New Chapter for The Sorting of Suzie Sefton
The Sorting of Suzie Sefton
MMADfan42 Reviews | 42 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
An old wand finds its witch at long-last as a new Muggle-born enters the wizarding world. Suzie finds more than a few diversions along the way, from her first trip to Diagon Alley to the Hogwarts Express to the Sorting Ceremony. Her first encounter with Severus Snape is particularly dramatic—and potentially traumatic.
Not DH-compliant. A “sister story” to A Long Vernal Season.
Chapter One: Wand Waving
Warning: Spoilers for A Long Vernal Season and for Death’s Dominion, to which Long Vernal Season is the sequel.
Part of the Resolving a Misunderstanding universe.
Chapters (4)
About MMADfan
41 Stories | Favorited by 312 | 127 Reviews Written | 4,741 Review Responses
Note 10 December 2015: I've been unable to write fanfic the last couple years, but I haven't abandoned my works-in-progress!
Many of my completed fics are available for download in ebook format through my blog and LJ.
Perfect Imagination accredited beta. PI:7311261659.
More about me here.
Reviews for The Sorting of Suzie Sefton
This is utterly adorable. I loved seeing Slytherin and Snape through Suzie's enthusiastic eyes; it's such a pleasant change from the Gryffindor-centric novels! I love Snape's speech to his students and also Draco's responses to Suzie. I liked the implied sense that although Draco is kind to Suzie, he hasn't been defanged (if you'll pardon the pun) as he isn't afraid to put Patterson in his place.I enjoyed your writing style and am eager to read Death's Dominion and it's sequel now.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thanks very much,
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
! I think/hope you'll enjoy both Death's Dominion and A Long Vernal Season. You'll see some of Draco in both of those -- and nope, not defanged, but a far more thoughtful Draco emerges.I enjoyed envisioning Slytherin though Suzie's eyes -- naive, innocent, but still very-sharp eyes for an eleven-year-old -- and imagining it from the inside rather than from the Gryffindor POV, as you say.Thank you for reviewing! I appreciate it! :-)
Interesting seeing Slytherin and Draco through innocent eyes. It sets things up for her crush on Professor Snape. The scene in LVS where she tried to get him to dance with her and he blames fallen arches was a hoot.I still think she has a great future.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
I'm glad you see a great future for her! :)Glad you liked that little scene between Suzie and Snape at the Halloween party. Yes, Snape's fallen arches -- haha!Thanks!
A stranger in a strange land. With really good food and a dicky tummy. One day, students of Slytherin will talk about the legendary Suzie, The Hurler. The Muggleborn who changed Slytherin House forever and went on to do great things in the wizarding world.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
"Suzie, the Hurler"! haha! Yep, hurling here, hurling there, Suzie hurls everywhere!Glad you liked it!
What an auspicious introduction to Hogwarts. Suzie will certainly be remembered for hurling on the fearsome Professor Snape.And that he didn't AK her for it.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
What a way to make a name for yourself! LOL!Good thing that Severus decided to not frighten the firsties and exercised some restraint!Thanks for reviewing!
Fwooper tail feather? Monkey pod wood?A most auspicious introduction to the wizarding world.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
The Fwooper is one of my favorite HP universe critters. Such a funny concept! Glad you liked it! Thanks!
This was a fantastic little story. I loved being able to see events through suzie's eyes. She's so full of wonder and excitement, even a touch of apprehension, but it's all thrilling to her. Draco is really showing promise as a reformed Slytherin. There was a time when his sneer could chill even the warmest of hearts. Now, especially towards Suzie, he seems to actually have a heart of his own. Brlliant job with the story!!!
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked little Suzie's view of Hogwarts and the wizarding world.Draco's taking steps toward becoming his new self, and he's given himself the space to appreciate Suzie instead of just reacting to her out of some habitual response. I am sure his sneer is still lurking beneath the surface, but hopefully, it will be more selective in its target! lol!Thanks very much for reviewing!
Okay, I have to be honest with you: when I first began to read this story, I considered it only something I could read while (patiently, I swear!) awaiting your updates for 'A Long Vernal Season'... However, having said that, I have to confess that my attitude towards this story has changed dramatically over the course of the last few chapters. You are, to borrow a title from this and your other stories, Without Peer when it comes to engaging me, the reader, with your incredibly multi-dimensional original characters. I used to vehemently avoid stories with any mentions of OCs, but words cannot express how relieved I am that I made an exception, long ago, for your stories. And I know it sounds a bit snobby and, well, alright, downright awful that I avoided what could have been wonderful stories that included OCs, but before I read your work, everyone else's that I had read before you have only partially crafted a unique character – usually with great potential, but ultimately one that fell flat. (I include myself in this list.) But because of your innate talent and skill in writing, not only have I thoroughly enjoyed your work, and have since grown very close to your own original characters (and sometimes forget that they aren't canon), but have since opened my mind and enjoyed many other stories with OCs that I would have otherwise dismissed. So, thank you, so very much, for applying your gifted writing skills to this particular fandom, and for stripping the blinders off my eyes.I also want to tell you how refreshing this story is, not just because of your ability to draw me in to otherwise uncharted territory (for me) – but also to rediscover how I felt when I first read the first book of the HP series. All the wonder and awe that I shared with Harry as he discovered Hogwarts and the Wizarding world is now revisited, in a new light, as I explore with Suzie how new and magical the same world is, only under a new light, through a new perspective. I'm fascinated by the Slytherin House and how its members interact with one another, as before we've only really been given Harry's account, and just with Gryffindors – leaving us all to assume that something similiar happened in all the Houses. This is a unique and stimulating look at the HP universe that brings back all the excitement of discovering Hogwarts for the first time. I love this story, and fervently wish you continue it!
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
All right, embarrassing confession time: I actually got tears in my eyes when I read your review. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thinking of doing some more Suzie Sefton fics. I normally don't write stories about the students, but she was jumping up and down waving her hand -- and her wand -- begging to have a bit of her story told. I just might have to write another little story about her! I also don't usually write stories that focus on OCs, and partly because I know that "OC" in the list of characters can turn some readers away from a story, and having the primary character show up in the summary as an OC is a sure turn off for many people. However, I do like to think that I invest as much in my OCs as I do in the canon characters, in terms of figuring out psychology, motivations, background, etc., and I'm very glad you like them!Thank you again! And I'm very glad that you could feel some of the excitement that so many of us felt when we first started the HP series, and that you liked this view of Slytherin. I am especially glad, though, that it opened a new door for you and you've gone on to enjoy other stories that have OCs in them by other authors!
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Aaaw, thank you so much! I would love it if you do decide to write another Suzie Sefton story, as I also love to see her personal reflections of her Head of House, devoid (so far) of the biases of the past (and that was rampant within canon, being from HP's perspective). You are truly one of my favorite authors, so as long as you continue writing (especially about Severus, wink wink), I'm more than overjoyed!!
Nice ending: Not too fluffy, not depressing, but hopeful.I like the way Suzie worries about Professor Snape, just like she is concerned about her own future. It really is remarkable that she doesn't bother with other people's talk about Draco, but thinks he is interesting instead. And the way Draco is portayed is lovely.The whole story is just wonderful - that's about it.Well, then good luck for little Suzie "Sickly" Sefton.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thank you,
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
! I'm glad you enjoyed it and felt it hit the right note at the end. Your kind words gave me a big smile!
I really like your version, where not every Slytherin ran for cover during the battle. Now I must read Long Vernal Season. Thanks for this charming, stand -alone OC piece. You've really added a lot of details of your own to canon.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Have you read Death's Dominion? That shows what happened in the battle with the Slytherins. chapter 29. Death's Dominion is a different sort of AU Yrs 6 & 7 fic, focussing on Severus & Hogwarts.Anyway, I'm glad that you enjoyed the story! I hope you enjoy Long Vernal Season, too! Thanks for reviewing!
This is so sweet. I suppose I am reading the stories in the wrong order, but I like this very much.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
That's okay,
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
! There's no fanfic police around to force folk to read in any order! I'm just happy you're enjoying the little Suzie Sefton fic!Thanks for the review!
Such a charming tale so far! How like a kid, to blame her queasiness on "that last bean" rather than the fact she'd stuffed herself all day.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Oh, yes, that' last bean -- that's the culprit! LOL!Thanks for the review! Glad you're enjoying it!
Suzie cracks me up. Only she would be excited about taking potions after being sick yet again. She's truly a child of wonderment and excitement. hahaPatterson sounds like a right nasty git and I'm glad someone came back at him, not letting him stir up old wounds and gossip. Sorta reminds me of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle of old. lolAnd it looks like Suzie has made a friend in Slytherin House. That's good for her. I'm sure being a muggleborn in the noble house of Slytherin won't be easy. This is a fun little story and I'm really enjoying getting to know Suzie a little better.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Yeah, how exciting, to take potions after being sick! LOL!Patterson does have a big chip on his shoulder. And if some of his spite gets spewed in Draco's direction, we know what Draco was like to other students -- it might be interesting and instructive for him to be on the other end of things! Thanks! I'm very glad you're enjoying it!
Brilliant, wonderful chapter! I enjoyed myself very much and really can't say what I liked best - be it the way Suzie sees and experiences everything or the way she sees Slytherin House - great apporach!, be it Hagrid's talk, Snape's speech, the sorting... everything is just great reading stuff. I admire and love the way you let Snape appear here, so perfectly complementary to his appearance in LVS, giving his character drawn by you so much more depth and profoundness. The whole thing is just alive.
Your various vegetarian dishes or hints made my mouth water, by the way *g* - do you have proper recipies for the kidney been puree sandwich spread with the sultanas? Or the lentil pie? And if you happen to know a good Hummus recipie, too *laughs* I wonder whether you are going to insert in some chapter anyplace some musing about house-elves and their dealing with vegetarian food. Or food varieties in general... your chapter did add much bunny inspiration to my own musing aboug house-elves and cooking.
Author's Response: Actually, being a veg-head myself ;), I do have recipes for all those dishes. The kidney bean puree w/ sultanas (or raisins) is really good, though some people think it sounds odd. I'll try to get them typed up and send them to you. The lentil pie is actually quite a bit like Shepherd's pie, in that it's not really a "pie," but has mashed potatoes on top. It's quite yummy on a cold winter night . . . As to musings about food in general, and vegetarian food, there are some upcoming chapters in LVS where it is alluded to -- through Severus's eyes.
Digressions aside, I'm very glad you enjoyed the chapter! It's been a fun little side fic to write. Seeing the Sorting through Suzie's eyes really does give a different perspective, since she knows so little and doesn't come with a set of prejudicies -- for example, her interpretation of the fact that fewer students were being Sorted into Slytherin. She thinks it's lucky for her because there will be room for her by the time they get to the end of the alphabet, when the truth is, a lot of people were thinkg, "NOT Slytherin, NOT Slytherin!" LOL!
I had considered putting Severus's speech to Slytherin House in LVS, but somehow I couldn't quite make it flow right. In LVS, we only get his perspective of it after the fact, so it was interesting to be able to put it in here, but with Suzie not having a clue how sick Severus was and how he was barely holding it together -- yet he still managed to appear commanding. Of course, when he was closing his eyes, he was fighting a wave of vertigo, not some deep emotion, as Suzie imagined . . .
Anyway, thanks for the review! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: Yes, this bit about Severus' not feeling well came back to my mind very vividly in this scene, too.
I'm looking forward to the recipies! The pie sounds even better like this. I'll give you back my newly created somewhat indian lentil-pumpkin-stew, if you like. My house-elf husband finds it rather yummy.
“A Muggle-born witch in Slytherin, eh? Why not? Ambitious enough!”Oh, she certainly is ambitious, that one. Well, more determined and worried about making a good start.And Snape and all these tales about him practically made her want to be in Slytherin House - just like Draco made Harry want to be anything but a Slytherin. You've captured Suzie's feelings and thoughts really well, so that wanting to be in Slytherin just seems like the logical conclusion of it all - after all Snape "hadn’t even yelled at her when she’d thrown up on him". ;-) Additionally it's rather interesting to see Slytherin from a new point of view - from within. Especially the descriptions of the Slytherin areas of the castle are beautifully done and show exactly what little Suzie sees.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thank you! Yes, Suzie's initial impressions of Slytherin were overwhelming, particularly at a point where she's filled with nervousness, excitement, and a sense of feeling not-quite-at-home. Latching onto Slytherin -- and Severus -- was a natural consequence for her.I'm glad that you enjoyed the descriptions of Slytherin. I really couldn't find a lot (canon) describing Slytherin from within, particularly the physical description of the common room and dormitories, so I just tried to immerse myself in Suzie's experience and let the images arise from that, if you know what I mean.Thanks for reviewing!
She wanted to be Slytherin because she met Snape. Awww...She must have a bit of a crush.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
That's the general consensus, to Snape's chagrin! lol!Thanks for reviewing. Glad you liked it.
It's so cute how Suzie keeps worrying about being uncouth - such a funny thing for a little girl to worry about! I really enjoyed seeing the sorting from her POV, and I can see now how she developed such an enormous case of hero worship in such a short time.Also cute - her interpretation of Severus's eyebrow twitch as his way of smiling at her. LOL!Now I'm really looking forward to her meeting Draco, and how he comes to be her protector.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
You know how little kids can latch on to something, well "couth" is Suzie's latest thing. lol!Yes, the eyebrow twitch. Suzie is very much a glass-half-full sort of girl, and willing to interpret things positively if she at all can! A bit different from her hero. ;DGlad you liked it! Thanks for reviewing!
I usually don't like original characters but Suzie is so likable. I like seeing a muggleborn actually want to be in Slytherin.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thank you. I'm glad you like Suzie. She is one of the OCs from A Long Vernal Season, and I thought a little fic about her might be fun. I'm glad you're enjoying it.Thank you for reviewing!
Love the continuing story of Suzie :) it's very sweet and she's even more enjoyable as a character with her perspective at the fore. It's fun, also, to see Slytherin House from the inside, from a student perspective. Overall, it's a nice interlude and parallel to Vernal Season."its translucent-seeming green walls gleaming in their cool light."I really loved the alliteration and assonance in this sentence, and since it's rare to see that sort of thing in fanfiction, more or less, I had to comment on it X)
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thanks very much,
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
! I'm glad you're enjoying this little interlude and that you like Suzie's perspective.I'm glad you liked that sentence so well! :)Thanks for the review!
And another lovely chapter to this wonderful story! I really have difficulty telling what I liked best, though I suppose it's the vivid description of the last scene with Snape *rofl*. I'm not surpised she was sick after eating all this sweet stuff...
the "diet" part was truly interesting, too. It's high time for other dietary philosophies to show up in the wizarding world.
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: Forgot - you get extra stars from me for all the lovely Snape lines... so perfectly described in this first impression the new students get... ;o)
Author's Response: Aww, thanks for the extra stars! lol! I'm glad you liked the "first impressions"!
As for the diets, I figure that if the population of Hogwarts draws from a wizarding world that in some way reflects the varying populations around the real world, there's gotta be some variations in diet and other kinds of cultural practices.
Thanks for the review!
hehe poor Severus. What an interesting start at a new school.Look forward to reading more :)
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Yeah, and I'm sure that the way Severus is feeling at that point, it would have been tough for him to keep from tossing his cookies, himself, had it not been for little Twiskett! Phew!The next chapter will be up soon! Thanks for the review!
That was quite a journey. She sounds like a nervous eater. No wonder she was sick.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
She's not exactly a nervous eater -- though maybe a bored one! She just wanted to try everything, since it was all new to her, and as she says, her parents don't believe in sweets, so she doesn't often eat Muggle sweets, either! Her tummy was not only overfull on the stuff, but it was in shock, as well! LOL! As you say, no wonder she was sick!Thanks for the review! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
I'm glad Suzie has already made some friends, and that so far everyone has been kind to the little Muggle-born witch. The lead-up to her first encounter with Severus was fun, knowing already what was going to happen. And the experience was a bit different from her POV. In LVS, we only heard that she gorged herself on every possible item from the trolley. In this chapter, it seemed a normal progression of events for an excited little girl wanting to experience all the new things in this world. Right up until she hurls on his robes, she's had very little information on Severus, and no reason at all to give him any thought. I'm curious to find out what causes her to settle on him as her new wizarding hero.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Ah, yes, what she hears about Severus! Just think, if she'd not overeaten all those treats and then thrown up on Snape, she'd never have had a private conversation with Hagrid on the way up to the infirmary, and another reassuring one with Poppy Pomfrey, before she went to the Sorting, and who knows where she might have landed.Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it!
Good Lord! I'm astonished she didn't puke long before the boat ride and seeing Snape for the first time. It's no wonder Suzie "tossed cookies" (quite literally) all over Snape. Good thing Twiskett was following Snape around that day. Seems that Suzie has made some great friends on the train. I hope she and Antonia remain close friends. I think they could be great for each other.And Kudos to you for using the world calendar. As always, the attention to detail is astounding and makes your fics very enjoyable to read!
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Yep, remember Suzie's "Spice Girls" (or "Spicy Girls," as Severus said!) at the Halloween party? Toni was one of them, so she and Suzie did stick together. :)Using a calendar helps me to plan, and to make sure that I don't have a month's worth of events happening in two weeks. haha!Thanks, as always, for the review! Glad you liked it!
Yay! I'm so excited you decided to write Suzie's story. And surprised that you started it with her mother's POV. But it works very well. I've thought about how strange and frightening it would be to be a Muggle sending your precious child off to the wizarding world, and in Miranda, you've created a character as interesting as Suzie.I also like how you let all the background and history trickle into the story through relevant events, thoughts, and conversation, rather than giving a big boring chunk of exposition that leaves the reader with nothing to puzzle over.And I am puzzling over a few things. I attributed all the information from Ambrose as his being just a different and more open personality from old Ollivander. But the old guy is also much more forthcoming than he was with Harry in Book 1. So, is it that Harry was just a kid, with whom Ollivander wouldn't have had this sort of conversation with, and Miranda is an adult? Or has Ollivander's cryptic personality been tempered by his experience in the war?And the initial wand choices for Suzie. The first wand she tried was the same composition as Voldemort's and the second was the same composition as Harry's. Not a coincidence, I'm thinking... But I'm not sure what to make of the monkey pod wood and Fwooper feather - darn it, it's been too long since I read "Magical Beasts."
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Old Mr Ollivander's miserable experiences, and his certainty that he would have been dead within days, or even hours, had he not been rescued, did temper him, but he also just enjoyed having an audience, and one that seemed appreciative -- he let a few things slip that he likely wouldn't have if Miranda had been a witch, too (e.g., the Mated Wands, which is not common knowledge). He's also feeling at the end of his days, and although he's intent on rebuilding the stock and helping to supply future generations with their wands, even those that might not yet be born, he also is appreciating the moments when he can share some of the beauty and wonder of the craft he's devoted his life to. It was also a slowish day, being before the school rush. ;-)Ah, yes, the Fwooper! One of my favorite HP birds. LOL! I like coming up with wands for all of my primary characters, and even some of the side characters, especially if I think it may become relevant at some point in any of the stories, so I was thinking about Suzie, wondered what her wand would be, and immediately though that it had to be of monkey wood, which is gorgeous, and I loved the name. As for the first two wands, Ambrose offered them to her partially out of curiosity -- and because she's a Muggle-born -- but also because she had certain kinds of readings that made phoenix feather a likely core. Holly and yew both have certain kinds of symbolism to them, as well. You notice that after, he switched to choosing rosewood wands a lot of the time. Anyway, an exposition on why I had Ambrose choose any of these would take up far too much space, but it was fun! Thanks much for the review! I hope you enjoy the rest of this little side-fic!
Suzie is just adorable:"But then she thought it might be cool to see what the inside of a brick wall looked like."And her vomiting over Snape's robes - poor girl. Your ability to create original characters that have heart and soul is amazing. They are not just an addition, but feel like they actually belong there in the wizarding world.
Response from MMADfan (Author of The Sorting of Suzie Sefton)
Thank you! I'm glad you like the OCs, and especially that you find Suzie adorable. :)I like to think of all the characters as little people running around in the stories, doing things, expressing themselves, interacting with each other, and so on, whether they're canon characters or OCs, so I'm glad you find that they blend in so well. I wouldn't want to start the school year in a new school in a new world by throwing up all over one of the teachers' robes! Yikes!Thanks very much for the review!