and Helen. I would have loved to read even more of your story, but I am very happy it ended like it did:-))
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Me too! I really didnt know how to end the story cause my forte are one shots or 3-4 chapters at the most. I will try something longer some other time, but I may give a go to a little sequel first.
Quickly wrapped up, but then again it was written four years ago...Thanks for sharing!
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
My forte are short stories of 4 chaps or one shots... I may try something longer sometime in the future though! Thanks for reviewing!
That was a nice ending.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thanks for reviewing! Not my best ending but still a sort of happy one.
Is there more? :P
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Yes! Last chapter on its way, but its taking forever in queue :( Real Life hits everyone even if they are such a nice bunch of mods! ;)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh well that answers one question and brings up 100 more! Ack! More more more
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thank you
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
for your kind reviews.I am one that wants to think that no matter the upbringing, there is still someone that care for his or her own and tries to protect or reduce the damage that kind of enviroment can do. I don't like to sound so much like Dumbledore, but love is powerful and sometimes misunderstood. Well, there is the last chapter to read too. You will find my attempt to answer most of the questions I think there are to answer. Of course, there might be many I wasn't aware of while writing the story, so you can tell me and I will try to... write a sequel maybe. Enjoy it.SF
Helen is Snape's daughter methinks. Why would he let her be brought up there? Malnutrition is just one of many problems I would expect. ((frets))
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
No worries! You will get answers to questions you didn't even know you had ; )
Well I wonder what changed when he stopped going out at night in the past? How could she live with the betrayal? Oh you have me hooked into the story for sure!
“I came from a funeral. My sister’s funeral,” he replied. Well that does change things, doesn't it? I hope Severus' admission will prompt Arthur to declare a truce between his children and Severus and insist on privacy for the Potions master and his wife.I can't think of any reason why Severus would have kept his sister a secret from Hermione, but I know there must be one. I can't believe Severus would have done that without a good reason. Knowing that this little girl is his niece gives special meaning to what Severus had told the child when he gave her the lavender ribbon for her hair: She had her long black hair tied with a lavender ribbon trimmed with silver and gold. It was a gift he knew she treasured, since he had given it to her some Christmas ago ‘to hold the princess’s hair.’ Of course she would be a member of the Prince family, and therefore a 'princess.' When I read that passage in Chapter 2, I remember wondering then if his choice of words was of special significance. I'm very curious about the details behind Severus' keeping this a secret, and I can't wait to see how you tie all of these loose threads together. Great story, SF!Beth
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thank you so much. Final chapter on its way.
Ok, you, as Harry said "out with it". I was reading so fast it was a shock when I reached the end of the 3rd chapter. Although I knew he wasn't having an affair. I can't believe he would keep such a secret as a sister from Hermione. Well written with believable dialog. Thanks.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Well, its hard for an ex-spy not to keep some secrets, but in this case he had good reasons to keep such a thing from Hermione. Let see what he has to say next chapter. Thanks for reviewing!
His sister, that does explain a lot, but one thing is a big mystery: Why didn't Hermione know about his sister? He kept her as a dirty secret, at least that is how it seems, and it just doesn't add up. Was he ashamed of her? Was she ashamed of him? Severus is a private person, that is understandable, but if he has been married to Hermione for eigth years, does he really trust her that little? This is quite a secret to keep, from others, well if he found it necessary to hide his sister he migth have his reasons, but from a wife he claims to love?I am quite sure you will manage to tell his reasons in a way we can understand, you managed to get a lot of "air out of the balloon" by him stating that he had been at his sisters funeral (Where again, why wasn't Hermione told?). I am very much looking forward to read more.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Yep, but who said that Severus was a simple man. I think that's why we love him so much! We'll see what he has to say! Just wait for the last chapter of this little story of mine. Thanks for taking the time to feed the muse
OOOO! this good,cant wait for the next chapter for more explainations.I get lots of plotbunnys..but they die of myximatosis...*sigh*
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Thanks for reviewing! My advice would be to find someone that is crazy about writing and present these nice bunnies to him/her and see if they agree to play together. If you know someone like this, let me know! I have a couple of bunnies that are maddening and would like to bite... ermm... I mean play with someone that feels comfortable having lots of characters on their stories!
And the secret's out. Will Hermione forgive him? Will the Weasleys hex him? Stay tuned. Same Bat-time; same Bat-channel! *grin* Sorry, couldn't resist. ^_^
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Don't be sorry... I love it! Shame there is only a chapter to go; otherwise, I would have asked ofyou to introduce it for me!
Ah, better indeed. I can see why he wouldn't mention a sister/neice at a time that his wife was suffering from devastating infertility. Perhaps he didn't know about the sister until the time of the infertility struggle hit?
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Kind of ...yes! Read the final chapter to know how this ends.
This is very nice, I can't wait for more. I hope you post quickly.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Last chapter on the way... as fast as the mods give me the ok! Thanks for reviewing!
Hmm, I'm not sure why, but I'm getting Cosette/Fantine/Val Jean imagery in my head. Like for some reason, he's protecting this woman and her child, out of misplaced guilt perhaps? All in all, the story is unfolding nicely. Panicked Severus is very well written.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
You got it right, but there is something else that adds to the pigheadeness of Severus to keep this hushed. Thanks for your kind words!
Better be soon. (Glowers at you.) I liked this chapter quite well. I loved the Weasley reactions and their swarming around Hermione for protection. Silly Severus. Why didn't he ever tell Hermione he had a sister? Was it because he was embarrassed by her profession?
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Please, don't think that badly of him!It seems I have created a monster of misunderstanding here. But for the sake of the last chapter I will only say that:1- He knew of his sister almost at the time of Helen's birth, just when he was told of Hermione's infertility.He only wanted to protect her of unnecessary pain. After all, he couldn't just take his sister's child and bring her home as a replacement, could he? 2- He is being just himself, a very complicated (or complex if you prefer) man. It has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with his sister being a prostitute... but it has to do a bit with what happened to his mother too....
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
I DON'T think that badly of him. Just thought he was being rather dunderheaded, but it looks like there's much more than meets the eye here.
Response from Sugaryfine (Author of Bereave)
Yep! That's our Severus! He can be as pigheaded as any good Gryffindor! Last chapter on the way. Let's see what he has to say for himself! Thanks for reviewing.