New Chapter for One Down
One Down
PiperKirby40 Reviews | 40 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
This was written by demand of Ladyofthemasque, who had taken my Muse hostage and refused to release her until I wrote:
“1,500 words (no less than, though she can write more in penance if needed) of hawt SS/HG smutty yummy happy goodness. No Unresolved Sexual Tensions that remain unresolved, either. Full-bore smut, as hawt as she can make it, and with love and happiness by the end of it--and that's by the Lady's definition of happiness. It can be Porn Without Plot, but must not be a Work In Progress.”
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About PiperKirby
Member Since 2006 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 5 | 27 Reviews Written | 58 Review Responses
Reviews for One Down
Nicely done.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Yes, Severus did nicely, didn't he?
twenty seven across. Sitcom set in a bar, starring Ted Danson and Kirstie Alley.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Cheers! You are good at this. Would you like to help Severus with today's puzzle?Piper
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Cheers! You are good at this. Would you like to help Severus with today's puzzle?Piper
I really loved this story, the cleverness, the world play. But if you'll permit me a criticism, I really wish this was not student/teacher and/or MLC. Omit two sentences, and it wouldnt' be, and it's completely unnecessary to the story, and for me forced circumstances diminish the pleasure, sexiness and humor of this story--which I'm giving a full rating, because it's a delight nevertheless.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you... both for your lovely compliments and your constructive critiscim... I appreciate both equally.Piper
Mmmm, vurry noice!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you!Piper
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you!Piper
That cheeky bugger!!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
I think Hermione might object to cheeky buggery. Or maybe not...
A great and fun story. Very creative with the crossword puzzle.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you so much.
I'm waiting for someone to point out that Eugene T. Maliska is a real person. (the former editor of The New York Times Crossword, to be exact.).
Of course, he is dead. But then, so is Professor Snape, in some universes.
But never in mine.
That was cute!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Again with the cute. Hermione, you and I need to have a little chat.
Prof. S. Snape
Congratulations, Piper! Brilliant story, very hot!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you Jen. I think Severus and Hermione did all the hard work on this one...
Do you think Lotm just wanted me to write about someone who wasn' blond... for once? Piper
i like this very much - fun, erotic, and with that surprising twist at the end that i did NOT see coming.and then i read the reviews, and found your "salad maker" comment as witty and amusing as your story! it was like a bonus giggle.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Oh, wow. Not only did I post my first story ever*, but people said lovely things in reviews... and now my reviews are getting good reviews.
It just doesn't get any better. Thank you. Piper
*not counting the 175,000 word *facepalm* that's been written and posted over the last year because that's a soap opera and jointly written with the rest of Lotm's Mob of Irate Torch Wielding Fans.
Giggle snort! Thanks to you for your wry and clever story! I had wondered if he'd charmed the puzzle...but your way is better.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Charmed the puzzle? Do you really think Severus Snape would do something so... so... underhanded? Don't answer that, actually. Piper
I wonder if there is a rubber duckie fetish out there? I will never be able to do a crossword puzzle without thinking about this story now, Piper. It is awesome. I'm glad Lady made you.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Yes, indeed. The Lady made me. I am almost wholly a product of her imagination... I don't really exist, you know.
Sunday mornings at your house are going to be interesting from now on, yes?
Piper (Lotm's latest creation)
LMAO! That was hot, and yet ended way too cute. Loved it!!!!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Cute? Who are you calling cute?
Prof. S. Snape, growling dangerously
That was just too cute...
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Cute? When exactly did I become cute? Hermione, what have you been telling the Gryffindors? Prof. S. Snape
A brilliant story. You managed the challenge with brilliance, there is no doubt that The Lady Of the Masque knew what she was doing when giving you this challenge:-)
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you so much. But, again, please don't encourage Lotm. It's like feeding the deer at those petting zoos... Piper
*fans self* Ohhh, yessss...this version is even better than the one you graced the Mob!*huggles*~Lotm
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Do NOT get any more ideas. If you kidnap Muse again... well, that's just blackmail, isn't it? And you are too lovely a woman to stoop that low... aren't you?
Nah Nah Nah. Mwwah. Piper
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Don't. Tempt. Me.~Lotmwho really thinks Piper should write and post more
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
I'm going to hide poor Muse and keep her safe from you. She'll like staying in the Malfoy's library, I'm sure. Piper
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
I thought she was safely ensconced on that private island for the next few weeks? With two appointments, one for a couple of hours with a bottle of Jose Cuervo, and the other a couple hours with Sven Taaken, the Swedish Masseur...or something like that~Lotm
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
'Safely'? *You* are going to be on Necker Island with her, too, remember? So the two of you will just have to agree to play nice. She won't have Lucius do anything bad to Piper, if you don't do anything to interrupt her tequila and massage binge. Deal? Piper
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Deal...but you gotta write more SSHG!~Lotm
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
*Wails* But I'm too busy writing LM/PK....
Very nice and naughty...
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Squee! Thank you. Amazing how relaxing Sunday mornings can be, isn't it? Piper
So very naughty and lighthearted. Too cute and clever!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Well, Severus is naughty and Hermione is lighthearted...and both are clever....
Thank you very much. Piper
Wonderful!!! Don't you Love Lady's urgings? Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for writing that. I'll never look at a crosswords puzzle the same way again!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
*Looks around, nervously* Ssssh! Don't give the Lady any more ideas! My Muse still hasn't recovered from her captivity. At least, that's what she told me when I asked why she opened yet another bottle of champagne...
Thank you! Piper
This was a great story, so inventive! I love these little vignettes of life!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
I'm thinking of them more as a nice vinegrette dressing. Take 1 part oily Severus, 2 parts acidic Severus, shake well and pour over Hermione. Piper, salad maker
Hee. I really enjoyed that.
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Thank you. I enjoyed writing it. Piper
Piper---you are wonderful---as usual!!! Kudos!!!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
'As usual'? Uh-ooo.... That means you must have read some of my *facepalm* soap opera. Don't worry. I'm sure there's a cure for that... Or a 12-step program... Perhaps a potion? Know any Potions Masters?
I mean, thank you very much. Piper, blushing.
Oh, so much fun! I had a less-than-stellar day at work, so I very much appreciated the fun here. I assuredly smiled MUCH more than a 1/4 inch. The"247" was my favorite. Thanks for your work!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Your review made me grin like a maniac.... my first ever story, and someone has actually read it and liked it! *bounces happily all over the room* Piper
Awesome, my regards to LOTM for holding your muse hostage! ;)
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Lotm is now complaining that Muse cheated by having me write the fic for her, so Muse had better watch her back, or she'll soon be busy with quill and parchment, instead of drinking tequila as she usually does on Wednesdays.
Heh. Sneaky Sev!
And until now, I've never thought of crossword puzzles as sexy, but damn!
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
Just wait until next Sunday, when Hermione introduces Severus to Sudoku...
Lovely and sexy and dangerous! (Not at ALL cute).*Wonders if Mr. Snape would be interested in a game of strip Trivial Pursuit*
Response from PiperKirby (Author of One Down)
"Severus, I think we need to have a chat. Strange women are inviting you to play games with them." Hermione
"Smirk" Severus
"Thank you!" Piper