New Chapter for An Inconceivable Weekend
An Inconceivable Weekend
karelia24 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Hermione receives a letter inviting her to join a secret society and threatening to Obliviate her.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for An Inconceivable Weekend
Interesting and fun! I do admit to wanting the story between Severus and Hermione to go on, and was half-expecting Harry and Draco to be matched up as well! The concept of the Inconceivables is almost too interesting to let drop after one chapter... :)
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you! I did seriously ponder a sequel, but somehow I lost the thread, so I guess it'll remain where it stands. Unless I find a Time-Turner of course. :p
Response from christev (Reviewer)
I'll have the goblins start working on it right away!!
> the two-stranded DNA Hermione was vaguely familiar withWOW, thank you so much for NOT making her a know-it-all even in Muggle genetics. > He’ll cause a bit of an uproar,a very unpersonal, historical perspective -- excellent! > We know one—one!—Muggle couple expectingHuh, during these times Muggles were reproducing far better than today. There must be a deeper issue here and I hope we get an explanation for this.A Black? Snigger!I truly love your idea and the style, need to read on...
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thanks for your kind words and the stars,
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
!I don't know if I'll return to this particular universe. It was meant to be a one-shot, and although it kind of ran away with me, I don't feel all that inspired to continue. But we'll see where the muse takes me... :)
Response from Bettina (Reviewer)
Honestly, the idea has potential for more. I have immediately pondered myself: why did Severus pick Hermione's parents? Did his own relatives maybe pick the Evans for him and failed ... lieben Gruss aus FIN,
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Heh, I haven't thought about it from that angle!Finland! *melts* Da moechte ich soooooo gerne mal Urlaub machen und auf Sibelius' Spuren wandern...
Response from Bettina (Reviewer)
Sag Bescheid, wenn du raufkommst; ein Bett findet sich! Von Sibelius versteh ich allerding nix.
This is very original, and the idea of a secret society in the wizarding world is fascinating. I love the idea that the Malfoys are participating in creating Muggle-born witches and wizards. As others have said, this is so intriguing that I'd love to read a lot more of it.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you, Dreamy!I doubt I'll write more on this particular theme, although I never know with the Muse; he has strange ideas at times, lol. I wrote it as a one-shot for this particular challenge in order to get concrit from my fellow judges, and while I know it has shortcomings, I got my concrit that gives me something more concrete to work on to improve, and that's what matters to me.Thank you for your kind words and the stars!
I loved it! What a cute, sweet story. I only wish there was more. I really enjoyed your idea of where muggle-borns come from. It was well thought-out. I so wish this was more than a one-shot! Keep up the great writing!
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it!
what a truly unique story. loved the idea of malfoy being the inconceivables' "bitch" great stuff. thanks so much
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
*giggles* Thanks for your kind words!
*applauds* Well done. I enjoyed this. A unique premise for a story. Any possibility for further exploration of the relationships discovered? could be interesting....I kept hearing Vizzini from Princess Bride every time I read the Inconcievables. *giggle*
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you! I don't know at the moment; I might revisit and see what the muse tells me. For now, I need to concentrate on the WIPs to get those finished.LOL @ Vizzini! That is exactly the voice I kept hearing! :)
I find the idea of the Inconceivables to be quite original, but I have mixed feelings about Muggle-borns being created this way. As always, your writing is engaging.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
I completely understand that you're not sure about the idea. I find genetics quite fascinating, especially the information that is mostly withheld from the general public, the things that are only found when painstakingly put together, dismissing disinformation and recognising real information. Much can be done with it, and I couldn't resist exploring. ;)Thank you for reviewing!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
I don't mind the genetics thing. I enjoyed learning about it in school. I just meant that I rather like the canon explanation of Muggle-borns, so it's hard for me to see it this way (i.e. Snape creating Hermione... ), but you've written it well. I meant no offense.
Ooooh, conspiracy theories in the wizarding world! Never thought of anything like that before. This was most excellent-- I loved Padma and Lucius, and the end was so sweet!
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Some feel more comfortable to write about what they know *laughs*Thank you for your kind words and the stars! I did have my doubts about Padma and Lucius when I pondered the idea, but it made perfect sense for this little tale. :)
What an unusual idea, a secret society among wizards - that help bring about the creation of Muggle-borns. It was such a shock that the Malfoys were the ones to instigate this group and Draco - and all his bluster, Lucius iwth all his sneering are actually in this group! Really threw me for a loop. Still, I like the concept.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
LOL! We only know Lucius through the Harry filter... I'd like to think there is a lot more to his character than what we're shown through Harry's eyes.Glad you like the concept, though! Thanks for your review and the stars!
Ohh nice one. I'd have loved to read more!
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
It would have been longer if there had been more time, but alas.Thank you for reading, and thank you for reviewing!
A lovely story, I really enjoyed reading it!
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you for reading and thank you for telling me you liked it! *pats the shiny stars*
The idea that a secret society within the wizarding world is manipulating Muggle DNA is certainly unique.Like many other reviewers, I would certainly be interested in learning more about the Inconceivables.I'm not so sure about the romantic aspects you've added to the story. To me, they just don't seem like a necessary component. (Although I did love that Lucius is 'tired' of blondes!) I adore Snape/Hermione stories, but within the context of this story it just seemed too sudden and jarring. I think in a longer, multi-chaptered story, I would have been happy to see a romance develop between them, but it seemed 'off' somehow here. I really love the basic story, however, so please don't be offended!
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Not only am I not offended but I thank you for and appreciate you sharing your thoughts!You're possibly right about the sudden and jarring bit as well as the plot offering itself as a multi-chaptered fic. When I came up with the idea of the tale, I did absolutely envisage it a one-shot, not only with regard to the plot but length as well. While writing it, I realised it couldn't be done within two or three k words. I did ponder turning it into something longer and multi-chaptered, but then there was the lure of submitting something that will be constructively criticised and judged by my fellow-admins, people whose opinions I highly value and respect. So, instead, I trodded along and tried my best to keep it within the one-shot as per challenge rules.Other than that, I can't really say anything for the simple reason that I only finished writing it two nights ago and spent most of yesterday editing and re-editing, so I simply haven't found the distance I need in order to re-visit it.Thanks again for your constructive words, and I hope you're having a wonderful holiday!
Such an original premise, and I like it very much. The idea that there is another group, the Inconceivables... housed within the Unspeakables... which is housed with the Department of Mysteries... which is part of the Ministry of Magic... is so wonderful! I love all the layers one can find in the Wizarding world, and you have added another. Good for you!I'm happy for Lucius and Padma to have found happiness in each other, but I am beside myself that Hermione and Severus have come together. The scene at the end where a sleeping Snape has his long, lean frame stretched out, half on the sofa, half on the low table, with Miss Granger asleep in his lap is perfect. It is a scene of happiness and relaxation, both of which are usually in short supply for Severus, that makes my heart smile.A Thousand Points to Your House! Thank you. And judging from the other comments, I'd say you have a ready audience if you decided to add to this delightful story.Hugs, Beth
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you very much for your kind words, and I'm sooooo glad you liked it! :)
Original and fascinating! That certainly made for a different Christmas for Hermione, in more ways than one.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Yeah, Hermione surely didn't expect to find love so soon. :)Thank you for your review and the shiny stars!
What an unusual concept. I have to admit, accepting the Malfoys' role in all that is rather hard.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Hee, thanks! I agree that the Malfoys could be seen out of character here. On the other hand, we know little enough about them, and all through the Harry filter, that we can take them pretty much anywhere. :)
Just as Hermione's parents had never bought into the conspiracy theories that the Muggle world was owned by secret societies, Hermione was above believing such twaddle.LOL. Trust you. I really liked this - although I must admit I was half expecting Severus to tell Hermione she'd been selected for some special breeding programme. And you got 2012 in as well. I'd love to see you continue this;it's right up my street.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
*grins widely* When I did the editing, I stopped at this very sentence and thought to myself, Now, who would be likely to pick up on this one... If anyone, it'll be
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
! LOLI'm not sure if I'll expand on this particular fic, as it was designed as a one-shot, but I do have ideas on something revolving around the energy change between present and 2012... ;)
Oh, now that was good and I really Like the idea of a sub-set organisation within the Unspeakables. It all works very well and I like the uncommon pairing of Lucius and Padma.I'd actually like to see you expand this, as I'd like to know more about the Inconceivables and the machinations they've wrought in the wizarding world. Oh, and Merry Christmas! :)
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you! I did ponder various females with Lucius, and I'm glad my choice of Padma isn't scoffed at. :)Hm, expanding it... I guess I'll have to see what the muse decides...And Happy Holidays to you!
Interesting concept... i need a sequel.
Author's Response: *drops dead* You left me a review! LOL
Thank you! *pats the shiny stars*
Brilliant! Love the winter sunrise with Sev. :)
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thanks, luv! *pats the shiny stars*
Intriging story. I would love to hear more on this topic.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Thank you! I'm not sure if I will expand on this particular one--it was designed to be a one-shot--but I'll see where the muse takes me. :)
What an interesting premise. To think that Severus gave Hermione her witchly powers. All that worry on Hermione's part about not having a 'love'... all for naught. I'm glad Severus made a move here. And Lucius and Padma... not something I would have originally thought of, but a nice pairing in this story.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Hee. Lucius was tired of blondes here, so Luna was out of the question, LOL :)Thanks for reviewing!
LOL seems so inconcievable that Lucius Malfoy, the one in canon that hated Muggle-borns so much would in fact see to their creation, let alone ensure their exsistance. Good tale, I like how you explain the rationale and for some odd reason it makes sense. I loved Severus in this story. Whoot he gets to gether with Hermione.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Yeah, exactly. That's why I chose to go with 'inconceivable.' LOLThanks for reviewing! :)
Damnit! XD So much build-up, I expecting this to be multi-chaptered with everyone coming together to solve a big puzzle/battle again. It's nice to have everyone meeting for something less than disastrous for a change, though. ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Oooooh, that bit about Severus manipulating Hermione's DNA is particularly baffling and intriguing. And the Malfoys causing muggle-borns whilst being Death Eaters is just mind-boggling. I'd be very interested in reading a lot more about this interesting premise you've set up.
Response from karelia (Author of An Inconceivable Weekend)
Hee. It's kind of bemusing how many have said they want to read more on this. LOLI actually do have an idea to expand on it, but not quite enough to grasp yet. Will have to let it stew for a bit...Thanks for your lovely review! *pats the shiny stars*