New Chapter for Prepared?
WriterMerrin17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Hermione wasn't prepared, but was Snape?
Two drabbles written as soon as I finished reading DH for the first time.
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About WriterMerrin
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 51 | 822 Reviews Written | 741 Review Responses
Sometimes writing, nearly always beta reading, I love to unwind after work by reading fanfiction.
Reviews for Prepared?
" Of all sad words of tongue amd pen, the saddest are there, it might have been "
I like that scene I wish it had been in the movie.
Whoot! Yep a much better version! Thank you for the lift. I hope she goes back for him...
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Thank you! I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I didn't even go to sleep the night I read the last book before I wrote this drabble. It bothered me so much that Hermione was right there and didn't do anything. Well, obviously it bothered a lot of us, because AU is the way to be! Oh, and I'm sure she did go back.
Definitely it is what should have happened, although Snape should have the venom even closer at hand. Just wondering, did they see the memories already at this point?
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
I imagine that Nagini's venom would have perhaps paralyzed him or something. *shrugs* I wrote this the night I finished reading DH because I couldn't sleep with the idea of Severus dead. And, no, Hermione saw that Severus was giving Harry his memories, provided the container, then just had faith that he was on the right side; otherwise, why would he be leaving Harry the memories?Thanks for the thoughtful review.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
I imagine that Nagini's venom would have perhaps paralyzed him or something. *shrugs* I wrote this the night I finished reading DH because I couldn't sleep with the idea of Severus dead. And, no, Hermione saw that Severus was giving Harry his memories, provided the container, then just had faith that he was on the right side; otherwise, why would he be leaving Harry the memories?Thanks for the thoughtful review.
YES!! yes yes yes!!! much much better. thanks so much
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Thank YOU for reviewing :)
I agree. That is exactly what should have happened. Except, maybe Harry goes to kill Voldemort and Hermione stays with Severus. Just in case he needs anything. Like, maybe, her. ;D
Nicely done.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Hee, I like that idea, too. They are so good for each other.
More! More! More! Very nicely done!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
More? Well, I am going to be starting a WIP soon, and I'll be posting here first. Thanks for the interest.
I always thought "the glance" was the most cruel part of the DH. You know what they should do? They should republish the book with your ending... Don't you agree?
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
I agree that 'the glance' was quite a stab. Thanks for the review, although I'd have a hard time choosing endings between some of the ones I've read, including yours.
You are now my official Rowling!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Duuuude! Thanks. I hope you keep reading, enjoying, and reviewing my stuff :)
I think JKR really missed the boat here. I think your version is much more plausible. Besides, how many romantic stories can we have about our favorite couple if one of them is dead?
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
It was absolutely essential that Severus should live to save Hermione from the fate of living as a Weasley ;) That it's plausible is a bonus. Thanks!
Enjoyed your version of events much better than the books.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Thanks. I wrote this as soon as I finished reading the book, because I couldn't sleep with the knowledge. I've been in happy denial ever since.
Love this version. Happier ending for me!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Thanks! Such a happy ending ;)
Yes, that is exactly how it should have happened. Very well done!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
*bounces* I got a review from Kelandry!!!
*ahem* Thank you.
I find it very hard to believe that a Potions Master would not be prepared with some sort of an antidote to Nagini's venom. Glad to see that you're of the same opinion.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Definitely of the same opinion. And just in case, I'm still thinking of more ways around it. Thanks!
Yep. I would have preferred this, also.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
HeeHee. Why would anyone want Severus dead?
Nice. Definitely should have been that way.
Author's Response: Thanks! Somehow I thought I'd find people who agreed with me about that.
Amen to that sister! If only JKR had asked your opinion
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Prepared?)
Thank you again! I think this drabble means the most to me because it was written in a moment of sheer emotion, before anything else had a chance to sink in. I love experiencing that again through your review.