New Chapter for A New Tradition
A New Tradition
karelia29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for A New Tradition
Awww, Scorpius was smitten by a fairy, a spunky sweet Weasley no less! *grinning like the Cheshire Cat* Bravo to him for not choosing to let history repeat itself! Lovely, sweet story!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Thank you so much!
Lovely story.enjoyed it very much
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
what can I say? fairy, fairie!the long red hair reminds me of someone I knowbeautiful
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
So pleased you like it! Thank you for reviewing! *pats the shiny stars*
Awww, kiddies. So cute! And nice homage of sorts to Draco and Harry's meeting at Madam Malkins.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Thank you! So glad you like it!
now i have done it!not bad, not bad at all.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
*laughs delightedly*Thanks, love!
Cool story. Go Scorpius, be your own man.
That's a lovely story - I adore the fact that he thinks she's a fairy. So sweet!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
*blushes* Thank you muchly! :)
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
*blushes* Thank you muchly! :)
I always like the idea of a decent Malfoy, especially Scorpius. An enjoyable read.
Author's Response: *nods* They cannot possibly all be bad, now, can they? :) Thanks for reviewing!
Oh, what a pleasant turn of events for the Malfoys and the Weasleys! I love it!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Thank you!
It's nice to see a Malfoy who doesn't need to be reformed! Or, if he does, Emily seems up to the task!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Teehee, I agree with you about Emily! I'd always like to think that the new generations put behind their parents' differences. The future looks much brighter that way. :)Thanks for your review! And the shiny stars! *admires*
I like this new tradition! And I've been hoping to find some stories dealing with Scorpius, so this is great on multiple counts! Thanks for sharing.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
I'm so glad you like it. It was my first Scorpius-centered story, and to be honest, it had never occurred to me to write one of my own accord. But we were having fun drabbling last night, and issuing each other with "a person, a place, a thing", and I was given Scorpius as the person. It was enjoyable to write him, which surprised me!Thanks for reviewing!
Aw it's nice to see that there will be some bridge-building between the Weasley and Malfor families in the near future. Here's hoping the parents and grandparent don't halt the process.*snickers and Grandpa Luci*
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
I thought it's time for the new generation to build bridges.Thanks for your lovely review.
Maybe Granpa Luci should begin organizing his grandson's marriage. Very sweet story
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
I'm sure he will when the time comes. :)Thanks for your lovely review.
really sweet how he reacted. like that she is so forward and brave. lovely beginning of a friendship.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Teehee, she is a Weasley, after all. :))Thanks muchly for your review.
this was sweet and funny. i liked how the first thing he hears his "fairy" say is: "You'd look really nice if you weren't gaping like a trout, you know." and i actually had to read "grandpa luci" about three times before i realized who it meant. *giggles* and last but not least, if i'm completely honest, i have to admit that the part where he starts a new tradition (of acting like a civilized human being?) and they call each other "friend" made my eyes a teensy bit wet. : )
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Teehee, when SW and I talk, we always refer to him as Luci, and he doesn't seem to mind...I'm very happy to see it brought a reaction to you. I didn't with this one when I wrote it, but with another one. Will upload that one later.
Aw, how looks like little Scorpius is in love! One thing's for sure -- there'll certainly be some fireworks (and not the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes kind!) when their families find out...
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
There is love there, oh yes. I'm not so sure about the fireworks. I'd like to think they've all mellowed down after the war...
"Grandpa Luci" LOL!
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
And you know, he really likes his new role. *nods*Thanks for reviewing!
That's so cute! Short and sweet. I like it. Thanks for writing. :)
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
It makes me very happy when readers say they like what I wrote. Thank you very much!
I thought the same as Hogwarts Honey, the same place that Harry and Draco met, a new generation gets a new chance not to hate. Very sweet, and so much packed into a tiny drabble.Only a grandchild could get away with calling L. Malfoy, "Luci." Love poor Dobby's tea cozy.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Aw, thank you!Lucius doesn't mind being called Luci, really. :)
Okay, Grandpa Luci almost had me undone!!!! I love that the new tradition is started with the younger generation in the very place where Draco ran afoul of Harry in their first year.Draco and George will probably do their nut!!!;)
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
Aw, thank you, Honey!And a very Happy Birthday to you! *hugs*
Response from HogwartsHoney (Reviewer)
Thank you, mi' luv! ;o)
Ahh how sweet, but oh how I would love to see the look on LM's face if he saw his grandson holding the hand of a Weasley! Hmmm...does this spell sequel? Irish
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
I think the Malfoys have all mellowed down a bit after Voldie's fall. *nods*No, no sequel. Thanks for reviewing! :)
I really love it. ~nod~
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
I'm so pleased you do!
Cute, cute, cute. I likey.
Response from karelia (Author of A New Tradition)
So glad you do! Thank you for reviewing.