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Calling Me On
6.9/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )"If there's somebody calling me on, she's the one…" For the grangersnape100 'back from the dead' challenge.
132 Words, Started 01/27/2008, Completed 01/27/2008
For the Love of a Good Woman
by theslacker
6.7/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Snape is nothing if not persistent.
1,615 Words, Started 11/09/2009, Completed 11/09/2009
In Assorted Shapes & Sizes
7.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Hermione returns to the family home in search of a certain someone… (GS100 Multiple Snapes challenge)
113 Words, Started 08/24/2015, Completed 08/24/2015
Not What it Seems
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )It was a prophecy to give a mother nightmares. It was a honeymoon they would never forget.
850 Words, Started 01/23/2011, Completed 01/23/2011
Hurrah for the Pirate King
by peskipiksi
4.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Hermione finds herself toying with the Patented Daydream Charm that Fred once gave her. What she discovers is beyond even her wildest dreams.
2,266 Words, Started 04/01/2012, Completed 04/01/2012
Hidden Love, Open Sky
by WriterMerrin
5.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )With her, Severus feels as free as the open sky.
436 Words, Started 08/30/2009, Completed 08/30/2009
Saturday Night at the Movies
7.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )An idiotic plan by Ron backfires when Viktor intercepts the gift intended for Hermione.
583 Words, Started 06/20/2010, Completed 06/20/2010
What Now, Severus?
by Emilie D
6.5/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Bellatrix does Snape a favor, but he doesn?t realize it right away.
16,532 Words, Started 03/10/2006, Updated 04/07/2006
The Light at the End
by pelespen
8.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )Sirius returns from the veil somewhat damaged. It takes Hermione's intelligence to solve his problems, but it's her heart that must heal him.
13,478 Words, Started 03/11/2009, Updated 02/25/2010
by ferporcel
6.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )Hermione is rendered speechless by Severus Snape. One-shot. A/U. Post-HBP.
1,091 Words, Started 08/23/2009, Completed 08/23/2009
Fate Worse Than Death
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A fitting end for a bitch of a witch.
166 Words, Started 01/31/2010, Completed 01/31/2010
All Of Me
by MomoDesu
5.5/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )When Hermione was fifteen this was not how she envisioned her life at twenty five to be. Married? Yes. Kids? Possibly. Great career? Definitely. Sleeping with a married man? Never. Being arse over elbow in love with said married man? Something she would have never dreamed of in a million years.
2,306 Words, Started 02/26/2009, Completed 02/26/2009
A Moment's Impression
by laurielove
7.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )A young Severus Snape is annoyed to find his his usual breaktime meeting place has been taken by somebody else.
3,395 Words, Started 06/11/2010, Completed 06/11/2010
Consequences and Repercussions
by Pearle
4.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Some things never change, Severus is one of them. A 100 word drabble "inspired" by Lotm.
158 Words, Started 04/07/2007, Completed 04/07/2007
by blue artemis
6.9/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Severus and Hermione have a conversation
151 Words, Started 11/08/2009, Completed 11/08/2009
by Savva
7.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )In a waltz, just like in love, the right partner is everything.
3,203 Words, Started 12/03/2014, Completed 12/03/2014
Man Behind the Curtain
by dracontia
10.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Summary: Rose’s ambition was straightforward: to be the youngest Keeper ever on a House team and to go professional one day. A sequel to ‘A Credit to Their Houses,’ prior to ‘A New Deal: Fog Lifts.’
4,639 Words, Started 10/16/2014, Completed 10/24/2014
Medicinal Cocoa
by janus
7.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Poppy finds Severus outside in the snow, seeking ingredients for a potion for her hospital wing.
229 Words, Started 11/08/2009, Completed 11/08/2009
Tea Party at the Manor
by karelia
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Narcissa made her way through the crowd in measured steps, occasionally stopping to exchange a few words, but mostly just nodding a greeting in passing.
1,636 Words, Started 08/20/2009, Completed 08/20/2009
Wedding Vows
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )The thoughts that ran through Viktor's mind as Hermione spoke her vows to him.
590 Words, Started 06/06/2010, Completed 07/30/2010
Christmas Morning
7.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )A bit of seasonal fluff, written for the grangersnape100 community on LiveJournal.
341 Words, Started 12/13/2007, Completed 12/13/2007
by lady_rhian
7.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )"Bloom where you're planted."
338 Words, Started 02/04/2010, Completed 02/04/2010
The Comfort of Dreams
by Clairvoyant
5.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione must decide which is better, dream or reality?
111 Words, Started 08/17/2009, Completed 08/17/2009