New Chapter for On the Road
On the Road
duniazade12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Ron had insisted on driving.
Written for the "Senses" challenge at GrangerSnape100.
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About duniazade
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 31 | 35 Reviews Written | 288 Review Responses
Reviews for On the Road
Well, he must have been watching her, to be on the spot like that.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Yes, yes, he was watching her! :)
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Yes, yes, he was watching her! :)
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Elegant, simply elegant!
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
I'm glad you enjoyed this little story of darkness. Thank you very much for the nice review!
Another story in which Ron "drives" Hermione into Snapes arms. I hope you have a sequel planned. I would love to read more about our undead couple.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Yes, this time Ron drives Hermione into Snape's arms quite literally!I have a sequel planned, it's just simmering slowly. Thanks for asking, and thanks for the nice comment.
Oh, very dark, but intriguing!
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Well, there may be some day a sequel - that's for the intriguing side. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
A bit of hope in the end is all I need to have a good day so thank you.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Thank you for reading and reviewing! I wouldn't have left you without a bit of hope in the end, not where our favourite pair is concerned!
OHMYGOD How do I love you? In many many ways. I have been long searching for good HG/SS vampire storys in an effort to put together a quiz! Most of the vampire stories are abandoned or complete shit. THANK YOU! If you wanted to add another drabble series about what happens next I would jump up and down and squeeee even louder!
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Oh, I love your reviews! I'm jumping up and down with happiness and renewed inspiration. It helps me a lot to think about someone specific when I write, and how I could please that person.Well, I have a fairly good idea about what happens next, so it should come, but maybe not immediately because I'm swamped into that other sequel (for Duel at Dusk) that just flows out of the keyboard at the moment.I know a few vampire stories, but I expect you know them too - anyway, if you wish, we could talk about them at my lj?
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Yes lets compare vampire stories. I shall hop on over to LJ. I think I have most of them in link format already. Many quizzes are in process. I can certainly pause while the sequel percolates. This past weekend was horror stories, must lighten things up next. Vampires are NOT light and fluffy.
beautifully written, but ewww what a way to go! ;)
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Oh, but she's not really fact she may stick around for much longer, this way. There are some advantages, even if the experience was a bit...traumatic.Thank you for the lovely review!
Ah, you found my weakness, I am a sucker for vampires. (Pun intended, I have no dignity!)
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Pun away, I love that almost as much as I love vampires...Welcome to the Den of the Undead, and thanks for the review!
Gorgeous. Gorgeous! Yes, telling things from her perspective without sight, only feeling... only sensing... And I thought the only "horror" was to be the car crash. Wow. I love the unexpected, and it was so beautifully done.
Look, you've got my mind all in a jumble!
I just love when I see your name come up under new submissions!
Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much! Your review has made my day, not only because it's encouraging, but also because it's so perceptive. You give me that wonderful feeling that I really succeeded in getting my vision through.
Also, I just love when I get your mind in a jumble!
Well, for a drabble you have a fairly complete story, which is much better than I can do.
Well, for a drabble you have a fairly complete story, which is much better than I can do.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
Thank you very much for the review, and the nice compliment! I'm glad you enjoyed this drabble.
I would usually avoid anything classified as 'horror' but this seems to me to be remarkably warm and reassuring.
Response from duniazade (Author of On the Road)
I agree with you - it's a reassuring darkness. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you very much for the nice review!