New Chapter for I Wonder
I Wonder
tialangela10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Hermione is injured and wandless in the aftermath of the Final Battle. Someone is coming to help... or not?
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About tialangela
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 1 | 175 Reviews Written | 20 Review Responses
Brazilian. 43. Married, a daughter and a son.
I love Harry Potter universe.
Reviews for I Wonder
I hope she didn't marry that red-headed prat, if it was too dangerous for Hermione to be left alone, then it was too dangerous for Severus as well.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
So sorry for the delay in answering! Truth is, I had this scene playing in my head when I finished reading HBP. I had to make Ron a bit stupid here to make the story work. Thank you so much for reviewing!
awww... I'm so feeling the love. CONGRATS! And I can't wait to see what else you come up with!
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
If I ever write anything else, you can be sure I'll beg your sage advice and super-beta powers to help me make it something worth reading! Zillions of thanks, Sayyida, you rock! :D
very interesting, if Ron stayed out of Severus's way he'd be alive today.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Yes, perhaps he would...*sighs*. Thanks for reviewing!
Wow, so much emotion in just a few lines. Well done, the end is excellent.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Thank you so much! A lot of the good stuff came from my dear beta, Sayyida. She helped me a lot.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
P.S.: I can't resist, I have to say it: I'm a HUGE fan of your stories! *fangirl squee*. Erm... sorry, couldn't help it!
Response from Pearle (Reviewer)
~blushes~Thank you, we can form a mutual admiration society...grin...look forward to seeing your next story!
The last sentance was
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Thanks! It was shorter, but my wonderful beta, Sayyida, added a few things and I, too, think is wow!
Eeeek...a real roller-coaster ride in just a few paragraphs! WHEW! I rather feel like I've been through a battle myself after all of the little plot twists in that story -- especially given the heart-wrenching ending (poor Hermione). That's a sign of a clever writer, however -- keeping the reader just that little bit off-balance, encouraging their thoughts in one direction then suddenly changing tack and making them realize that the situation is not quite what they thought it was.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
*blushes deep crimson red* Thank you! I can't help mentioning that my beta, Sayyida, gave me the most incredible help and ideas, so part of your appreciation must go to her, too. I agree that the story twists this and that way, but that's how it came to me, after reading HBP. Thanks again for the kind words! They mean a lot, this is my first fic.
Stupid Ron. I didn't really like him before but now I simply hate him. Couldn't have reinnervate Snape before going away? HE is the stupid git. Grrr.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Oh, Snitchette, don't hate poor Ron, please... I just had to make him a, er, git for this short piece. Hehehe. Thanks for reviewing!
Poor Snape! Ron's timing really sucked. And leaving him there, stunned... poor Hermione, too.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Thanks for reviewing! You know, I really like Ron, but I had to make him a bit, let's say, clueless?
Wow - so sinister! Very nicely written but it seems to be lacking something.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
You know, I have the same feeling... That's the first fic I ever wrote, so probably I still need to learn a few things! Thanks for reviewing!
Oh! Damn! i would've hexed Ron after this! Poor Snape.
Response from tialangela (Author of I Wonder)
Hehehe! Poor Ron, I like him, but I read waaaay too much SS/HG to give him a chance... Thanks for reviewing!