New Chapter for My Hero
My Hero
HannahSmith13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
Snape’s letter makes Hermione furious! But she forgives him... of course.
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About HannahSmith
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 146 Reviews Written | 268 Review Responses
I started writing fanfic for Star Trek TOS back in the eighties, but only published HP fanfic for the first time in December 2007, here on TPP. I enjoy HG/LM as well as HG/SS and cannot stand the idea of HG/RW. I dislike reading/writing about rape and violence; my stories all have nice endings... so be warned.
Reviews for My Hero
Ah heroes, ya can't live with them and definitely can't live without them even though they drive ya crazy. What next?
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!!!!
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Whew, thank you!!!
*WAAAAAHs!* I want more!!~Lotm*iz thinking of calling out her to get it, too!*
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Thanks! but there's no need to call in reinforcements! Working on 2 other stories, one is being beta'd right now!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
...Yes, but are they more scrummy SS/HG? *leers hopefully*~Lotm
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
“Well, no more uncalled-for heroics then. You’re not Gryffindor.” That line so made me laugh!
Well done, was very cute.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Thank you!
This is really sweet. I love that she found the cure in time to save him.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Yes, she managed to invent a cure without bragging about it, while he was giving up and being heroic about it – reversal of (House) roles... thank you for reading!
short and sweet, and oh so satisfying.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Well, I don't like unhappy endings in stories – real life is too full of them. Thanks for reading!
Lovely, and spot on for Severus and Hermione.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Well, I can relate to her – many men are like that and you need to tell them off every now and then. Thank you for reading!
What was Severus thinking? Trying to be all noble and not asking for help. I really enjoyed reading this and am looking forward to reading more of your stories.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Thanks, that's very sweet of you! I've got one Lucius/Hermione story being proofread now (I'm non-native, so that's absolutely necessary), and I'm thinking of another Hermione/Snape plot for a rather longer story. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Men, do they have to be so melodramatic? What would they do without us. Very cute.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Yes, I hoped that being called Gryffindor might be annoying enough for Snape to learn something... thank you for reading and reviewing!
I think she takes the letter admirably good considering the circumstances. And we (women) all agree that men are STUPIDS when it comes to their health. Thank you for this very delighting and refreshing little piece.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Yes, he's been stupid and she's quite patient, as we expect... thanks for reading!
Great story! The perfect mixture of angst/sadness with romance! :D
lovely! thanks
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Thank you! Thanks for reviewing, too!
Excellent story, very entertaining.
Response from HannahSmith (Author of My Hero)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!