New Chapter for Learning to Trust
Learning to Trust
ArtemisofEphesus44 Reviews | 44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )
After the war, all wizards and witches between the ages of twenty and eighty are made to take in an orphaned child. This includes one Professor Severus Snape, who doesn't seem particuarly happy...
Juliana, whose mother was killed in the war and who lived on her own for a year after her death, has never learnt many things, magic and trust are two of them.
Sometimes the most unlikely person can heal others... But are both Severus and Juliana up to the challenge?
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About ArtemisofEphesus
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 9 | 14 Reviews Written | 44 Review Responses
Reviews for Learning to Trust
Hummm.... so the Sorting Hat remembers both of her parents... Juliana feared being sorted into Slytherin House because of her father and the things he had done. I admit I am very curious about that revelation!Even more curious is the fact that she can perform rudimentary wandless, wordless magic! This story is just full of surprises, and I'm betting that Severus is going to be amazed at how like him she is as time goes on!Wonderful chapter! You keep it very interesting, and I'm looking forward to future updates.Beth
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Thank you for all your reviews, I'm very glad that you're enjoying the story so far. It is my first fic of this type. (As in, multi-chaptered.)Severus is in for a lot of surprises in the next chapter. I haven't written it yet because it's just been end of semester, and busy, busy, busy, but I'll try have an update up in a week or 10 days.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Thank you for all your reviews, I'm very glad that you're enjoying the story so far. It is my first fic of this type. (As in, multi-chaptered.)Severus is in for a lot of surprises in the next chapter. I haven't written it yet because it's just been end of semester, and busy, busy, busy, but I'll try have an update up in a week or 10 days.
At this, their first meeting, Dumbledore had told Juliana that she would be good for Severus and that Severus would be good for her.After discovering her in the throes of a nightmare, Severus stood watch over her for the rest of the night -- because she had begged him not to go.Severus is clearly take with his daughter, she who chose to take his family name. “Trust me, Juliana, Trust me.”Very nicely done!Beth
How interesting that this young witch, who did not know she was a witch until she was orphaned, would have a basic ability of Occlumency. And she had had an absentee father. Though Juliana was still an enigma to Severus, "he found that he was beginning to like the girl."What are we to glean from this? Things are getting curiouser and curiouser. Good chapter, the hook is set!Beth
Her eyes are pale lavender-blue; her hair is long and blond. She is quiet, respectful, and bookish. She isn't exactly pretty, but her appearance speaks to Professor Snape, and she has a smile very like his own. Besides, the witch at the adoption agency had said "she has power. A lot of it." A good fit, I think.A great first chapter, and I can't wait to see what happens next.Beth
Oh you threw us a few crumbs about Juliana's past. Methinks her father was abusive? It worries me that she thinks Severus hates her. Has she been abused or just troubles reading people? If he hated her he wouldnt have bought her a wand, books & a wardrobe! I look forward to the next chapter.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Methinks Severus has a sense of duty... But he does like her. He just doesn't want to show us. He's silly like that. You'll find out more in the next chapter. There's going to be a whole lot of flashbacks into her past in that one, or at least in the next one.
I am all sorts of pleased with Severus' caring behavior to his daughter. You must promise me this wont take a turn for the worse like Woody Allen and his adoptive daughter? Promise??
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
*hand over chest* I swear that this story will not turnj out with Severus abusing or hating or anything Juliana. That would defeat the title of the story. And I wouldn't do that! Oh, Severus is lovely, isn't he? Just a bit stiff and formal sometimes.
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Okay good! I am relieved and completely willing to follow this story to the happy ending. I didnt really think you were going to pull a Woody Allen/Soon Lee (or how ever you spell her name) but there were a few comments in chapter 1 about various girls being "pretty" and it sent up warning flags! I stand corrected. Thank you!!! Severus is a good man NOT a pedafile. I and I am a very bad speller.
Will the POV ever switch to Juliana's? She is a mystery and I want to learn as much as I can about her. It make me so happy that Severus is being kind to his new daughter. Lovely just lovely.
I know you cant see me but I am twirling about doing a happy dance! The orphan theme is one of my most favorites!!!! I cannot wait to read more!
very interesting premise! I am looking forward to the next chapter. can't wait to see what happens, and find out the mystery of juliana's father...
Great chapter!
Well she is certainly showing Ravenclaw tendencies!
Thank you for the update, I liked it!
The poor girl...But I think that she and her stepfather might be suited very well to each other. I guess this story has some potential to become one of my "all time favourites" :-)
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
It has the potential to become one of your all-time favourites? Squee! I'm so happy.
I like that after sorting, her uniform changed. I've often thought that if I had directed the movies, I would have had the house ties change after sorting. just like you have in this story
another good chapter.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
It's always wondered me how the student's uniforms are matched to their houses before they're sorted... And thanks!
Rather surprized that Dumbledore would put a recent war orphan so far from her guardian. Severus was smart to listen for trouble. Good chapter.
I am very much into this story now. and the reviews and your responses are interesting, too.
This is a great tale, and I feel that a love interest for Snape would be out of place. The love interest is the father/daughter relationship that may or may not grow.
I really like this beginning. Thank you for sharing this; it has drawn me in.
ah, so she does know a bit about her father. I hope Severus figures out how to get her to talk to him. would someone like Madame Pomfrey be able to get her to open up? thanks for the new chapter, and I hope things get better for Juliana.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Well, she does know a little about her father. Ok, maybe more than a little. Just remember that Severus doesn't know what she and the Sorting Hat talked about. Juliana's very secretive, and it's not the best thing, but she'll get better and more comfortable around people as the story progresses.
Interesting girl. Her story is going to be fascinating, I can tell.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
I can tell too!Your username is cool, by the way.
Juliana's experiments are very interesting. It has always seemed strange to me that wand movements are necessary. In most of the other books I've read, the will and the intent are what makes magic work. Focusing one's mind is the discipline that makes one a better magician. I suppose Rowling wanted to stick to more traditional lore. I'm also looking forward to learning more about Juliana's past. The story is coming together very nicely.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Dum di dum. I dabble in magic sometimes, it's definately the intent that does the trick. However, Rowling does like to stick to traditional views. Doesn't bother me, as long as I can change them in my writing!I'm really happy so many people are liking this story. I was scared a lot of people might be mad at me for sticking her in Ravenclaw, but it appears no-one is.
Well done, a great new chapter! This is beginning to get more and more interesting.
Just what he needs, someone who depends on him, that he can safely be kind to.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
And someone who he can depend on as well... In a way. It will come.
This was a very telling chapter with a few glimpses into Juliana's past, and a peek at a seldom shown side of Severus, as well.
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Yes, I like this side of Severus. Rowling's a bit silly the way she makes people out only to be snarky and sarcastic gits.
This is shaping up nicely. It might have been fun to know what sort of wand she ended up getting, though.Onward!
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Author of Learning to Trust)
Oh, wand type! I should have put that in there somewhere. Maybe I'll find a spot to mention it in the next chapter or the one after.
She has long blonde hair, but has a smile like Snape's. This could turn out to be very, very interesting!I'm looking forward to reading more of this.