New Chapter for The Guardian
The Guardian
a_bees_buzz14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
The war is over, but not all the battles have been fought. Hermione seeks help from the ex-Potions master.
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About a_bees_buzz
Member Since 2007 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 169 | 35 Reviews Written | 634 Review Responses
Reviews for The Guardian
Yup, this story still brings a big grin to my face, I had a wonderful time reading it all over again:-))
No, no, no, no, no! This cannot be "completed". There's so much more story here. Please come back and finish this...and Thanks for what you have written.
I love this one of your stories, especially as it takes place in a 'Saving a Death Eater' sort of universe, and Snape is very neatly hooked by Hermione ... who herself will probably be hooked in seven short years.
Have you ever contemplated a sequel to this one?
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
They're really both saving each other, albeit in very different ways, which is the sort of balance I like. I don't have any ideas for a sequel at the moment, other than the obvious idea that after seven years of a professional interaction they would have built a rapport that turns into something more. There are a lot of unanwered questions, though, so it might happen one dday.
Response from Bambu (Reviewer)
That's excellent news. I'll quite happily wait until it happens or not.
I like it! I Love it! I want some more of it!I hope those plot bunnies come back from their hiatus with more chapters for this. It's too cool. I'd send you one of my plot bunnies, but I only have two. oh dear me!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Thank you. There seem to be a lot of people who think this is worth continuing; I'll have to give it some thought.
Do keep your plot bunnies. I have plenty, just not for this story. Yet. :D
I thought this was a hoot! It's a totally Hermione thing to do. I especially enjoyed the bit about having Harry put a bug in the Prime Minister's ear via the Minister of Magic. *snickers* Thanks for a very fun, clever story.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
I've always seen Hermione as a bit Slytherin; she knows how the game is played and how to get her own way. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I have to join in with the group who is asking for more. I enjoyed's a great set-up to a longer story!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Thank you that. I'll have to have a word the muse. For the moment, she's focused on other projects.
A fun read. A question, though--why does Hermione all but dare him to try to steal from her? Is she trying to give him a purpose in life?
Author's Response:
Good question. To some degree, she's forcing him to take her seriously as an adult. As her guardian, he'll have some control over her activities, but he is no longer her teacher. So when he tries to intimidate her, her response is "give me your best shot." Then she proves she's up to the challenge by sending him her goblin.
I don't think she has a real sense of how much he needs that challenge. She's just thinking in terms of what kind of relationship he and she will have for the next seven years. At the same time, she trusts him not to do her any real harm, so she's safe to tease him a bit and make a game of it. After all, she's got more than she could possibly want or need.
I reallly enjoyed this.“I need someone who is comfortable in the Muggle world and who can walk into a roomful of charlatans and quislings and crush them into a fine powder.” -- I totally ADORED this line. Tooo great.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Wow! You picked what is, to me, the key line of the whole story. It started with a conversation about the parts of Severus' life that we don't see in canon, and the speculation that, as a half-blood, he must have some familiarity with the Muggle world. Given that, Severus is, without question, the single most qualified person to handle Hermione's problems. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
I would definitely like to see this story developed further. The next seven years sound interesting.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Thank you. I've thought about continuing, but so far no little plot bunnies.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Have you tried leaving a bag of peeled baby carrots near your computer to attract the bunnies? Or perhaps if you worked on one of your other fics the bunnies would try to distract you? If all else fails, kidnap the bunnies of a more prolific, but less interesting, writer.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Have you tried leaving a bag of peeled baby carrots near your computer to attract the bunnies? Or perhaps if you worked on one of your other fics the bunnies would try to distract you? If all else fails, kidnap the bunnies of a more prolific, but less interesting, writer.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
I've been trying option two, working on other fics. Option one sounds interesting, but somewhat messy. I may resort to it if nothing else works. Option three, though, is a bit of a worry. Wouldn't they be uninteresting bunnies? If I'm going to go to all the effort to plot and carry out a kidnapping, I'd want to be sure of getting the highest possible quality bunnies. Which would then deprive us all of the stories they were originally born to inspire.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Oh darn. I hadn't thought of the downsides to option 3. You could still kidnap the bunnies of the less interesting and "deprive" us of their stories and have yourself some nice, warm bunny slippers and some tasty rabbit stew.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Now you're thinking! I'll just have to be sure my own plot bunnies don't get wind of it. Wouldn't want them running away for fear of being eaten.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Perhaps if you explained to your bunnies that this is what happens to ALL plot bunnies who are no longer useful, they would he more helpful.
hahahaha this is awesome!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
cool story and with a lot of foreseeable possibilities but I think there's a little mistake: it said it was complete! please tell me you intend to write more, please!!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of The Guardian)
There are lots of possibilities, but for the moment no little plot bunnies. If any come along, I'll keep it going.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
ohhh the looks on the suits' faces!
Please add more to this story.