New Chapter for The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas
The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas
debjunk19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Hermione decides to do the twelve days of Christmas for Severus. Will he survive all of the attention?
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas
Deb, this is great! I was singing the lyrics in my head each time they appeared. :) The different gifts Hermione got were fun, thoughtful, and interesting. And the progression of the story was great - the reader is just as curious as Severus to unwrap each new gift, and the ending was perfect. Also, congrats on being on the Quiz! Merry Christmas to you!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thanks so much,
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
! I was quite excited to see I'd made it on the quiz. What fun! Glad you liked this. It was pretty fun. Glad you looked forward to each gift too!
That was Absolutely wonderful!! I love, love love it. Great job, Very Entertaining and I found myself singing the verses of the 12 days of christmas along with each installment, My kids even looked at me with alarm, as if to say I was losing my mind. Thanks for the great fic. will recommend it to all my friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Linwe
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thank you Linwe! I'm sure you got some strange looks with those lyrics! Heh, heh. I can never get through all of them in the original song. I just read the first part. Happy New Year!
That was so much fun. What a wonderful Christmas present from you to all of us! Thanks!Happy New Year :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed this little present! Happy New Year to you too!
This was very cute. I liked it a lot.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
I'm glad you did! Happy New Year!
It is amazing the power of simple acts of genuine kindness. You did such a good job of showing this. I especially liked the part where he falls in love with his eyes - always looking at her and seeing something new about her to love.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
I agree with you. I'm glad that came out in this story. Happy New Year!
Lovely, as well as incredibly funny. Ron under the influence of the potion near made me...well, let's just say I found the loo in time! LOL I really enjoyed your story! Happy New Year!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Happy New Year too. I just can't help kicking Ron when he's down. It's the evil git in me. He's just so fun to make fun of! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
oh my dearest deb, that was by turns funny, hilarious, touching and lovely. thanks so much rock! (me blowing kisses)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Aww, you rock too, my dear. Have a Happy New Year, and I'm glad you enjoyed this little romp.
I thoroughly enjoyed Severus' and Hermione's Twelve Days of Christmas!!! She is a very clever witch who knew just how to bewitch her wizard. Well done!Beth
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thanks Beth! She is a crafty one, isn't she?
Oh, so fluffy!!! So cute! Buahaha, babbling potion....great one! And the Dumbledore with darts....even better One quick Snapecanon though....he would never say guy, I don't think. Man, maybe. Also, what's with her...not so Snapey. And ditto for crap, he'd say damnPlease excuse my impertinence, lovely story! :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
You're right, of course. I didn't give those responses a whole lot of Snapey thought... except for the 'crap' one, and 'damn' would definitely be better! I should be more careful. I'm glad you enjoyed this. I think my favorite was the Dumbledore/dart combo. Thanks and Happy New Year!
That was wonderfully adorable. Thank you for a wonderful read!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Happy New Year!
Very sweet, and funny too!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thank you! I think they both had a good time in this, whether Severus is willing to admit it or not. Happy New Year!
Response from HannahSmith (Reviewer)
Absolutely! Happy New Year (and lots of new stories, of course) to you, too!
As the other ladies said: a perfect little piece of Christmas fluff!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Fluff indeed! It was really fun thinking of these twelve things for Severus to do. Happy New Year!
How utterly fun and amusing!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thanks very much! Happy New Year!
LOL I got half way and realized - I'd read this before. But continued reading cuz it's just so darn CUTE~Really a hoot, even the second time around. Hugs~
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thanks for reading it a second time! I'm glad you enjoyed it just as much. Happy New Year and hugs right back atchya.
That was just too cute and funny! Lovely for Christmastime.Livvy
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Happy New Year!
oh i loved this !! cutr funny and crazy just what i needed!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Aww, thank you!
It's absolutely lovely. *happy sigh* I love Christmas. *double happy sigh* ;)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Me too, and this was fun to twist to my liking.
ah, I love it love it love it!!!*dancesroundflat**hand some chocolat around*And one can actually SING it!!you did it wonderful in both ways, the things he "gave" her, and the presents she gave him, up to the present they finally gave each other : their love!!wonderful. a wonderful christmas - time - story.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
As a singer, I would have been really upset with myself if I couldn't get it to fit into the song so you could sing it. (Silly little things I obsess about.) So, you can sing AND dance while passing around that chocolate. I'm very glad you enjoyed this. It was really fun to write.
A really lovely Christmas story. Well done!!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Twelve Days of Snape's Christmas)
Thank you, and a Happy New Year to you!