New Chapter for Above All Things
Above All Things
Nom de Plume24 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 61 Favorites )
Sometimes life doesn't go the way we planned.
Start ReadingChapters (2)
About Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
Member Since 2009 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 4 Reviews Written | 119 Review Responses
Reviews for Above All Things
Please finish!! This story sucked me in, with only two chapters!!!!
Very angsty and intriguing. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Thank you!
Poor Hermione! I'm hooked, dear author.Pls to update soon? kthnxbai! (Sorry, couldn't resist...)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
I really will try! Thank you. :)
Wow....I went from your lol!speak fics to this....but just WOW. I'm really looking forward to reading this.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Quite a difference, yes? I'm glad you like both styles of writing. :s Thanks for your kind review!
I like this story very much and would love to read more. I managed to find four more chapters on another site, but they also left the story quite unfinished. I truly hope you'll continue with this story.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
I have nearly two more chapters written, I just haven't had the right timing to finish them. Things are slowly down (finally) so I'm hoping to get at least those two up within the month.
Wow. I'm liking this so far! I do hope you continue with this and update soon! Please?
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Thanks! I hope to. :)
I have bookmarked your wonderful story quite a while ago and would politely like to inquire about an update.... update ....UPDATE .... UPDATE PLEASE!!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Oh, I'm sorry! My beta and I got temporarily all wrapped up with the HPCon_Envy challenges! The next chapter is finished though, and as soon as it's all shined up and such I'll get it submitted asap!But thank you for your thoughts, lol! ;)
I'm so glad that I've just come across this story - it looks set to be one of those rare gems that hook me in right from the beginning; it's just SO good! I simply can't wait for more of this now! Severus as a ladies man, eh?! Well, I suppose he would need to make up for all those lost years from the restrictions of his role as a double agent - lucky ladies is all I can say! And I guess Hermione is showing her true Gryfinndor colours in trying to remain brave about her condition. I can only hope that she's still got time to ditch that rotten two-timing finance of hers and find some solace in the arms of a certain tall, dark Potions master ... This fic is going straight to my list of favourites as I don't want to miss out on the next update! Thanks so much for sharing! :-)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Eek!! You just made my day! *blush* Thank you for the wonderful review! It's such a nice feeling to know that I've actually made someone else happy, heh. Really, thank you. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story as much as you have the first two chapters. :)
Wow! what a great chapter! Very in character for Snape and Hermione under your created circumstances. Yes, I think that with the whole spy pressure behind him, he would live life to the fullest for a while, to get it out of his system before settling down. Tall, dark, hansome and mysterious. How could any lady resist?And Hermione would not want pity from anyone for her current condition.Great Job! I look forward to more.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Oh thanks! I'm glad to hear you say that you think they are still holding character. It's time to let Severus spread his little black, bat wings a bit, don't you think? :PThank you for the lovely review. :)
Thank you so much for sharing with us!!! Please, we need more!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
You're very welcome, thank you for reading!
Leave Evan's dumb-arse, 'Mione! Stupid, pigheaded jerk. Ginny should Bat-Bogey him. *Nod* And then someone should push the heartless prick down a well and leave him there. Rant over. Sorry. >.< I love the story. Typical Hermione, to want to handle something so serious on her own. Mooore!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
I like your style,
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
! lol No mercy. ;) Thanks for the emotive review, it made me smile.
I kind of thought Evan was cold, and when he was pawing Pansy, I wondered what was going on. What a jerk. As if Hermione's life isn't a mess already. Hopefully, this will ruin his 'stellar' career.Glad to see Snape a bit sympathetic. I like that in him.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Whatever will become of Mr. Witherly? *grin*Thanks for another review! :)
Grr That Evan! :)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
lol. Total douche, right? ;)
I'm glad we got the right version in queue finally, because it gave me a chance to really enjoy reading this. In fact, I am going to bookmark it and make sure I don't miss a chapter (if I don't catch it in queue first, which I will most certainly try). I love the premise of Hermione having a supposedly incurable disease (not that I want her to have one, but you know what I mean), and I love that the thought of Hermione is slowly eating away at Snape's mind. I can see him getting more obsessed with what's wrong with her and trying to fix it. You made Evan a real pompous arse, which I love, and broke it off quickly so Hermione will be free of him early on instead of dragging us through many chapters of her pre-marital "bliss". That was good too. There are only a couple places I can see where things could have been expounded upon, such as why Lydia cast a "withering glance" after they were introduced. That would have been one character that could have had a little meat added to so the "withering glance" would have made better sense. But that's trivial compared to the rest of the story, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter!!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Ack! What an incredible review! I'm so glad you really do like to read it and aren't just suffering through the hell of having to make it more presentable. I appreciate you telling me too. :)I'm also glad to see that I'm getting the way I see my Severus out correctly as well. As far as Hermione, I don't know. I just love putting her through hell. :( I've had this idea on my mind for quite a long time, and I love the idea of it being a bit reversed. And while I dearly love the Severus we've all come to know and adore, I was so ready to see a Severus adjusting well, without having to look over his shoulder, post-War, for once. He might be just a tad OOC, but thx to a certain someone...we will never know. But that just means we can play with him any way we want, right? :POh, and as for Lydia. I'm not entirely certain we won't see her again.
this very sensual, smouldering apparent god of pleasure Yes please lets see more of this Snape pointed in Hermione's direction please.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Oh, I'm so close, I swear! Give me strength....><
Very intriguing beginning. I anxiously await the next chapter.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Thank you! It shouldn't be much longer...
An intriguing start. I'm looking very much looking forward to more.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Thank you, I appreciate that. :)
Can't wait to read more.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Oh, thank you! It shouldn't be long before the next chapter is up. :)
Good to see this again! :)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Ha! Thanks, dear. :)
Oh, I hope Hermione doesn't die!! Great story so far.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Thank you! :)
I enjoyed this first chapter. Now that Hermione and Severus have seen each other, would they meet again later? Undoubtedly so, considering this story is posted under Potions Under Duress. I wonder how any relationship between Severus and Hermione will come about, and I'm looking forward to reading it.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Oh thank you, I'm glad to hear it. The next chapter should follow shortly. :)
Woot look at you go posting it here! Yippeeeee!
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
lol! "everybody else was doing it." ;)
I just saw this because of the SSHG quiz. Are you still planning to finish it, it's good so far:)
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
*blinks* Was I on the quiz?? I did not know this. Thank you for telling me. :)I am planning to finish it. Several chapters are written. I'm waiting on betas, and writer's block for the last chapters. :/ Thank you for the review!
Response from Merlina Thalia (Reviewer)
Well, not exactly I guess. They were looking for a quiz and it used yours as an example, but it made me want to read it:) I like sexy Snape:) Sorry for the confusion.
Response from Nom de Plume (Author of Above All Things)
Yes I went and investigated and saw. Either way, that was totally cool! Probably wouldn't have known if you hadn't said anything though. (I like sexy!Snape too.) ;) Thanks again.