New Chapter for Cassandra Wept
Cassandra Wept
PlaidPooka27 Reviews | 27 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
Written pre-HBP. Sybill Trelawney seems to have managed a third prophecy at last. How will the Potions master react to being the subject of her public display of divination?
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Cassandra Wept
;D Poor Sybill.
Ooops! I thought I hadn't read this one yet! Hahahahha I LOVE the ending!
Eyebrows rising in surprise, Severus had time to think “Oh, it’s that kind of tension…” before he lowered his mouth to Hermione’s.
I LOVE that line lol great story
This was a nice story, but i wonder why you call it Cassandra wept?
Oh, I loved this. Had no idea what the prophecy meant until...well, the combustion of tension. Wow. Very well done.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! Thanks! :)
Screw Sybill, that was fantastic...if a little crass. Loved the portrayal of Snape, before you unwound into the PWP section of the evening. But what else are these storys for apart from a little gratification - as JK can't give this to us due to the pre-teen audience. Do you ever wonder what kind of story she would come up with if she wrote in the same genre as eg:Anne Rice? I think in that little AU, H/S would not be as far fetched as some believe. Lovely little fic - thanks for the great (if smut filled) writing. Can't wait to check out what else you have written.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
Lol! Yes, definitely a little crass! I wrote this for a contest over at SH, and one of the criteria was that the sex be "more realistic." So there you have it, Pook's idea of a more realistic first time. I wrote three fics for that contest, 2 were in the PWP catagory and 1 was not. But I'll warn you, most of my fics are NC-17 for sexual situations, so check the ratings brfore you dive in. I'd love to see what JKR could do with a litte erotica, but I'm afraid that writers known for writing childrens books couldn't afford to stray that far afield. Pity! Thanks for reading, and for the kind review! :)
Response from Brizywitch (Reviewer)
No...I love a little smut now and then - although fan fic writers can be so predictable when choosing adjectives. I love to see - and occasionally find it funny - to read what people think "perfect" sex should be like. (Especially over at SH) It's refreshing to see sex described as somthing more than multiple orgasms and the binding of two souls. I guess I just become desensitised too quickly when innundated with PWP, that reading something with a new 'twist' takes me by surprise. Although I admit, I am a sucker for a well written PWP, and even more shamelessly drawn to Porn-with-a-Plot. Have you read 'Needfire' by 'bicycle built for two'? Fantastic story. Would totally recommend it to anyone in need of a good read. I have 'overcome with feeling', listed as one of my favorites - and have just finished reading it for the second time. Damn you and your time wasting writing skills - that story has had me procrastinating for days (should be studying). Keep up the fantastic work, I absolutely love your writing style - smut and all:)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
I like a little plot with my porn, myself. though it doesn't always have to be too much! ;) Lol, I admit I've done a bit of "perfect sex" myself, but who wants to read about bad sex? :D I have heard a lot about "Needfire", that author is one of Doomspark's favorites, but I haven't read it yet. I confess that it's hard for me to find the time for long fics, but I'll have to make time for that one. I'm so glad that you enjoyed OWF, and I'm thrilled that I made you procrastinate! :D I hope you'll give my new fic, Price of Madness, a try when you have the time. I'll warn you that it's a WIP, though I've been managing fairly timely updates. Thanks for reading, and thanks for letting me know what you think! :)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
Thanks! I think? *giggle* :)
Response from deviantauthor (Reviewer)
Yeah--was definitely good. *g* Nice twist at the end!
Very, very clever ... I was especially pleased with the "surprise" of Trelawney smashing her crystal ball at the end of your tale. Though the sex portion was quick and tacky, it was a refreshing change from the endless descriptions that utilise repetitive adjectives and nouns! Short and sweet!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
*snicker* Oh, I can ramble on and on during smut scenes, but this fic wanted something quick and honest, I thought. Glad you got a kick out of it! :)
Response from hypatia_blackthorne (Reviewer)
That's exactly what I loved! Quick and honest! Bravo!
I wanted to ask. Cassandra: the true Seer? Trewlawney's grandmother? If not, who is that? lol
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
In my mind, Cassandra the true seer, weeping at what a complete idiot Trelawney is. But that would work for Sybill's grandmother as well... :)southern_witch_69's response: I thought so. "I can't believe this idiot came from my family. Will she never learn?" lol
If he was disgusted by the taste of his own cum, he didn?t show it. ..... cringe .....
Dirty Severus! lol blah... Awww, poor Trelawney... not really I'm quite happy he was with hermione. muahhahaha
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
*giggle* I was a bit crass with the sex in this one, wasn't I? It's quite fun to be crass on occasion! Thanks, love! :)southern_witch_69's response: Indeed, my dear. I shall have to boldly venture into that one day. lol
Poor Sybil <snicker> great writing coming straight to the point. Brilliant story.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
Thanks! Glad that you got a kick out of it! :)
I liked this story a lot. The twist at the end was great. Poor Sybil!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Cassandra Wept)
I think I may have written that whole ficlet just to do that bit at the end, the idea made me giggle so! Thanks! :)
Ha haaa! Funny ending. But I think my favorite part was that moment of clarity...'Severus had time to think “Oh, it’s that kind of tension…”' I do like the way you word things.
Ewwwww.... Voyeurist Sybill!
Wonderful. Funny. So glad Snape lives. :)
Yes Severus it's "That" kind of tension .
"That kind of tension" XD Absolutely brilliant.
Also, very hot lemons. Thank you.
Honestly, even though Severus couldn't even tolerate Sybill I kind of feel sorry for her. I mean, she came out of her solitude to try to impress him and he fell for someone else.
On the bright side though, it is an amazing story!
oh poor trelawney. Still I can't imagine Snape being interested in her. Are there actually Snape Trelawney fics? If so, I haven't seen them. I expect I am better off. ROFL.
Lovely story!
Oh, it's that kind of tension. LOL that was so hilarious, especially the last paragraph!
Hilarious! I laughed out loud several times. Great writing. I loved the line about the cobra, and "Oh that kind of tension!" HAHA. THanks!
bloody marvelous
LOL. I'd say poor Trelawney, but I've never really liked her. Nice tension reliever, btw.
I've read this...dont knwo if I reviewed it??? I am a mess.I loved this fic..especially the twist at the end.