Part VI: Well, Circe!
Chapter 6 of 12
averygoodunMaybe it was too soon in their relationship for Hermione to have visited Snape's quarters.
ReviewedPart VI: Well, Circe...
When next they met, Snape’s discomfiture was palpable. Hermione, thinking it was because of her presence in his bedchambers a week prior, was equally uncomfortable. Neither said anything for the first two hours. Those torturous hours were spent secretly trying to gauge the feelings of the other while seeming disinterested.
Madam Rosmerta put an end to their stalemate by bursting into giggles as she observed their covert glances when refilling their mugs yet again.
Snape glared Rosmerta away, then turned his ire on Hermione.
“What game are you playing at?” he demanded. Hermione gaped at him, unprepared for the assault.
“What do you mean by that?” Hermione said angrily.
“Don’t be impertinent, girl. Just answer the question, or so help me-”
“What? So help you what, exactly? You’ll stop dating me? You’ll give me detention? A beating? Maybe you’ll tie me up and throw me to the centaurs?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, girl. I’ll just make you miserable!”
“And how do you plan to do that, Professor? Please enlighten me!” Hermione nearly shouted.
Snape glowered at her, then stood up to tower over her, menace radiating from his body.
“I’ll make sure you feel for me as I do for you!”
Snape stepped back from her, a look of panic flashing across his face before the normal sneer took over. Before she could respond, he turned and left for the toilet. Hermione looked out the window, trying to decipher the threat.
“What do you mean, Professor?” she murmured to herself. “I know you loathe me, and quite frankly I couldn’t be more miserable knowing that, what with how I feel.”
A gasp made her turn to discover a startled Snape standing behind her seat. He looked momentarily bewildered, but quickly reverted back to anger.
“It is time to go,” he said.
Neither said a word on their march back to the castle, but Snape seemed almost reluctant to end the date by the time they reached Gryffindor tower.
“Miss Granger...” he’d started, almost plaintively, then braced his shoulders for a storm and continued: “Miss Granger, I do not loathe you, nor do I wish you miserable, exactly.”
“Exactly?” she asked, pursing her lips and crossing her arms imperiously.
“I do fervently wish you shared the discomfort I endure when I’m with you.”
Hermione's lips disappeared altogether. “Don’t worry, I do.”
She pecked him sharply on the lips before escaping in disgust.
When their twelfth date started neither was inclined to talk, as both felt slighted by the other. Snape felt as if his declaration had been willfully thrown aside while Hermione inferred that she was nothing more than an annoyance to be endured. Neither wanted to be the first to break their sulk, so the stony silence lasted till their kiss.
Both squeezed their eyes shut tight as if they could block out the contact if they tried hard enough. They parted with an alacrity that spoke of a mutual distaste. Circe watched with a frown, wondering how things had disintegrated.
“Darling child, may I have a word with you?” a brassy voice called out through the empty corridor. Hermione turned, knowing it was useless to ignore Circe.
“Certainly, Grandmother. What word would you like?” Hermione’s tone was chilly, and Circe knew she needed to tread with care.
“I just wanted to know if you’re enjoying yourself on your dates. I would hate to think of you miserable.” Hermione eyed Circe suspiciously, hoping the concern was genuine.
“Truthfully, I was enjoying myself, but knowing I’m making the Professor uncomfortable doesn’t bode well for future enjoyment.”
“Uncomfortable, eh? We’ll see about that...”
Snape’s office was invaded by a gaudy dress containing the infuriating Grecian he’d love to loathe. He bit back any sharp remarks, not wanting to experience her Transfiguration skills first hand.
“May I help you, Madam?” he said.
“Yes, you may. I was just wondering if the dates with Hermione are at all bearable. Is there a reason she’s been single all this time? Is she unmatchable?”
Snape unwittingly pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I see no reason why she’s single, besides it being her choice.”
“She is attractive and intelligent. For someone out there, she’s a catch.”
Circe thought long and hard about the conundrum before her. She was almost positive Hermione and Snape liked each other, but both were too proud to admit it. She was positive Hermione’s snit could last through another thirteen dates and suspected Snape’s could, too. She needed to create conditions where they would cast aside their anger and reveal their true feelings. She needed to make them feel as if they were going to lose one another forever, irrevocably.
Her eyes lit up as a thought struck her, and she smiled with manic glee. “Dumbledore,” she announced, “It’s time for war.”
AN: Next time: Snape goes missing, and yet Circe is happy... Should Hermione be worried?
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185 Reviews | 6.54/10 Average
Wonderfully fluffy! Even fluffier than marshmallow fluff!
Lol loved the perverse pun with pig latin. Excellent ending for Snake Face
This story was wonderfully entertaining and fun. I truly enjoyed it. You gave me 3 wonderful nights of wine and reading a lovely, amusing story about my favorite couple before bed. Well done!!!!! Good night, dearest AG.
With Circe for her grandmother, does that still qualify Hermione as a "mudblood"? I know her parents are muggles but her blood is bluer than his! Can he still call her that? Isn't her dad more like a sqib? That would make her a half blood wouldn't it?
I second my 2011 review. My cat doen't want me to type more.
What fun!!!! I've read it years ago and remember Hermione gets fixed up with Snape by Circe and that's it. Not because it isn't a memorable story, mind. It's because I have no short term memory. I do remember being 18 months old and my brother being brought home from the hospital. Seriously. I'm terrified I have early dementia. But it won't make it better to stress about it, so I'm off to the next chapter.
Thanks for that funny story!
Hahahahaha, loved how Hermione & Severus looked for the opportunity in their predicament! ;)
This was a fun sounding challenge, and you did a great job with it! Loved this story! :)
Bravo! Quite enjoayable piece of romantic fluffy wuffy. I love romantic fluffy wuffy!
Not as smart as one would expect of Snapeypoo! Not to be a nag, but does he not realize whom he is trying to best? I bet Albus will play along alright. If I know him he'll tell Severus he's been in love with him too and just didn't think Snapeypoo would ever return his feelings, that's what!
I've no idea what she'll do to Hermione. She has shamelessly embarrassed the girl. If Hermione really is the smartest witch of her age she'll apologize and explaine that she was just embarrassed, then thank her for getting Snapeypoo to fall for her.
Apparently, they forgot who they are dealing with and have grossly underestimated their adversary. Cheeky! The powerful witch and wizard are just a little bit too impressed with themselves. I imagine they will find out one shouldn't toy with goddesses.
So much for Harry's Bilboish speach. I was thinking that Snape would be rather stinky and not very kissable after so much time in a dungeon but then I remembered cleansing charms. That was a close one. I was about to be icked out by a Snapeypoo- Hermione kiss. That was the whole point of the story! I hope Aragog and his spawn actually ate the swine. Do spiders poop? Could Volde come back to life from magical spider poop? Let's hope not.
Circe's Big Bra on a Centaur!! Pa-leez! Must you embarrass the girl so heartlessly? Give her a break and tell her about Snapypoo in private, could you?
Admittedly, Snapypoo did deserve to be left at the Malfoy's. But I expect you to deliver him in good health to Hermione when he's learned his lesson.
Circe's pink knickers! 'Bout time she stepped in! I hope she addresses the problem with Ferretbutt, as well.
I don't see why Snape would be offended by Hermione taking Ferrethead down a notch, implying he wanted to be Snape's tart. She in no way insinuated that Snape would be open to the idea. I thought it was brilliant! Too bad about Malfoy. I hope he has a change of heart and chooses the light. You'd think he'd at least be afraid of insulting Circe's grand daughter. I hope Circe has been paying attention to the little ferrethole.
How do Circe and Dumbledore expect things to progress in a romantic way when the couple have promised not to cross the Student-Teacher line? It's time for Dumbledore to let Severus know that as long as he is descrete the Headmaster would turn a blind eye should feelings develope between Severus and Hermione. Otherwise, it's time Circe laid down some more laws and told Dumbledore to give Severus permission to court Hermione if he so desires.
Circe's Ass!
What is the problem with those Slytherin twits? Worried Hermione out ranks them? Mwaaahaaahaaa!
Sweet Circe!
Bwahahaha! I LOVE this story! Transfiguring Dumbledore into a boar! Definitely a boar and not a bore! Snapey's undies must be in a bunch!!!
ROTFLMHO! That is one of the funniest Severus/Hermione fics I've ever read. After a "grumpy" day, this brought a smile to my face and had my family looking at me like I was crazy for laughing so much and so loud. I don't think the skimming in the last chapter was a problem at all... with the style of the fic, it worked perfectly!
Very enjoyable and pleasingly in character. Altogether believable.
very good!
Meddling old biddies LOL