New Chapter for Saint Snape
Saint Snape
bound_by_passion14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )
Who would have thought that being dead would be more advantageous than being alive? Well, sort of dead. It was… complicated.
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About bound_by_passion
Member Since 2006 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 32 Reviews Written | 231 Review Responses
DHW (definition): more commonly described as pale and uninteresting. Possesses a modicum of rather dry wit. Appearence usually resembles something that has been dragged backwards through a few hedgerows. Intelligent, though not brilliant. Officially employed as junior Mad Scientist, complete with minions. Answers to many names. A current member of the Ministry of Bugger-All-Better-To-Do.
Reviews for Saint Snape
Wonderful start, hope you finish it one day.
That's the end??? Surely, there is going to be more. There has to be.
I loved it and hope you decide to continue the story.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
There might be more in the future. Possibly. It depends on whether the sock monster muse wants to play spy again. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :D
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
There might be more in the future. Possibly. It depends on whether the sock monster muse wants to play spy again. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :D
Bond, my name is Bond, Severus Bond. That could be a very interesting story. But he will have to cut his hair. Or maybe not. Don't forget to remind me when the movie's coming out. ;D
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Lol. Oh, I don't know. I think the time is right for a long-haired Bond. I mean, we've had a blond one, havn't we? ;)I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I love your take on the Sev death thing. Between this and the Murder story I think you are becoming my favorite author.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you. *blushes* I'm glad that you liked it.
Haha! I loved that! Snape as James Bond... no, scratch that. Snape as a damn sexier James Bond :-P Please say there'll be more?
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Maybe in the future I'll continue this, but for now it's going to have to stay as a once shot. Unless AB7 pokes me into doing otherwise. :)I'm very glad that you enjoyed this. Thank you.
Eeeep! This is completed? If so, we definitely need the continuing adventures of Saint Snape!!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
I'm afraid it is for the moment. But you never know, the sock monster muse might decide to play spy again. ;)I'm glad that you like it. Thank you.
Interesting way to write the after Snape death with him being sent back to make one right before he could leave - unique idea and well written.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Severus Snape as played by Humphrey Bogart. This is fun! Thanks for writing this.
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
I just AHD to add this: I saw the title of this story on the home page, and I heard in my head the musical tag for the old TV show, 'The Saint.' They played it before they ewent to commercial, I believe. Most of you are too young to recall the 60s.
Doo doo do do do DOO do do dooo -
DOO do do doooo
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you. Lol. You read my mind. I was watching it when I was trying to think of a title. :D
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
I just AHD to add this: I saw the title of this story on the home page, and I heard in my head the musical tag for the old TV show, 'The Saint.' They played it before they ewent to commercial, I believe. Most of you are too young to recall the 60s.
Doo doo do do do DOO do do dooo -
DOO do do doooo
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you. Lol. You read my mind. I was watching it when I was trying to think of a title. :D
Delicious and funny by turns. I'm looking forward to more.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
What an amazing beginning! I love the Snape-as-Philip-Marlowe feel of this story. Can't wait to see where it's going next!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
oooh i wonder what her problem is...can't wait for the next update!
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
I'm afraid there won't be more for quite a while yet, so it will be staying as a one-shot for the moment. But I hope to get back to this in the not too distant (I hope) future. Thanks for the review. :)
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
I'm afraid there won't be more for quite a while yet, so it will be staying as a one-shot for the moment. But I hope to get back to this in the not too distant (I hope) future. Thanks for the review. :)
Oooh. A bit of a mystery. Looking forward to seeing it unfold.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
Thank you.
Haha... Saint Snape indeed.
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
*giggles* Indeed. Thank you. :)
Response from bound_by_passion (Author of Saint Snape)
*giggles* Indeed. Thank you. :)
Very cheeky. I loved it.