New Chapter for Simply Entranced
Simply Entranced
pookah33 Reviews | 33 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Hermione has been inveigled into entertaining the children at the Wizarding Library’s story hour. Will she ever survive to have children of her own? Will she want to?
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About pookah
Member Since 2007 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 1,288 Reviews Written | 512 Review Responses
fifty-something happy wife and college mom.
Matchmaker is on a bit of a hiatus. We've had two deaths amongst our closest freinds, my beta is ill, and my mom is in bad health. So it may take me a while to get back to that cheery place where I can write such nonsense. I will finish it though, unless I die, too.
Reviews for Simply Entranced
tooo cool!!you could just see her sitting among the children, answering all the interjections, calming the kids so that she could tell the story where she and Snape were up to no good!!!a wonderful job you did here!!no, I don't think she would need or want any children of her own after this event... hehe
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
HOw exciting,I didn't think anyone read this anymore. Thanks so much for the review. I am delighted you enjoyed it! If this Hermione ever does have kids, I hope she learns to stick to story books and not her own reminscences of drunken victory parties.
lol this is too funny, what a great way to write that prompt bravo
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for the pretty stars! I am delighted that you like my take on this prompt. It makes me so happy to make you laugh.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for the pretty stars! I am delighted that you like my take on this prompt. It makes me so happy to make you laugh.
Tee hee, looks like Hermione had a lesson in futility with the children. I especially liked the part when she and Sev put bubbles in the fountain--remindes me of a prank that occurred in my freshman year at university. :)
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for your kind review! I am so happy this tale amused you and brought up fond memories, (as it did for me when I wrote it) Thanks for the stars, I'm thrilled you like it.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for your kind review! I am so happy this tale amused you and brought up fond memories, (as it did for me when I wrote it) Thanks for the stars, I'm thrilled you like it.
What a creative way of telling the story. Poor Hermione. I can see her with the kids being interrupted every second. I like how you don't 'hear' the kids, but you still know what they are doing. LOL
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm so thrilled that you approve of my little opus.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm so thrilled that you approve of my little opus.
Lol. Hermione trying to tell this tale is really funny. Silly kids with their silly questions. A funny image of Snape and Hermione tp-ing trees.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I am thrilled I made you laugh. I found the idea of Snape, of all people, TP-ing trees, (Harry's trees!) was something that would not go away once it entered my mind. This was originally going to be a touching friendship/mentoring tale about the two, but I must admit, I really prefer where it went when I wasn't paying attenion.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I am thrilled I made you laugh. I found the idea of Snape, of all people, TP-ing trees, (Harry's trees!) was something that would not go away once it entered my mind. This was originally going to be a touching friendship/mentoring tale about the two, but I must admit, I really prefer where it went when I wasn't paying attenion.
That was just too funny for words!!! Loved it!!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for reviewing! I am delighted that you like my little opus.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for reviewing! I am delighted that you like my little opus.
A very fun take on the prompt! I love how much detail and innuendo you were able to get into Hermione's narrative. And I especially loved the grammar lesson! That's so Hermione!Now, if you'll pardon me, it's late in the afternoon and time for, um, cake....
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for such a kind and thoughtful review. I am so happy you enjoyed my story. Do enjoy your... cake.(I couldn't resist putting the grammar lesson in!)
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for such a kind and thoughtful review. I am so happy you enjoyed my story. Do enjoy your... cake.(I couldn't resist putting the grammar lesson in!)
*lol* That was funny. Never figured Hermione for such a prankster... *giggle*
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm glad I made you laugh. Thanks for letting me know that I did!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm glad I made you laugh. Thanks for letting me know that I did!
That's hilarious! *giggles madly*
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm so happy you think so!
*giggles excitedly*
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Hmmm, Snape chucking soap into the fountains and papering Harry's house - nearly boggles the mind.I loked the POV - she wants to tell her story and tell the kids what to do at the same time. Very good.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Yes, Hermione mentions that Snape likes to tell people what to do, but she fails to notice she does too!
Thank you for your kind review! I'm so happy you liked it.
This is so cute...I love it! Molly thought she could trust very funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for reviewing! I'm so thrilled you like this!
Oh this is so close to how it realy is telling stories to little kids! You must have some of your own! Loved it!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I can neither confirm nor deny that I have chidlren of my own. I may safely say, however, that I have told tales to children at some point in my life.Thank you for loving my little tale!
Very cute! I got a good chuckle out of the "had too much cake". I can see myself telling a similar story to my child (or maybe I have already...). Good job!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for this lovely review. I'm thrilled that my story brightened your day.
So cute. So, so cute. I love the image of Severus and Hermione doing juvenile pranks out of the joy of finally being free.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for your kind review. I love that idea too, hence this tale. So glad you like it.
Very funny. I love those children and their many questions.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you! I'm delighted you enjoyed my tale.
What a fun fic.
I love Hermione's attempts to clean up the story for the children and their constant interruptions.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I had fun writing this and and am delighted you had fun reading it. Thank you for liking the children's interruptions and Hermione's euphemisms.
Lol! Well done :)
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm pleased to have made you laugh. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Very excellent. I love the excessive use of 'cake'! I also think someone wanting to TP their own house is hysterical.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for liking and reviewing my story! I was really worried that no one would think it was funny!
This was an interesting take on this prompt. Very well written. AB
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you for your kind review! Thanks for liking it.
ROFL just imagine Hermione and Severus playing pranks like misbehaving teens!
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Delighted I could make you laugh! Once the idea occured to me, it would not be denied. Thanks for reviewing!
inspired silliness. now i want to go put bubbles in a fountain somewhere - i've never done that and it sounds like fun. of course, it sounds like a lot more fun when there's a snape involved. : )
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
Thank you. If I have inspired such a desire in you, my work is done.
ROFL loo-papering the trees outside Harry's place, and just what was in that cake?
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
(Or what was 'cake' a euphemism for?)Thanks for reviewing I have had such good reactions to Snape and the Loo Rolls. (As Dave Barry says, that would be a good name for a rock group.) I am grateful you found it funny.
Aww! It made me smile all the way through. And that ending was just perfect. Also, I loved how you slyly added the 'Professor Snape and me/I' bit in, because I know I always go mad over stories that confuse them. Haha! Good work.
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm glad you approve of the I/me bit. So happy i could make you smile. Thank you for a lovely review.
Hey, I want some of that ... cake! Some 50 year old ... cake ... in a nice green bottle!Quite nicely done! Thanks for the giggle. :-D
Response from pookah (Author of Simply Entranced)
I'm glad I could brighten your day. SorryI can't send you any...cake. Thanks for your kind review.
I really enjoyed this whimsical story! Thank you for sharing it with us. It's not at all what I expected from the prompt, but nevertheless, it's great fun. I think under most circumstances Snape and Hermione would be among the least likely people to toilet-paper trees.wonderfully silly!
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
Thank you for a lovely review. I'm happy you like it.