New Chapter for Pet Names
Pet Names
a_bees_buzz24 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )
No one would ever refer to Hermione and Severus as a ‘cute’ couple. Would they?
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About a_bees_buzz
Member Since 2007 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 169 | 35 Reviews Written | 634 Review Responses
Reviews for Pet Names
LOLThat was hilarious. I think you captured their characters well with just a few words. Excellent.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you so much. This one really was all about character, so I'm pleased you thought I did that well.
That was really, really cute. I loved it!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you.
I love it and I can honestly see two analytical minds approaching affection in such a manner!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you. I see both of them as having a bit of a problem with showing affection, so I thought I'd give them a little help. :D
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you. I see both of them as having a bit of a problem with showing affection, so I thought I'd give them a little help. :D
Lol - this is great.Good job.FromPuppy Ears!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
A Kat with puppy ears? I'm getting a very strange visual there. ;-)I'm glad you enjoyed the story, even if you do look funny.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
A Kat with puppy ears? I'm getting a very strange visual there. ;-)I'm glad you enjoyed the story, even if you do look funny.
Amusing, thank you!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Oh, that was classic. "Zookie Wookie" *snort!cackle* Brilliant!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I'm glad you got a laugh out of it.
Thank goodness for Google - I could never have come up with those names on my own.
So funny. To be honest, I can't see Snape as a person prone to pet names, at least in public. Therefore, I find "loves" and "honeys" OOC. Yet, turning pet names into an intellectual sparring is exactly what I can see them do. Superbly done!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I don't see either Severus or Hermione as the pet name types, which is what made the prompt so interesting. I'm glad you liked what I did with it.
Cackling delightedly!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I'm glad I could make you laugh.
*snort* I laughed very hard. My three-year-old wanted to know what the joke was. What a concept for a story!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I take no credit for the concept, since it was based on a prompt. I'm glad I could make you laugh.
Oh my Tinkly one! That was the funniest fic I think I've ever read! I was laughing so hard that I had to run to the bathroom at the end. It was absolutely priceless. Thank you so much for writing it.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I don't think I've ever made someone pee with my writing before. That is high praise, indeed. Thank you for sharing that, it made my day.
That was too funny. Heck, my in-laws all freaked out when my husband forgot he was home and called me sweetheart instead of by my name.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
He didn't! Their little, widdle babykins calling a woman he happens to be married to sweetheart in front of them? It's a wonder they didn't both have heart attacks on the spot. *grin*
I'm glad you enjoyed it. So much easier to laugh when it's someone else's problems.
*snort* Oh, this was brilliant. I loved it. :)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you. I had fun writing it.
That was great! Do you know how hard it is to not laugh so loud at work? This story had me covering my mouth to keep from attracting too much attention. It was wonderful!
My pet name would be Bulky Nooks. How about you? Lol... my DH would be Honey Head, and I can already hear the lewd remarks he would make about honey on which head. XD
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I am ... Kitty Huevos. Ole. ;D
There is a warning, which I added after the first couple of reviewers complained about damaged computers and annoyed bosses. But did you pay attention? Did you? Hmmm? *shakes head sadly*
Honey Head is a great name! I once wrote a multi-chapter fic with a honey fantasy theme.
Response from CharmedForce (Reviewer)
Honey Head would be more fitting for the screen name of "a_bees_buzz".
But Kitty Huevos? That's just awesometastic. That is like, a total porn star name!
And yeah I did skim the disclaimer. I'm good at skimming. XD
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Honey Head is pretty porntastic too!
If you saw the disclaimer, you have only yourself to blame. ;D
Had me laughing hard! Thanks, I needed that. Zookie? Zoikes.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
"Zoikes" is a great exclamation! I may need to steal that. ;D
I'm very pleased I could make you laugh.
Bee - I love you.I thought Slytherfoy and Grangerdor were good.This is awesome. I especially love the parents' reactions.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
But Slytherfoy and Grangerdor I actually made up myself; these ones all came from the great god Google. Well, some of them anyway. I rather liked Hermaneutics and Severed-Head.
So glad you liked it. And I'm quite fond of you, too.
LOL! That was cute. Tinkly Jiggles. :D
I love that they actually had the nerve to do it in front of her parents. They couldn't just have come up with some more neutral endearments?
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Could they have? Maybe. Neither is really a pet name sort of person. But, would it have been as much fun? Nah.
Glad you liked it.
BEAUTIFUL!!...You MUST write more!~Lotm
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you.
Must I? Does it have to be this story? Will there be dire consequences if I don't?
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Well..I did pimp the url for the story at the Mob of Irate Torch-Wielding Fans you might want to consider writing more SS/HG, period. They have torches, and they do know how to wield 'em! (I taught 'em myself, heheh.) But it'd be lovely to see more of this particular story unfolding, like a prequel of how they got together, and a sequel of how they get around to admitting they're in love with each know, the usual things we wave our torches about, demanding more more more!~Lotm
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
I am unfamiliar with the Mob of Irate Torch-Wielding Fans. I'm thrilled you pimped my story there, but just a tad frightened. Tell me more?
I can, however, promise more ss/hg. I've been working on the next chapter of TPM and have a shortish drabble series in the works.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
It's my YahooGroup of <strike>rabid, frothing-mouthed</strike> kind, sweet readers who <strike>make unceasing, headache-inducing demands on my increasingly limited time</strike> encourage me enthusiastically to write more fanfics, as well as my original stories. (Just kidding--they really are <strike>crazy</strike> nice!) (You have to be 18 or older to join, of course.)~Lotm
ROFLMAO Bravo This is too funny. Love it. Tinky Jiggles
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Thank you. It was one of those prompts that just writes itself. Glad you enjoyed it.
LOL! I'm having to wipe the screen down on my computer. I guess I should have stopped eating my breakfast...
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Should I have put in a warning?
Next time, keyboard warning, please. And possibly an "if you're reading this at work, be prepared to explain to your coworkers why you can't stop giggling" warning, also.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Pet Names)
Oh, dear. Did I get you in trouble?
*pretends to be deeply contrite*
I will go add a warning, though, since you asked.