New Chapter for Bronzing Lucius
Bronzing Lucius
sunny3328 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Severus has been shopping at a Muggle chemist. Whatever for?
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About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for Bronzing Lucius
Haha, I am sure Severus will like his gift
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
I'm sure he will too! ;)
you need artwork. again.
Author's Response: Definitely! :)
I'm a little surprised, that Hermione approved testing on house elves.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Well, they were a little ungrateful for her efforts. :)
I liked this tale,really funny. I personally prefer Lucius just as he is..maybe a little colour to look healthy....I would of course have to apply said tanning lotion to his person myself....
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
All over... ;)
^_____________^ but then i always thoght lcis was fond of his paleness.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
He has his moments when he wants to be delicately bronzed! :)
Relieve me of a doubt: she didn't slip anything nasty or funny in the bottles destined to Lucius, right? *grin*
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
No, she is not that mean. :)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
What a shame. That could have been priceless to see Lucius with a purple skin, or green spots everywhere...
Lol! I can see Lucius behaving exactly like that - good thing his friend is a Potions master :D
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Vanity, thy name is Lucius! :)
LMAO!!! I would have given anything (almost) to have seen those house-elves in varying shades of orange!I predict a very happy Severus when he returns from his gift giving!Beth
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
I wonder if she managed to sneak one of those trial potions into the parcel? :)
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
OMG! I hadn't thought of that, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she did!Could this be a sequel in the making????
Cute, I chuckled at Hermione's revenge.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
A small thing, but so satisfying! :)
Brilliantly funny! :o) I would have died seeing Snape shopping at Boot's, browsing in the sun-tan-section... *giggles*
Author's Response: No you wouldn't. You would have made an excuse to introduce yourself. "Excuse me, sir. Can I help you? I am the local representative of the Sun Worshipper's Society. Would you like to join us some time? Clothes optional... "
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: Darn, I didn't think of that... but I suppose he would have smelled the fish - I'm far too pale to pull that off!
Oh, vain!Lucius LOLPoor house-elves. I don't think orange suits them - hopefully their colour will fade sometime soon.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
They could be elves for the House of Orange, maybe? :)
LOL Ol' Lucius is as vain as ever. Oh, too bad he didn't try one of the orange versions. Poor little hosue-elves. I hope thay like orange?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Blond hair, orange skin. Not a pretty look! :)
Me thinks she did more than just gift wrap them in gold and red. ;) MAHAHAHA
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
What are you trying to say, Kel? *whistles innocently*
Lol, I find it interesting that he doesn't seem to know what she means. Silly man!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
His mind is still on Potions. :)
Hmm, how is she getting vengeance? I'm confused!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Just a little vengeance by wrapping his gift in Gryff colours. :)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
She should have swapped the perfect lotion for one of the bright orange ones. Heeheehee. Vengeance!
okay it was just nice, until "twice as many house-elves in varying shades of orange" - and then it opened up a whole new level of funny for me - thank you so much for sharing your work - keep it up!!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Thanks for reviewing! :)
(snerk!) Yes, that sounds about like Lucius. Nicely done and thank you for the giggle, Cat
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Thanks, Cat! :)
Ahh now for Severus as a reward for returning quickly (as we are sure he will) shouldn't it be silver and green :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
I suppose it could have been, but she is his Gryffindor parcel after all! ;)
So vain, Lucius! It did inspire a nice mental picture of him strutting around on the beach in a tiny pair of trunks though...
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
You have a wicked mind, momo. I like it! :)
Gorgeous!!! What a brilliant idea... so lovely of Severus to help his friend in need! Hermione's little revenge was good too. House elves in varying shades of Made me laugh.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Orange elves. Wouldn't that just be hideous! :)
Lucius should know that there are some ladies who find him desirable in any colour *innocent smile*
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Green? :P
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Sure! Black satin and emerald green lace ... oups, losing track here LOL
I can see Lucius missing the tan more than the property.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Yep! :)
Pale and vampiric. Lol. Best line ever.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
Thanks, deb. :)
*snort*I see Hermione is the one who wears the pants in that relationship! And Orange Lucius should be an interesting sight to behold!*giggles*
Response from sunny33 (Author of Bronzing Lucius)
She should have tweaked the brew! :)