Part VII: Should Circe Meddle...
Chapter 7 of 12
averygoodunSnape's gone missing, but Circe doesn?t seem concerned. Should Hermione be worried? What about Snape?
ReviewedDisclaimer: In an alternate universe I expect JK is sitting at her computer typing a disclaimer out for fan fiction based on my work. Seeing as this is not that universe, the characters herein are obviously not mine.
Part VII: Should Circe Meddle...
Heavy rain on their next date did not encourage a peace treaty between the two. Their date was halfway through when Snape broke the continued silence with a hiss of pain and clutched his forearm reflexively.
“As enjoyable as this has been,” he said with a snide undertone, “I’m afraid we must reschedule this date.” Snape stood up, bowed curtly, and exited before Hermione could do anything more than cast a worried glance at his back.
She knew it must be an impromptu meeting he was attending, and wondered for whom it bade ill. She hoped he’d be all right.
At breakfast the next morning, Hermione noticed both Snape and Draco were absent. She deliberately dawdled until the last minute, but they never showed up.
As the week wore on, and no sign was seen of the two, Hermione grew more and more concerned. Every day she would cast a worried glance at the head table, drawing playful jabs from her friends.
“Oi, ‘Mione! If you keep looking over there, we’ll start to think you actually like the git,” Ron pointed out sensitively.
“What makes you think I don’t?” she answered bluntly, barely noticing the shocked looks her words garnered.
Circe gleefully watched her granddaughter’s worry increase over the week. She smiled victoriously when she heard Hermione’s retort to her friends’ banter, knowing it was time for Snape’s return. Now the only problem was getting him back.
Circe knew he had gone off with the Malfoy brat to their last summons, but she had been unable to locate either of them since. She figured they must be somewhere unplottable, but had a pretty good hunch as to where to start her search.
“I think,” she mused to herself, “it’s time to play the crone and wander from door to door.”
Circe had learned many things from Zeus in her youth, one of which was that the measure of a person was best taken when they had no clue who you were.
She had heard a lot about the Malfoy family since coming to Hogwarts and very little of it was good; she had a shrewd guess as to how they would treat an old beggar woman in search of a little food.
Donning her rags, she set off, apparating just beyond the Malfoy estate gates. She could feel the wards screaming as she knocked on the kitchen door round back.
A man answered the door, scowling when he caught sight of the old woman.
“Go away!” he ordered, then tried to slam the door.
Circe jammed her cane in the door and put on her most disturbing toothless smile. “Can’t you spare an old woman a few scraps of bread?”
Lucius narrowed his eyes, then smiled dangerously. “Of course! Where were my manners? Come in and I’ll give you a treat.” Circe then allowed herself to be grabbed and thrown into the dungeons.
“You’d have been better off getting a job,” Lucius laughed as he slammed the cell door shut.
When she was sure her host had gone, Circe dug out her wand and cast some light on the bad situation. As she waved the light around, she saw a form huddled in the corner.
“Oh dear,” she remarked, as she bent over the body and recognized the face. “Now how did you get yourself in such a pickle, dearie?” she asked the unconscious Snape. “Did you comment on their manners perchance?”
She quickly cast a few diagnostic spells, then a healing charm. Little by little, Snape’s breathing got easier, so she sat down to wait for him to wake.
A good deal of time passed before Snape deigned to wake. Circe helped him into consciousness by flicking his shoulder blade repeatedly.
“For the love of Circe, stop hitting me!” Snape grumbled, rolling away from the offending finger.
“Nice to know you love me,” Circe said, eliciting another groan from the huddled mass.
“What are you doing here, or have I died and gone to Hell?” Snape muttered.
“Now that’s a fine way to talk when I had decided to rescue you.”
“Just leave me to rot. I’ll not be missed.”
“That, dearie, is where you’re wrong.” Circe stated.
“So tell me how you got yourself into such an undignified position,” Circe demanded when Snape finally managed to sit up.
Snape hesitated, then shrugged, bowing to the inevitable. “Narcissa was a mite offended that I (supposedly) stunned Draco the other month. When I came over for a nightcap with Lucius, she was a perfectly stunning hostess. I woke up in here.”
Circe nodded, a knowing look on her face. “Well, we mothers can be a bit overprotective.”
Snape started pouting. “Lucius has been coming down to laugh at me ever since. It’s not very nice, I can tell you”
“There’s no point feeling sorry for yourself. It’s your own fault you picked the wrong friends,” Circe scolded.
“Yes, yes, fine. Now can we go?” he asked.
Circe frowned at his attitude and shook her head. “I think it would do you good to think things through down here a while. I’ll be off to let Hermione know you’re okay, though.”
“So you’re just going to leave me in here to rot?” Snape said, feeling a little panicky.
“Oh, come now. Do you really think they’ll leave you here when you’re next summoned? They’ll have had their joke by then.”
Snape’s bark of laughter was cut short as Circe disappeared with a pop. Closing his eyes, he muffled his frustrated screams in his robe.
The only good Circe’s visit had wrought was bringing him hope with tidings of Hermione’s concern.
Circe hurried up to Gryffindor Tower; she had good news to share.
Flouncing into the common room, she announced loudly, “Hermione, darling, all’s well with your Snapeypoo.”
Everyone in the common room looked at Circe for a stunned moment before bursting into giggles. Everyone except Hermione. Hermione scowled at Circe as the room rang with laughter. Circe beamed back.
AN: Next up: WAR!
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185 Reviews | 6.54/10 Average
Wonderfully fluffy! Even fluffier than marshmallow fluff!
Lol loved the perverse pun with pig latin. Excellent ending for Snake Face
This story was wonderfully entertaining and fun. I truly enjoyed it. You gave me 3 wonderful nights of wine and reading a lovely, amusing story about my favorite couple before bed. Well done!!!!! Good night, dearest AG.
With Circe for her grandmother, does that still qualify Hermione as a "mudblood"? I know her parents are muggles but her blood is bluer than his! Can he still call her that? Isn't her dad more like a sqib? That would make her a half blood wouldn't it?
I second my 2011 review. My cat doen't want me to type more.
What fun!!!! I've read it years ago and remember Hermione gets fixed up with Snape by Circe and that's it. Not because it isn't a memorable story, mind. It's because I have no short term memory. I do remember being 18 months old and my brother being brought home from the hospital. Seriously. I'm terrified I have early dementia. But it won't make it better to stress about it, so I'm off to the next chapter.
Thanks for that funny story!
Hahahahaha, loved how Hermione & Severus looked for the opportunity in their predicament! ;)
This was a fun sounding challenge, and you did a great job with it! Loved this story! :)
Bravo! Quite enjoayable piece of romantic fluffy wuffy. I love romantic fluffy wuffy!
Not as smart as one would expect of Snapeypoo! Not to be a nag, but does he not realize whom he is trying to best? I bet Albus will play along alright. If I know him he'll tell Severus he's been in love with him too and just didn't think Snapeypoo would ever return his feelings, that's what!
I've no idea what she'll do to Hermione. She has shamelessly embarrassed the girl. If Hermione really is the smartest witch of her age she'll apologize and explaine that she was just embarrassed, then thank her for getting Snapeypoo to fall for her.
Apparently, they forgot who they are dealing with and have grossly underestimated their adversary. Cheeky! The powerful witch and wizard are just a little bit too impressed with themselves. I imagine they will find out one shouldn't toy with goddesses.
So much for Harry's Bilboish speach. I was thinking that Snape would be rather stinky and not very kissable after so much time in a dungeon but then I remembered cleansing charms. That was a close one. I was about to be icked out by a Snapeypoo- Hermione kiss. That was the whole point of the story! I hope Aragog and his spawn actually ate the swine. Do spiders poop? Could Volde come back to life from magical spider poop? Let's hope not.
Circe's Big Bra on a Centaur!! Pa-leez! Must you embarrass the girl so heartlessly? Give her a break and tell her about Snapypoo in private, could you?
Admittedly, Snapypoo did deserve to be left at the Malfoy's. But I expect you to deliver him in good health to Hermione when he's learned his lesson.
Circe's pink knickers! 'Bout time she stepped in! I hope she addresses the problem with Ferretbutt, as well.
I don't see why Snape would be offended by Hermione taking Ferrethead down a notch, implying he wanted to be Snape's tart. She in no way insinuated that Snape would be open to the idea. I thought it was brilliant! Too bad about Malfoy. I hope he has a change of heart and chooses the light. You'd think he'd at least be afraid of insulting Circe's grand daughter. I hope Circe has been paying attention to the little ferrethole.
How do Circe and Dumbledore expect things to progress in a romantic way when the couple have promised not to cross the Student-Teacher line? It's time for Dumbledore to let Severus know that as long as he is descrete the Headmaster would turn a blind eye should feelings develope between Severus and Hermione. Otherwise, it's time Circe laid down some more laws and told Dumbledore to give Severus permission to court Hermione if he so desires.
Circe's Ass!
What is the problem with those Slytherin twits? Worried Hermione out ranks them? Mwaaahaaahaaa!
Sweet Circe!
Bwahahaha! I LOVE this story! Transfiguring Dumbledore into a boar! Definitely a boar and not a bore! Snapey's undies must be in a bunch!!!
ROTFLMHO! That is one of the funniest Severus/Hermione fics I've ever read. After a "grumpy" day, this brought a smile to my face and had my family looking at me like I was crazy for laughing so much and so loud. I don't think the skimming in the last chapter was a problem at all... with the style of the fic, it worked perfectly!
Very enjoyable and pleasingly in character. Altogether believable.
very good!
Meddling old biddies LOL