Part IV: What in the Name of Circe?
Chapter 4 of 12
averygoodunTheir dates progress. Are those feelings floating about in the air?
ReviewedPart IV: What in the name of Circe...?
Life settled down surprisingly well after their third date. The news spread throughout the school, but it actually benefited the pair. Everyone felt a profound sympathy for Hermione, being forced to date Snape, whereas Snape gained status with his Slytherins for currying favor with Circe through her granddaughter. Everyone was convinced that neither enjoyed their dates.
The reluctant couple, however, were finding they weren’t totally adverse to each other’s company. Once they discovered safe topics to discuss, they engaged wits most satisfactorily.
By the end of their fourth date, they were equally surprised just how quickly the time had passed.
“Oh!” Hermione said as she looked at the chiming clock. She turned back to Snape, who seemed slightly startled but masked it quickly. “It seems as though time has flown.”
“Indeed,” said he. They stood up in tandem, walking over to the door awkwardly.
“Well, er, thanks,” she said.
“What for?” he asked.
“Talking, and, you know, treating me like an equal, I suppose.”
“It seems I have little choice until these dates are done,” he sighed.
“Er, right,” she agreed a tad nervously.
He bent down to kiss her and withdrew quickly, leaving before any questions could arise within.
Their next date started mostly in silence, any conversations they had being stilted and awkward. After fifteen minutes of being uncomfortable, Snape suggested they make it an ‘out’ date and visit a muggle cinema. Hermione, feeling as discomfited as Snape, readily agreed, wondering if there were any movies they would both enjoy.
They argued in front of the theater for thirty minutes before agreeing. Once inside, Hermione insisted on buying popcorn even though Snape was disgusted by the yellow goop they poured on it.
Snape eyed Hermione’s hands and muttered, “And they call me greasy.”
Hermione smiled, then offered to share.
After their sixth date, Hermione mused that something had changed between them. No longer did they need revenge for a topic to keep the conversation going. She was almost alarmed at how much she was enjoying their dates, not that she’d ever admit it.
Snape, too, had noticed a change. He found himself humming on the way to her room; then he almost smiled when she opened the door, grinning at him. He was unnerved by it and vowed to investigate - after their date ended. He needn’t ruin a pleasant evening with moralistic musings.
Their kiss that night was guarded.
Circe observed them at the Three Broomsticks on their next date. She smiled at the progress they seemed to be making. They weren’t comfortable with each other yet, but it was now an embarrassed air that surrounded them, not malicious. Acceptance of their new feelings was just around the corner.
Her smile broadened as she saw Snape pull out Hermione’s chair, then let out a satisfied sigh when Hermione blushed becomingly. She didn’t miss Snape smirking with pleasure.
Circe’s drinking companion turned to see what she was looking at, then turned back to her and grinned, blue eyes twinkling agreement.
The stubborn nature of two fools will often decide their fate. For Hermione and Snape, however, other mitigating factors interfered, rendering their pigheadedness for naught.
By their eighth date, they individually knew they were attracted to the other, but neither was willing to make the first move. Snape refused for matters of integrity. She was a student still and he her teacher. He had promised Dumbledore that no lines would be crossed, though he snorted at that, thinking goodnight kisses would not be considered regulation.
Hermione, however, refused to make a fool of herself, not with so many dates remaining.
Their night ended with a new tension, both suppressing their feelings lest they get hurt. They avoided contact as they made their way back, even eschewing conversation.
When they reached her door, she said, “Well,” but stopped as Snape spoke at the same moment. They each gestured for the other to continue, neither taking the initiative.
“Screw this,” Hermione huffed, and impatiently leaned forward to finish the date. When her lips met his, however, she noticed how soft they were when not fraught with tension.
Looking up, she noticed he seemed shocked at her move. She fled before he blinked.
Hermione hid her embarrassment successfully around her friends, but she couldn’t help turning beet red when Snape picked her up the next time. She was grateful he pretended not to notice, acting cool and distant as per normal.
By the time they reached the gates, she realized he was not acting normally. His face and shoulders were tense and his stride too quick.
Before she could stop herself, she said, “I’m sorry.”
He stopped short, turning so quickly she ran into him. Grabbing his cloak to keep from falling, she looked up at him. His dark eyes burned into her.
“What are you sorry for?” he asked, his voice unusually soft.
“For last night, sir. It wasn’t my intention to be forward.”
He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “I thought a Gryffindor would apologize for running away, not rushing in.”
Hermione frowned, and looking down, realized she was still grasping his cloak. Letting go and stepping back, she looked back up at him contritely. His gaze had returned to normal: completely unreadable.
“Even lions get scared, sir,” she said. She thought she saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes, but before she could interpret it he turned, continuing on.
They were quiet throughout their entire date, seeming lost in thought. Hermione’s thoughts kept revolving around the flicker of emotion she saw, trying to determine what it was. She became so consumed by her thoughts she didn’t notice her professor watching her.
“It’s time to go,” he said, breaking her concentration.
Startled, Hermione looked up, then quietly prepared to go.
Neither said a word on their trek back to Hogwarts. Just as Hermione was about to step out of the secret staircase into the last corridor, Snape stopped her with a hand on her arm.
“Wait a moment,” he said.
Hermione looked up at Snape curiously, patiently waiting for him to continue. It was difficult to see in the dim light, but he seemed agitated even though he stood still before her.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he finally said.
She frowned in thought. “You didn’t, sir, or at least it wasn’t your fault.”
“I don’t understand,” he said looking confused.
“Neither do I, sir. That’s what scares me.”
He looked at her shrewdly for a moment, then stepped forward to open the passageway to the corridor.
His kiss that night was softer than normal, though just as short.
AN: Next up: Some of Draco's 'wit', some hurt feelings, and a visit to Snape's quarters.
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185 Reviews | 6.54/10 Average
Wonderfully fluffy! Even fluffier than marshmallow fluff!
Lol loved the perverse pun with pig latin. Excellent ending for Snake Face
This story was wonderfully entertaining and fun. I truly enjoyed it. You gave me 3 wonderful nights of wine and reading a lovely, amusing story about my favorite couple before bed. Well done!!!!! Good night, dearest AG.
With Circe for her grandmother, does that still qualify Hermione as a "mudblood"? I know her parents are muggles but her blood is bluer than his! Can he still call her that? Isn't her dad more like a sqib? That would make her a half blood wouldn't it?
I second my 2011 review. My cat doen't want me to type more.
What fun!!!! I've read it years ago and remember Hermione gets fixed up with Snape by Circe and that's it. Not because it isn't a memorable story, mind. It's because I have no short term memory. I do remember being 18 months old and my brother being brought home from the hospital. Seriously. I'm terrified I have early dementia. But it won't make it better to stress about it, so I'm off to the next chapter.
Thanks for that funny story!
Hahahahaha, loved how Hermione & Severus looked for the opportunity in their predicament! ;)
This was a fun sounding challenge, and you did a great job with it! Loved this story! :)
Bravo! Quite enjoayable piece of romantic fluffy wuffy. I love romantic fluffy wuffy!
Not as smart as one would expect of Snapeypoo! Not to be a nag, but does he not realize whom he is trying to best? I bet Albus will play along alright. If I know him he'll tell Severus he's been in love with him too and just didn't think Snapeypoo would ever return his feelings, that's what!
I've no idea what she'll do to Hermione. She has shamelessly embarrassed the girl. If Hermione really is the smartest witch of her age she'll apologize and explaine that she was just embarrassed, then thank her for getting Snapeypoo to fall for her.
Apparently, they forgot who they are dealing with and have grossly underestimated their adversary. Cheeky! The powerful witch and wizard are just a little bit too impressed with themselves. I imagine they will find out one shouldn't toy with goddesses.
So much for Harry's Bilboish speach. I was thinking that Snape would be rather stinky and not very kissable after so much time in a dungeon but then I remembered cleansing charms. That was a close one. I was about to be icked out by a Snapeypoo- Hermione kiss. That was the whole point of the story! I hope Aragog and his spawn actually ate the swine. Do spiders poop? Could Volde come back to life from magical spider poop? Let's hope not.
Circe's Big Bra on a Centaur!! Pa-leez! Must you embarrass the girl so heartlessly? Give her a break and tell her about Snapypoo in private, could you?
Admittedly, Snapypoo did deserve to be left at the Malfoy's. But I expect you to deliver him in good health to Hermione when he's learned his lesson.
Circe's pink knickers! 'Bout time she stepped in! I hope she addresses the problem with Ferretbutt, as well.
I don't see why Snape would be offended by Hermione taking Ferrethead down a notch, implying he wanted to be Snape's tart. She in no way insinuated that Snape would be open to the idea. I thought it was brilliant! Too bad about Malfoy. I hope he has a change of heart and chooses the light. You'd think he'd at least be afraid of insulting Circe's grand daughter. I hope Circe has been paying attention to the little ferrethole.
How do Circe and Dumbledore expect things to progress in a romantic way when the couple have promised not to cross the Student-Teacher line? It's time for Dumbledore to let Severus know that as long as he is descrete the Headmaster would turn a blind eye should feelings develope between Severus and Hermione. Otherwise, it's time Circe laid down some more laws and told Dumbledore to give Severus permission to court Hermione if he so desires.
Circe's Ass!
What is the problem with those Slytherin twits? Worried Hermione out ranks them? Mwaaahaaahaaa!
Sweet Circe!
Bwahahaha! I LOVE this story! Transfiguring Dumbledore into a boar! Definitely a boar and not a bore! Snapey's undies must be in a bunch!!!
ROTFLMHO! That is one of the funniest Severus/Hermione fics I've ever read. After a "grumpy" day, this brought a smile to my face and had my family looking at me like I was crazy for laughing so much and so loud. I don't think the skimming in the last chapter was a problem at all... with the style of the fic, it worked perfectly!
Very enjoyable and pleasingly in character. Altogether believable.
very good!
Meddling old biddies LOL