New Chapter for Drowning
PlaidPooka20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Written pre-HBP. Two people deal with the stresses of ongoing war in an unconventional way which might prove to be their undoing.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Drowning
Well damn, that was pretty intense. I knew they were better uses for Gillyweed in the tri-Wizard tournament. I am glad they were able to find comfort during a bleak situation. I wonder what will become of their affair after the war is over?
It has been many years since I read this for the first time. Perhaps even before The Price of Madness started to post. Revisiting it now, I have to say that it has lost nothing of its power. The story is a long-term jewel that uses the war as a tool and sex as a cure.
I hope you are well and that your path to get healthy worked. Even if you don't write any more, we still appreciate the stories you shared with us. Good luck, nata.
With so much pain and despair circling around them, it's no wonder they found an outlet for their emotions in each other. One of my favorites. :D
I like this story for some odd reason. Its different for sure. thanks for writing it
Okay, Pooks, can I call you Pooks? This was so. friggin'. good. And I think that, were JK Rowling to dip into SS/HG fanfiction (though that statement might not make any sense) then she would write something like this. Well done :o)And now I will ask you to puh-leeeease write a sequel. For your information, I hate the drawn out 'e' in that request, but I really (reeeeally) would love to read more of this. And to reduce the time and effort you would need to produce a second installment, I have already come up with a story line: Snape realizes love for Hermione, Snape tells Hermione, Snape shags Hermione, Hermione has lots and lots of babies, Snape, Hermione and babies live happily, magically ever after. There you have it; like a pre-packaged, frozen, microwave fic. Just for you :o)Peace and love and all things Potter,Sue.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Drowning)
Incredibly bleak, but fascinating and achingly realistic. Also disturbingly erotic!
wow, this is ...
Will you write more? Please? Pretty pleas?
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Drowning)
I don't know that I'll ever write more on this one. I think it works best as a one-shot. I had once played with the idea of writing a segment from Snape's point of view, but it's so non HPB compliant that I doubt I will. I'm thrilled that you liked it well enough to want more, though! Thanks! :)
Oh good story. I never did read this one. Well? What happens next? lol... Do they end up shagging happily ever after? :)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Drowning)
Shagging maybe, happily ever after, I don't know about! Lol. You know, I planned to really drown Hermione in this fic, but when I got there, I didn't have the heart to. I'm a complete wussy and I'm unrepetatent about it! Thanks, Sun! :)southern_witch_69's response: Oh man... I would have passed out. Well, no, I would have been warned (and stayed away). I'm such a sucker for shagging happily ever after. lol
I just found this story and it's so amazing in its desperation. Have you considered a follow-up?
A great fic!!! This has a lot of material for a sequel or even a longfic. Please, think of doing it =] Kisses!!!
I have read this several times, and each time find something new, (I hesitate to say hidden depths, but it is what I mean, no pun intended) Thank you. And thanks for not drowning Hermione.
I have always held fast to the belief that Snape is truly a sap at heart, and to be honest, I completely love it. Great story, I always enjoy your writing!Thanks,Sue :o)
Wonderful story, but also a bit sad.
Incredibly beautiful, I'm blown away. The last sex scene was so powerful and gorgeously written. I was deeply engaged moment to moment. Not many people can write darkness so well, without going over into crudeness and petty brutality. This is fabulous! I don't know how I missed reading it before, but I'm glad to have found it now. THANKS!
incredible storyTamara
I want more! That was just so good!
Intense and emotional, girl.
Amazing .... This was an imaginative story. I nearly forgot to breathe myself. :)