New Chapter for Lovez In A Dunjens
Lovez In A Dunjens
Nom de Plume21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
Member Since 2009 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 4 Reviews Written | 119 Review Responses
Reviews for Lovez In A Dunjens
I swear, I must be demented somehow to find this so freaking funny, but I'm falling off my chair laughing. It's great!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
no no dats teh desird effekt! dis a gud thign ok.
lmao. Iz amuzed, iz very amuszd. Nao they can def... takes down voldie and haz lots of cute baybees!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
aww yes, lawts uv kyoot baybehs. <3
Amg! Drabl of teh win! srsly!Truly epic and endlessly entertaining!I can has lolsnape plx? :D
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
if yew has him, yu has tew brign him bak or Hermuhnee wil kik mai asz okay?
Lolz! I'z lyken thiz storee veree mutch. It givs me teh laffs.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
oh gud! dats whut i hopes foar.
Snaypes: MERLIN IN MANACLES AND BLACK LEHTHER TIGHTS. I mean, gud evenings Mizz Graynjer. Yer late. Five hundred pointz.Hermyuhnee: Git.=D =D =D =D
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
*bows* Why thank you ever so.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
ha! yes! sumwun wuz temperaruly surprized.
For a non native speaker, this is awful to read. I must read it aloud and listen to my own voice in hope of understanding a thing. This is fun, but I'm sweating.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
Aww, I'm sorry it's giving you trouble, but I'm glad you're at least having fun with it. :)
This line absolutely slays me:<i>Hermyuhnee: [to self] I sees teh torchured man inside. [leafs]</i>SLAYS me.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
ha! can i keep your remains? for scientific reasons of course. :O
I think you broke my brain, haha!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
Oh noes! You has tape?
Oh Nom, you're so good at this! Absolutely freaking hilarious!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
*curls up on your lap* I love youuuu. Thanksssss.
is there a translation for that?ok. the second time I think I did understand a little.Too, don't translate. It is really fun! these two speaking anything else than standard.which idiom was that please?
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
lol! It is an "internet language" that developed from the LOLcats. ( It's very silly, but I think it's fun. Thank you for reviewing! :)
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
thans so much for the link! it is soo funny!!! people are creative!
That has to be very difficult to do... it is to read, yoo nau!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
I would like to say it is difficult to write, but sadly, I can do it almost effortlessly. Which might be sad, actually. Thanks for the review though!
cat R 4 fite liek snape R 4 sexors 8)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
aha! thx foar teh rebew.
Er... Um... Hmm.... Iz cool! :)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
haha! yeaaah. ;)
grt biz!! omg lol! u ritz gd! thanx
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
why whut a komplemint, thx yu!!
Ooooh fanks fur ritin! Iz lurvin teh lol!fics awways. N ai no whut to do wif Snaypes stir stik fer shure n is havin short skirt to ...
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
Oh mai, ai bet yu knowz whut tew do wif his stik. @_@ (nawty) i'z glaad yew liek teh lulz bcuz i has lawts moar.
*chortle* teh original lol!fic dat has prowvyded meh wif sew much insperashuns. I luvz it.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
mai gudnez yoor grapse uv teh werds iz vry sofistiked! hu new dat sew mny ppl wud liek dis stuff huh? thx foar tellin me tew poste heer tu. <3
That was wonderfully awful. MOAR PLZKTHX
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
o' hey thx yew guise!! ther's moar kummin up foar shure! thx!
Oh noes! I has laffs and laffs and nao my belleh hurtz. Moar plz kthxbai.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
o' yay!! i has manny moar, donut woree, mmk? thx!!!
Goood.but o so difficult to read ;)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
I know, I'm sorry. Thanks for trying though! :)
Response from Angenieta (Reviewer)
Don't be sorry!It's part of the gooood ;)
Tell me, honestly, how long did it take you to write that? It's hilarious. "An’ awlso, ten points from Grif…Grafen…yor howse." That's the line that made me wake up mah own lolcats.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Lovez In A Dunjens)
This probably took about ten minutes to write. I've got like, 8 more that I've posted at other sites that I'll be uploading. I'd crank out several week if my conscience didn't bother me so. ;D Thanks for reading!p.s. plz tew eckstend mah apawlugees tew yor kittehs.