New Chapter for Wicked Games
Wicked Games
duniazade15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
"No one could have imagined."
Written for the Addiction Challenge at GrangerSnape100.
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About duniazade
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 35 Reviews Written | 288 Review Responses
Reviews for Wicked Games
Video games? yes a likely story.
Vidio games? yes a likely story.
Oh! That's just, just...I can't stop laughing. Thank you.
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Here, here - *pats hand, offers anti-hiccuping potion*Thank you so much - I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you very much! I'm very, very glad you enjoyed it.
Well done. I knew from the beginning it was not what Everyone suppose it was. But i wouldn't have dream of that.
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I'm glad I managed to surprise you a little bit.
Very clever! The little twist at the end is so unexpected - video games?
I can just see Severus playing video games!!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.It seems fit for Severus, doesn't it? Nocturnal, solitary, a bit obsessional. But he has found a partner to his guilty mysteries!I love your emoticons - too funny!
Ha! Thankfully the only "video game" I can lose time with is solitare.
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
I have played for a very short period, a long time ago, but it's truly addictive, especially when one gets to shoot evil and hungry dinosaurs who want to put one on the menu.It's however such a nocturnal and closeted activity that it seemed fit for Snape.Glad I've made you giggle!
A truly terrible addiction which I share. I just hope they have more dignity than to whore themselves to mr gates for gamer points. ;)Cool fic. It gave me a chuckle. Maybe I'll see them in my shop tomorrow?
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
<i>Maybe I'll see them in my shop tomorrow?</i>You're a specialist of video games? That's splendid! What do you think they'd choose as favourite games (I'm a nOOb)?Thank you very much - I'm glad you enjoyed this drabble!
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
I'm a supervisor in a video game shop. I think Sev would defiantely appreciate overlord on the 360, give him a chance to be the one sacrificing minions for a change! Although swords and sorcery games probably seem a bit lame to them, being real wizards/witches, so maybe they'd prefer something like bioshock or call of duty. With Hermione's love of organising and bossing around, she may well find the sims very satisfying, but that's a one player game, so Sev might have words if she starts spending all night on it!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Ah, very interesting! Thanks for the suggestions. I agree that sword and sorcery might seem a bit lame to them. Someone on LJ had already suggested the sims for Hermione, so that looks like a very good fit for her, and if Snape finds she's too involved in that... he'll have to find ways to distract her!
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
Of course, if you wanted to go crazy, it would be funny if Sev was hooked on something like Viva Pinata or Locoroco! Maybe he might even like to go old school and do a bit of retro gaming with the likes of Pacman? Maybe Sev should get Nintendogs? That idea alone is making me chuckle...
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Hmmm... If Hermione's going to play alone with the sims, couldn't there ba a solo game for Snape, but one that would make Hermione jealous, for instance?
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
World of Warcraft perhaps? That definately swallows peoples lives. Or how about something like Leisure Suit Larry or Singles? They are similar to the sims, but the aim of the game is to get laid. That might invoke Hermione's jealousy. Another interesting idea would be brin training or big brain academy, just imagine the fall out when one of them is rated as being more intelligent than the other!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Bwahahaaa! Wonderful suggestions! I'm torn between the "get laid" games and the "big brain" ones!
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
Brain training also has the added bonus of being really annoying for anyone else inthe room, because you have to speak some of the answers into the microphone on the DS. That could spark an argument and draw Hermione out of the sims long enough to challenge him...
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
<i>because you have to speak some of the answers into the microphone on the DS</i>Oh, that would annoy Hermione indeed, and maybe said answers could make a funny soliloquy, but I have no idea about the questions asked - I'm afraid I'll have to go play the game first, and risk the addiction!
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
The addiction factor is not helped by the fact the game actually moans at you if you don't play it for a while! It tells you off. But you do find your mental arithmatic speeds up a bit! :)
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
<i>the game actually moans at you if you don't play it for a while</i>Oh my God! <i>That</i> would make Hermione jealous!I really have to try that game - in the interest of fanfic, you know!
And what, pray tell, games are they playing? For example, do they have a Wii? LOL! Or is Snape playing Ms. Pac Man? You kill me.
Author's Response: No, no, no killing. *revives you*
In fact, I don't know much about video games, so I asked Helshez, who is a specialist, to provide us with some Snapeish/Hermionish games. But I'm pretty sure they would quarrel over the choice of game, and who is going to hold the stick. Ahem.
Love your reviews! Thanks.
Splendid! I must be really jaded to be thinking what I was thinking when I clicked on the title!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Hmmm... Let me guess what you were thinking... Oh, no! Really? That's unbelievable! And needless to say, scandalous a juicy bit of gossip, even for the most jaded.I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you very much!
LOL very funny, and in so few words!!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
*wipes tears out of eyes*That was deliciously funny! I just love it!'Most improper.'True genius!Thank you so very, very, very very much.*'tee hee's a couple more times, weakly writes~Katieand goes back to laughing*
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you so much - your review makes me so happy! I feel like I could fly - well, in fact, I can't, but instead I'll upload another drabble!
Tee-hee! Very funny!
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you! I'm glad I made you laugh! :D
Haha! Imagining Snape sitting down pushing control video games buttons frantically... what a sight! :PGood one, I enjoyed it. :)
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
Thank you, Zyra! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's rather easy to imagine Snape pushing buttons frantically to win the game, isn't it?
Response from zyra (Reviewer)
Oh yeah, haha! You can hardly mentioned Snape without some association with buttons anyway... Snape and buttons are inseparable... LOLNow you got that Buttons song by Pussycat Dolls in my head... :P
Response from duniazade (Author of Wicked Games)
I'm sorry for getting the song in your head, but yes, Snape and buttons are kind of inseparable! ;)