New Chapter for A Father's Love
A Father's Love
irishredlass6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
How far will a father's love reach?
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About irishredlass
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 77 | 672 Reviews Written | 695 Review Responses
I am an avid Harry Potter fan. I am currently discovering the pleasure of writing my own fan fiction.
I am pragmatic person who yearns to be an optimist, but I know better. I think maybe I am related to Severus.
Northwest born I now live in the midwest.
Reviews for A Father's Love
Very lyrical and touching.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you I am glad you enjoyed it. Irish
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you I am glad you enjoyed it. Irish
this is very lovely and moving, and true. i think it's hard for me to review because my dad passed away when i was 18 and even after all this time - nearly 30 years! - there is still a lot of emotion there. just wanted to let you know i had read and appreciated it, even though i can't really be as articulate as i would normally try to be. thanks for posting it.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
I know your feelings well. My own father passed away in '76 I was only 6 years old. The pain is always there for a Daddy's Little Girl. Thank you for your review and sharing.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
I know your feelings well. My own father passed away in '76 I was only 6 years old. The pain is always there for a Daddy's Little Girl. Thank you for your review and sharing.
It's a lovely piece, very well written and thought provoking. It makes me a little sad though, not everyone knows such a love.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you for such a kind review. I do know that I am blessed. I was a "Daddy's Little Girl" for six years and it took another 20 years before I felt such love again. I wish everyone were so blessed.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you for such a kind review. I do know that I am blessed. I was a "Daddy's Little Girl" for six years and it took another 20 years before I felt such love again. I wish everyone were so blessed.
That is really, really lovely. I feel quite tearful now, but in a good way. :) Thank you very much for sharing this.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you so much! I am glad that it made you tearful, in a good way. It means as a poet I have suceeded in conveying my message.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you so much! I am glad that it made you tearful, in a good way. It means as a poet I have suceeded in conveying my message.
Yes, and Amen: A father's love knows no boundaries. My father departed this life almost 20 years ago, and I still miss him. This poem was very moviing.
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you for your kind words. You are one that can truely understand this poem it has been more than 30 years since my own father passed, but I know he still loves me; as I am sure yours does too. Irish
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
Thank you for your kind words. You are one that can truely understand this poem it has been more than 30 years since my own father passed, but I know he still loves me; as I am sure yours does too. Irish
This is lovely. I am a proud Daddy's Girl, and even though I'm all Grown Up and out of the house, I still sometimes wish I could climb up in his lap and cuddle with him like I did when I was little. Daddies are TEH AWESOME. That's pretty much all there is to it. ;)
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
I envy you your childhood, of being able to crawl up into "daddy's lap", my own father passed away when I was only 6 and I have few memories of him-- all cherished. My "second father" did not come into my life until I was an adult, but I love him all the same. Thank you for the review. Irish
Response from Sporky1126 (Reviewer)
I'm sorry about your father! My mother died when I was five, so that contributed to my being so close with my dad. I did get a stepmom later on, though. I'm glad you got a "second father," too. :)
Response from irishredlass (Author of A Father's Love)
I envy you your childhood, of being able to crawl up into "daddy's lap", my own father passed away when I was only 6 and I have few memories of him-- all cherished. My "second father" did not come into my life until I was an adult, but I love him all the same. Thank you for the review. Irish
Response from Sporky1126 (Reviewer)
I'm sorry about your father! My mother died when I was five, so that contributed to my being so close with my dad. I did get a stepmom later on, though. I'm glad you got a "second father," too. :)