New Chapter for A Practice in Glamours
A Practice in Glamours
ellebell29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
Whilst practising for her Transfiguration OWLS, Hermione has an unexpected encounter with the Potions Master.
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About ellebell
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 3 Reviews Written | 28 Review Responses
Reviews for A Practice in Glamours
That's so sweet! :D
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :)
That was great!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
This is very nice story - a great beginning of things to follow or a great start to a romance fic! I hope the later!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Oh my, a review from one of my fave authors Thank you so much, I'm glad that you like the premise. I have no current plans to expand except for a piece from Snape's POV, but never say never :)
Interesting and sad. I'm glad you'ved dipped your toe in. Hope to see more from you.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
I hope to contribute more too. Happy that you liked it :) Thank you.
Oh my! Well written and heart tugging.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, I'm glad that it got to you and that you liked the writing :)
You should write a sequel to this :P
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
No plans to atm, but I am working on Snape's POV of the encounter. I'll not rule it out though. Thanks for the feedback.
Silent and mysterious Snape. Love it.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
The best kind of Snape there is, though I am partial to the sarcastic and obnoxious variety :) Happy you enjoyed it, thank you.
Yikes!! Unless someone else was playing with glamours too-- LOL
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, glad you liked it :)
Oh, Poor Snape! I feel sorry for him. This is a very good story. Thank you for writing it!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Welcome and thanks for the revie :) It is a pity for him and Hermione too, for atm he isn't really seeing her and who wants to be desired for not being oneself.
Very Interesting!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thanks, glad that it intrigued you :)
Wow, very intense, obviously she looks like Lilly.Very nice.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
She does indeed. However at this point she has no idea what she has done, and he is having a bit of a moment. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it :)
Being desired when you don't look like yourself, bummer.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
I know, sucks for Hermione. But I'd like to hope that he could outgrow it, eventually. Glad you liked it :)
Great first fic! It holds such promise. I hope you continue to write - I'll be looking out for more from you.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it :) I plan to continue contributing to the fandom.
Oh, my lord, what a heartbreak. I cannnot, canNOT bear for him to still love Lily. It makes me cry. *sniffles*But canon Snape did love her, right to the very end.Sorry, my dear; Snape and his adolescent love for Lily are dear and damaging to my heart. No reflection on you. It is very nicely done. Congrats on posting your first piece!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Believe me I totally agree - SS/HG shipper to the core. Snape/Lily makes me die a little inside sometimes, especially when its well written Although I do think that Hermione and Lily have a lot in common, also why I don't disrespect the HP/HG ship, think they may be on to something there -coughOedipuscomplexcough- Thanks for the review though, means alot from a writer I admire :)
awwwww.... hope that is not the end....?
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
It is for now, but I may expand at a later time. Happy you enjoyed it :)
Great chapter - it was extremely interesting - the only thing that would have made it just off the charts good - a little bit more. I loved what I read but I would have like just a little more on the ending.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I know what you mean about the ending. I've left it open for possible future expansion on the story (not atm though) and Snape's POV of the events :)
Oh how I wish there were more. Such a good premise for what could be a long story if you wanted to make it one.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
No plans atm, but I'll not rule it out for later. Happy you liked it :) Thanks for the feedback.
Oh... she looks like Lily! Well done!
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you :)
Hmm she really doesn't know what she has done , does she?
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Not at all. For her it was only natural to play around with the spell a little and using the most striking features of her two best friends when doing it, equally so.
Well done! As others mentioned, this would make a great prologue if you decided to expand the story. Great characterization of both, Severus and Hermione.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you, so happy you liked my characterisation :) No plans to expand this further atm but never say never.
Very nicely done. You know that Hermione would be practicing over and over! This definitely leaves the reader wanting to know more... A longer one-shot, maybe? Or perhaps... an on-going story? Hm. Very interesting! Let's call it a beginning, shall we? ;)
Author's Response: We shall, but I make no promises ;) Thank you for the kind review and I'm glad to hear you thought Hermione's behaviour was canon.
Oooo, behold the drama. Thank you for writing. It was a lovely little snippet.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Drama indeed. Glad you enjoyed it :) Thanks for the review.
Very nicely done, especially for a first-time effort! Wonder if Hermione realizes who she's just conjured up? A really intriguing beginning, and you ought to think about where you could take this.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Thank you so much for the positive feedback :) I have no plans at the moment to take this further, except perhaps to write it from Snape's POV.
nicely written for your first time out. must have been a bit of a shock for severus, and i suppose for hermione, too, what with him behaving so peculiarly.
Response from ellebell (Author of A Practice in Glamours)
Its so good that you didn't dislike the actual writing, thank you. it was indeed a shock for them both, and I enjoyed writing their reactions :)