New Chapter for Fred Forever
Fred Forever
pookah5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
George goes into the Forbidden Forest to scatter Fred’s ashes. A Potter Place Dare Drabble.
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About pookah
Member Since 2007 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 1,288 Reviews Written | 512 Review Responses
fifty-something happy wife and college mom.
Matchmaker is on a bit of a hiatus. We've had two deaths amongst our closest freinds, my beta is ill, and my mom is in bad health. So it may take me a while to get back to that cheery place where I can write such nonsense. I will finish it though, unless I die, too.
Reviews for Fred Forever
What a nice good-bye to one of my favorite characters. It's fitting that Fred be placed in the forest. The car was really nice to drive him and take him home. Hugs~
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you for such a good review! I'm delighted that you like it. I hoped that the car would be some comfort to George. And I think the family will be some comfort to the car, who is tired (I imagine) of living in the wild.
This is lovely. Good for the Ford Anglia. And it's also very nice to have closure of a kind for the twins.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful review. I, too, thought that George could use a private leave-taking from his dearest brother. And the Car knew the perfect spot, and offered a little comfort.Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful review. I, too, thought that George could use a private leave-taking from his dearest brother. And the Car knew the perfect spot, and offered a little comfort.Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
lovely. thanks
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank YOU for reading and reviewing! I am happy you liked it.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank YOU for reading and reviewing! I am happy you liked it.
This was so well written.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you! I'm happy you like it since you were the dare-er, were you not? Were you not the Hermione Weasley who came up with the dare? I HAD to steal it because the scene popped almost fully-formed into my head when I read it. Thanks.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you! I'm happy you like it since you were the dare-er, were you not? Were you not the Hermione Weasley who came up with the dare? I HAD to steal it because the scene popped almost fully-formed into my head when I read it. Thanks.
Another lovely story. It's nice to think that the car was still attached to the family in some way, and that at a time of need, it was able to offer such wonderful support. A very emotive tale, thank you for writing it.
Response from pookah (Author of Fred Forever)
Thank you! I think the car was eager to rejoin the family, and happy to help George. I'm glad you like my dare drabble.