New Chapter for The Marriage Benefit
The Marriage Benefit
mia madwyn44 Reviews | 44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 68 Favorites )
It's all about the money.
[Euphoria Elixir: BEST HUMOUR & Strengthening Solution; BEST MID-LENGTH awards in the Moste Potente Passions SS/HG Awards]
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About mia madwyn
mia madwyn
Member Since 2007 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 522 | 490 Reviews Written | 4,179 Review Responses
BEST AUTHOR, Moste Potente Potions
Care of Magical Creatures recently received two awards on "Secrets of the Dark Vaults," a Russian fanfic site. Best NC-17 and Best Maxi Translation. The Nine-Year Plan was awarded Best Mini-Fic! I'm delighted to be in translation and to please the readers in Russia!
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With the completion of Care of Magical Creatures my fanfic output is going to slow way down, but if you want to be sure to know when new fics post, please follow me on twitter. I don't tweet much, but I'll surely tweet that kind of thing.
About Mia
I came to the world of Harry Potter relatively early, after first resisting it because it just seemed too trendy. But when the first book came out in paperback in the US I picked it up at the airport when I was about to catch a flight, and two chapters in knew I would be ordering the original from in hardcover as soon as I landed.
I came to fanfic late, waiting until after I'd read DH. That means I've been totally obsessed with the fanfic world of Harry Potter, and most specifically the SS/HG ship, since August of '07.
I'm helplessly and hopelessly hooked.
Reviews for The Marriage Benefit
Cute ending, I'm glad that they finally figured things out between them. I kept reading Soul's conversation with Snape thinking "right about now he's going to toss her out in her ass.." And I love the bit about the place settings lol.
Haha, one of the best sex scenes I've read in a while, awesome..
This story is, without question, my very favorite ever! Thank you and keep writing please!
"This benefit, is it a flat rate or per child?" Let's hope for their sake that it was a per child rate! They certainly would have made a haul, based upon the fact that all 37 place settings were being used.
Poor Severus, relying upon his dry wit to distance himself from what he really wants. And Hermione? Her realisation of her true feelings is just palpably pained. The whole of this story is just a JOY to read, endlessly fun, bawdy, poignant, charming, and sweet. The EPIC lambasting of the visiting Herbologist is just brilliant beyond words. The way in which they're just head over heels in love with one another (and, as he says, safe with one another). Wonderful!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this!
This is perhaps the most delightful snapshot I've ever come across of Granger and Snape! From beginning to end, from Neville-dear, sweet Neville's announcement to Hermione's outrage in the staffroom, from the pair's barely controlled announcement to Minerva and co. to their table of red linens, green pheasanted plates, and green snake-filled serving dishes, from the fact that Hermione gave it up to Harry! to their hilariously terrible first time together, this is just a pearl.
And then... the way he surprises her when calling her his treasure, the way he fears her rejection based on his scars, the way she wonders about wanting more... it's just lovely and tender and so sweet amidst the chaos and hilarity.
I have read it yesterday. Twice. The first time, of course, I didn't expect that Snape what going to reveal that he loved Hermione all along. So I re-read it with this notion in mind. But I believe that this fic works in both ways: it's fine either if you believe that Severus married Hermione for the money, and then started feeling more for her, or if you think that he loved her from the start and tricked her to marry him "for the money", without telling her his true intentions.
As always, Mia, your style is as rich and smooth as Snape's voice.
Perhaps I've said this before, but I can't let it go unsaid here at TPP when I've been asked to rec some of my favorite fics: Severus' monologue in defense of Hermione is one of the most quotable moments in the history of the 'ship. I think of it whenever I hear the word 'lemongrass' or whenever a man sniffs a woman's hair in a story. And when Severus says that the companionship she gave him was rare and precious, it makes me catch my breath and tear up every time.
Response from mia madwyn (Author of The Marriage Benefit)
You take my breath away. I can't thank you enough for these words. They mean so much to me.
Really, really, really great!!!! I'm so sad that it's over, it was very funny!! You are an amazing writer, I do enjoy your fics =] Kisses
Wonderful story!!!!
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. I can't wait to read more that you have written!
I really enjoyed this story. It's fun to read about really strong friendships developing into love. The fact that the marriage came first just makes it more fun. I also love the part about the new definitions of "insufferable" and "horrid".
Omg I just love this!!!! I laughed so hard all the way through! Great job
Well, they weren't lucky the first time but things have changed to their favour it seems. *grin* Very lovely story!
I do hope they will do better next time. It would be a shame to stay on a bad memory. Plus they were too drunk to even think about proper contraceptive... *grin*
HAH!!!!!!! AWESOME! Loved this, Brava!! :)
This is one of my favorites fics, I frequently read it again because its so funny! Congratulations in a great job and thank you 😊
LOL, I love this story and never tire of reading or re-reading it as is the case! I'm glad to see it posted here!
What a great story! So sweet and so funny. I was a bit worried about Isabella at first, but thank goodness she came to Hogwarts. Who knows how long it would have taken them to move forward from "a couple of blokes" status. As much as I love your humor, I think my favorite part is the conversation where they realize that they are in love. So perfect! I hope to see more from you here in the future... soon :)
This was a wonderful blend of humour, sneakiness and sex. Brilliant!
Oh, I think I read this story before, but it was such a delight to read again. So sweet and so funny...thank you for posting the story here!
You know, I have read this story several times now, and plan to read it even more times in the future, it still is so wonderfully funny and romantic and did I mention wonderful? "Inadequate cunt" , makes me grin like a fool every time. Yup, this story more than deserved it revards and then some!!!
Brilliant! I loved it. As usual!
Great chapter and finish of the story! I was rather undecided at first about Isabella; first thinking she would be a threat, then thinking she wouldn't be - but I would never have guessed what you made out of it - it was brilliant!
Soooo fantastic!
Très drôle et très agréable à lire, merci !