New Chapter for Will You?
Will You?
luvsev12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for Will You?
That was a very Slytherin, very endearingly Snapey proposal. And I have a feeling neither of them left that nice, warm bed for awhile after that. With a naked Severus close at hand, who would want to rush?Not I...
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
Yes, it is very much like him to propose in a round about way. I wouldn't be too eager to leave his bed.
I love her reluctance to leave the warmth of their shared bed. Also loved his non-traditional proposal. Nicely done.
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
Thanks! I, too, would be reluctant to leave any place with a naked Severus.
That's exactly how I imagine Severus would propose. Never the say the actual words without being sure first of the answer. And absolutely no candles and kneeling. Even if I like the picture I don't think it's his way.
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
It is nice to picture him being romantic, but this way is much more believable of him.
Yup, that would have gotten me out of the bed too, even if I had a naked Severus in it (but not to hastily though, one should always take ones time getting out of bed).
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
I daresay they would have taken their time geting out of bed after that proposal.
Aw, sweet! What a roundabout way to ask, but so very Snapey-good.
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
:) Severus didn't want to make such a big deal over it.
Aww, what a very sweet little happy birthday for me and Hermione :)
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
I am happy you liked it. :)
Awww, so sweet! :)
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
Thanks, Lyn! *pats teh shiny stars*
LOL> I'd make him still get down on his knees and actually say the words. ... Okay, so not really. My husband and I never went through the formal proposal.entertaining reading. :)
Response from luvsev (Author of Will You?)
Hehehe. Would be nice to see Sev on his knees, but I doubt he be on them for intention of proposing.