Miss Granger, What Have You Done?
Chapter 33 of 67
mia madwynVoted Best New Author (Lumos), Best SS/HG Romance (Amortentia) and Best SS/HG Angst
(Diffindo) in The New Library Awards.
Seventh-year student Hermione Granger decides to marry the one eligible wizard who did not ask for her--the horrid but powerful Severus Snape. All is not sweetness and light. Be careful what you ask for. Or, as has been said by many a wise witch, "Marry in haste; repent in leisure." MLC
ReviewedThanks to JK Rowling for her generous understanding of our attempts to continue exploring her worlds and characters.
And special thanks to lifeasanamazon and junomagic who took time from their holiday weekends to read and comment so I could post quickly. Further thanks to Leigh-Anne and GinnyW for beta-work. It appears that for this chapter, it took a village!
After performing hasty cleansing charms and pulling on her clothes, she had found Professor Snape buttoned up to the neck and Flooing the Headmaster.
And now, they were about to barge in on the old wizard in the middle of the night to her chagrin.
"No!" She tried to wrench her wrist out of her husband's grip, but any such attempt was futile.
"Bendicks Bittermints."
The gargoyle leapt aside. Even before the walls had totally revealed the staircase, he was dragging her up, taking the moving steps two at a time with no regard to her ankles or limbs as she struggled to keep up with him.
She was raw...raw from the emotional assault of loving and being loved, raw from the emotional assault of being betrayed, raw from the fear of what lay ahead.
She had tried to explain things to him in simple terms. Who would have thought words like "vow" and "sacrament" would have resulted in this?
By the time she was flung through the door of the Headmaster's office, she felt exposed.
The Headmaster rose from his desk, his head cocked in question as he looked from Professor Snape to her and back again. It was as if this were the middle of the afternoon of any normal day and not the middle of the night with him in his purple sleeping robes with a ridiculous orange sleeping cap on his head.
Hermione turned the full force of her cold fury on the man who had only minutes earlier made her feel...everything. She allowed him to see the one emotion that overwhelmed all others. Betrayal. You are betraying me. You are betraying us.
He flinched away from her look.
She lowered her eyes. She refused to look at either of the two wizards.
"Is something wrong?" Professor Dumbledore asked, and then before there could be an answer, added, "What has happened?"
"If I knew what was wrong, I wouldn't be here," Professor Snape snapped crisply. "But it has been brought to my attention," she felt his gaze slide to her but refused to meet it, "that elements have been introduced into my marriage, and thus, the situation we all find ourselves embroiled in, that come from my wildest nightmares."
"Madam Snape, perhaps you would like to sit down."
She sank into a chair and folded her hands in her lap and stared at them. Professor Snape remained standing.
"Perhaps, Severus, you should begin at the beginning."
"If only we knew where the beginning was," he responded sharply. "I can begin with what happened in the Room of Requirement."
"Ah, yes."
"But...I think it best if you direct this line of enquiry." For once the Professor's voice was raw with emotion.
And so it begins, she thought to herself.
"As I'm still at a loss," Professor Dumbledore spoke gently, "perhaps you can help me, Hermione?"
She flinched at the sound of her name from his lips. Kindly, comforting.
She gave a sharp nod, still staring at her hands.
"Professor Snape is ... distressed..." Yes, that was a good word. "Because I mentioned our vows."
"You're speaking of the marriage vows?"
"Yes. I don't even know what vows we exchanged in the wizarding ceremony, but in Anglican marriage ritual we performed... It is a sacrament, sir. It's..."
"Muggle magic," her husband spat. "Do you realize what she's done? She's bound us with some sort of Muggle magic!"
"It's not magic..." she protested fiercely.
"I know it isn't," Professor Dumbledore said. "Forgive Severus for not having the scope of experience to understand.
His voice was so sympathetic...so comforting...without realizing it, she allowed her gaze to rise to meet his, seeking some sort of absolution.
And in his intense blue eyes, she saw understanding and no condemnation, but she also saw fear. In fact, were it anyone but Albus Dumbledore, she might even suspect she saw terror.
Miss Granger, what have you done?
"Tell me what you know of Salazar Slytherin," he said, as if such a digression was normal conversation.
"He hated Muggle-borns and wanted to deprive us of magical education and abilities."
"Your opinion is not totally without grounds although some might debate whether or not he actually hated Muggle-borns," Dumbledore agreed. "But do you know why he had such a strong belief system?"
She shook her head impatiently. "Because he was a bigot? Because when he was tender and vulnerable some Muggle hurt him and he could never trust them again? I can think of many excuses, based on what I know of Slytherins today, but they are only guesses."
"At the time when Hogwarts was founded, Muggles were attempting to burn witches and wizards at the stake. I sincerely doubt Salazar was concerned about hurt feelings and mistrust, Miss...excuse me, Madam Snape."
"His justifications for his prejudices really weren't given much emphasis in Hogwarts: A History," she said in her own defense.
"Salazar Slytherin desired to totally eliminate contact between Muggles and wizards. Even today, as you are well aware, we seek to keep Muggles unaware of our existence. At the time of our Founders, this was even more a matter of life and death, as I'm sure you understand. But I'm certain you're also wondering what this has to do with Severus's concerns?"
Hermione realized she was kneading her own jean-clad thighs in frustration and stilled her fingers and nodded mutely.
"Muggle-borns rarely want to leave the Muggle world behind, but instead tend to want to introduce Muggle concepts into wizarding culture."
"But I didn't! It was the Room of Requirement that..."
"That responded to your specific desires and requirements and provided your wedding.'
"But that's ridiculous. It had nothing to do with my desires. If anything, perhaps it recognized the inability of anyone to annul my marriage if it were done officially under the auspices of the cathedral."
"That's possible..." he said thoughtfully, casting a quick glance at Professor Snape who stood stiffly, arms folded across his chest, glaring at nothing. "Every choice made that day, from your Sealing to the wizarding rites used, was certainly made with that in mind."
Professor Snape stifled a low growl.
"But these vows... perhaps they bear some discussion." Professor Dumbledore offered her the dish of sherbet lemons, which she declined with a sharp jerk of her head.
"They're just the standard..." She broke off with a blush. "Well, if I'd been consulted, there are certain things that would not have been in them."
"Such as?" Dumbledore sucked on his candy.
She slid a quick glance at Professor Snape whose glare, fortunately, still wasn't focused in her direction. "I would not have sworn a vow of obedience."
Both wizards looked at her in astonishment.
"The traditional and historic rites call for the wife to love, honor and obey," she said crisply.
"No witch would ever take such a vow," Dumbledore exclaimed. "No wizard would ever ask it."
"Really?" she asked, her voice dripping with acid. "How forward thinking of you. Especially considering you think nothing of enforcing the Marriage Law which essentially does the same thing for the unfortunate Muggle-born bride who marries a wizard who wants to take her wand."
Dumbledore shot a quick look at Professor Snape. "Surely Severus hasn't..."
"Of course not!" Hermione and Professor Snape said in unison.
Professor Dumbledore relaxed. "And what did Severus vow?"
Hermione opened her mouth, and then promptly shut it. Odd how important mere words became when analyzed so brutally. They both waited. She finally spoke the vow aloud. "Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health? And forsaking all others keep thee only to her, so long as you both shall live?"
She waited for a reaction and when neither man spoke, finally forced herself to look up, first at the Headmaster, who in turn studied Professor Snape with none of his usual genial artifice. "What is it, Severus?"
Professor Snape looked as if he'd been hexed.
"I thought fidelity was expected in a wizarding marriage, too," she said, hoping to avert attention from the more problematical aspect of the vow.
"You required me to make a vow to love you? And pray tell," Professor Snape asked, his voice dripping with venom, "what is the penalty for breaking that vow?"
She leaped to her feet. "I required nothing! You're both making too much of this."
"Hermione," Professor Dumbledore said softly, "I fear you are making too little of it."
She shook her head helplessly. "It's not that I ever intended to take my vows lightly. If I thought of it at all, I intended them to be the most important words I ever spoke." She raised her face to the Headmaster, pleading for understanding. "But I didn't choose this. Professor Snape asked me if I had any foolish ideas about weddings, and I told him no because I didn't. I didn't." She turned to Professor Snape. "I'm sure even the most superficial knowledge of the Muggle world reveals the tragedy that too many people make the vows and then break them, and while that's horrible in the general scheme of things, you must realize I would never...I don't have any delusions about the circumstances of our marriage, nor did I ever require you to love me."
"You seem to be missing a key element of this situation, Miss Granger, " he hissed. "In that, it wasn't a man who made that vow. It was a wizard."
She blinked in confusion.
"I think what my wife is missing is that we are not mere Muggles, and when we make such vows, they are not mere words to be tossed aside or ignored on a whim," Professor Snape sneered. "Did you not notice the magical bonds? Did you not understand that when you married me, you took a wizarding oath? And that your Muggle vows are now part of it? Tell me, Miss Granger, when was the last time you took a wizarding oath?"
"Never," she whispered.
"Correction. The day we were married."
She stared at him numbly.
"Please," Professor Dumbledore said. "Both of you. Sit down. I'll order tea. I think we're going to be here for awhile."
"Call Dobby," Hermione said automatically. "He can bring Professor Snape's special tea."
If the Headmaster was surprised by the idea that his Potions master had a "special tea," he didn't let it show. Once the order was placed, he settled back in his high-backed upholstered chair.
"I have the vows at home," Hermione said. "I can get them if you think they're important. They were the first English-language vows, translated from the Latin by Thomas Cranmer. And that in itself should prove that I didn't choose them. I studied them out of academic curiosity, but had Father Gadbury actually asked me, I would have chosen..."
"Please spare us the lecture, Miss Granger," Professor Snape sneered.
"I think perhaps what might be more important in this situation," Professor Dumbledore continued smoothly, "would be to examine what was in your mind and heart at the moment you entered the Room of Requirement. And that includes not necessarily the literal meanings of the vows, but what attachment you might have had to them, that the Room of Requirement provided them, and even provided a sacramental marriage rite, at all."
"I was afraid, and I felt..." She swallowed thickly. "I felt stupid."
"How difficult for you," her husband supplied silkily.
"Severus," the Headmaster warned.
She forced herself to continue. "But mostly, I felt horribly guilty for not thinking it through and realizing what an incredibly selfish request I'd made when I asked Professor Snape to... save me." Marry me.
"Ah." Professor Dumbledore paused thoughtfully. "There is that. How did you come to this decision since he hadn't even offered?"
"I don't know. I was just upset and fretting over it all and I... I remember..."
Oh, god.
Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.
She looked up at Professor Dumbledore, unable to look in the direction of the Dark wizard beside her. Surely she needn't tell. Surely it wasn't really what it was beginning to seem like.
"Miss Granger?" the Headmaster prodded, suddenly intent.
"Madam Snape," her husband snapped, but she felt his burning black eyes on her.
"I... I think I might have prayed."
"Merlin's fucking ghost!" Professor Snape hissed.
"It wasn't like that!" she protested. "It wasn't a kneeling, hands-folded prayer! It was just a...I suppose a cry for help, and it might not have been a prayer at all. It was just words..." She took a deep breath and fought for calm. "I had all those offers in front of me, some from Death Eaters, some from friends, some from wizards I didn't even know, and I felt so helpless, and I was upset and frustrated and I said..." She gulped. "I said, 'Dear God, who do I choose?"
"Are you telling me that the Muggle God appeared in your presence in all his heavenly glory and told you to drag me into your personal hell with you?" Snape demanded, his face paler than usual.
"No! Of course not. I'm just saying in retrospect, maybe it was, well, a prayer. And no sooner had I said it, than I thought, 'Why didn't Professor Snape ask me?'"
"Miss Granger!" he roared. "Did it ever occur to you that that might have been a rhetorical question?"
"It's not as if I thought to myself, 'I think I'll pray about it,' and then considered you the answer to my prayers!" she snapped. "It's just that as soon as I thought...as soon as I thought of you...I simply felt this overwhelming relief, as if you were the answer to all my problems, and that's when I took off for Diagon Alley and asked George to bring me here..."
"Yes, we know the rest of the story," he spat.
The tea tray appeared with three mismatched cups and saucers, a huge round pot of tea and all the accompanying tea things.
Hands trembling, Hermione didn't wait. She grabbed a cup for herself and filled it to drink black.
Professor Snape could prepare his own bloody tea.
"Severus, you know how I like mine," Professor Dumbledore said with a very false twinkle, as he studied her closely. She pretended not to care.
She watched Professor Snape stir four spoons of sugar into a cup that was more milk than tea and hand it to his superior. She restrained from wincing.
While Professor Snape prepared his own, Professor Dumbledore sipped and watched Hermione. "And, forgive me, dear, I realize this might be awkward, but you didn't harbor any romantic feelings about Severus prior to that day?"
"Not even on that day!"
"Hmmm." He sipped appreciatively. "This is very good tea, Severus."
"How can you tell?" Professor Snape responded with a decided lack of grace.
Professor Dumbledore returned his attention to Hermione. "You say you had no wedding fantasies dancing in your head, yet we ended up in a very specific place, with a very specific priest, and a very specific result. It's rather puzzling, don't you think?"
"Professor Dumbledore, whether you want to believe me or not, unlike most of the girls of my acquaintance, I find Arithmancy more intriguing than weddings. I haven't given a thought to weddings and marriage since I was a child in confirmation class."
He beamed. "Excellent, my dear. Tell me, what kinds of thoughts did you have then?"
She stared at him and felt anew her anger at one Professor Severus Snape for dragging her up here for this. If he'd only let her explain! If he'd only kept this between the two of them, instead of forcing her to make these embarrassing revelations in front of the Headmaster!
"Miss..." the Headmaster began.
"Madam..." Professor Snape interrupted.
"Madam Snape," the Headmaster corrected himself with a nod to Professor Snape. "There's no reason to be upset. But there's every reason to be open. This is of vital importance to us all."
She stared over his shoulder, refusing to meet either of their gazes. "As I tried to explain to Professor Snape, a sacrament is a rite in which God himself is present. When we studied the sacraments, Father Gadbury explained the sacrament of marriage as vows made between a man and a woman to one another, but in the presence of God and blessed by God. The priest...no matter who he or she is...is pretty much window dressing. The real work is done by those participating in the ritual."
Professor Dumbledore seemed to be following very closely, but also seemed to recognize that there was more, as he waited expectantly for her to continue. She sighed. "He said that history and tradition teach that marriage was offered to us to mimic the bond between Christ and the church." She hesitated. "And it offered an opportunity for a man and a woman to share relations and avoid the carnal sins of the flesh..."
Professor Snape hissed his disapproval.
"...but Father Gadbury said that he rather thought that most people stumble through life, bouncing from one relationship to the next. They are continually looking for more and more varied sexual experiences...for thrills...always looking for something more and only finding temporary satisfaction..."
"You were ten years old and he spoke to you of sex?" Professor Snape demanded.
"Only in the theological sense!" she retorted. And then added, "And yes, I was a little embarrassed, but then, he was accustomed to teaching that class to older students, and...and, will you let me finish!"
He waved a hand at her and glared out the night-dark window.
"Father Gadbury said that those who enter into a sacramental marriage discover, together, that it is the man and woman themselves and the love and respect and nurturing that they have for one another that provides a sexual satisfaction that transcends all others. That this is what everyone seeks but can't find because they lack the essential foundation of their relationship with one another."
"How sweet."
"Severus," the Headmaster warned. "And at ten years old, your impressions of this were...?"
She winced. "Having just learned what sex actuallywas, I decided promptly that I wanted a sacramental marriage because I wanted it to be right the first time, and not have to go about doing messy things with a series of different men looking for something that wasn't going to be there, anyway."
Professor Dumbledore choked on his sherbet lemon and coughed.
She was quite certain she was blushing from her toenails to the roots of her hair. "I was only ten years old."
"Well." Professor Dumbledore, having recovered, popped another sweet in his mouth. "That would explain a lot."
She became aware of the waves of rage radiating from beside her and warily met Professor Snape's gaze. "Are you telling me that we went through that farce with Merlin only knows what repercussions simply because the Room of Requirement was responding to your ten-year-old's fantasies of what would constitute good sex?"
"Severus!" the Headmaster thundered. "That's enough! Might I remind you that it was you who stopped me from entering the Floo first? That if I'd been the one who had entered the Room of Requirement first, it would have provided what was in the best interests of the Order, if not the entire wizarding world?"
"Oh, yes, and because I had one chivalrous moment in my entire fucking life, I'm bringing the wizarding world as we know it to an end!"
"We don't know that," the Headmaster replied, but he was clearly concerned.
"Why do you keep saying these things?" Hermione demanded. "What does all this have to do with the Order or the wizarding world or anything other than Professor Snape and me?"
"My dear girl," the Headmaster replied. "While 'Muggle magic' is certainly too simplistic a term for what happens in Muggle religion, the fact is that by commingling 'Muggle magic' and 'wizarding magic' in your marriage ritual, we have committed a grave error. We don't know what will happen, but when the two meet, the results are rarely benign. And I hope you don't take this the wrong way, dear, but it's not how it might affect you that disturbs me. Over the past two weeks, I've observed marked changes in behaviour in the Order's most valuable resource, our only spy amongst the Death Eaters. Perhaps it's simply the awkwardness of adjusting to your new situation. But if it's not...if he is now acting under some new magical compulsions...I fear for us all."
A vice closed over her heart. Magical compulsions?
"However," he added carefully, "it's possible that we can eliminate at least some of our fears about the vows. You raise an interesting point when you mention... obedience?" He looked at her hopefully. "Surely you haven't found yourself magically bound to obey your husband's every whim?"
"No," she said automatically. "Of course not." But other thoughts whirled through her mind. She would do anything to please him. The desire to refuse him nothing, nothing. The ache that was almost agony.
"And you, Severus? Have you formed a passionate new love for this young woman you held in utter disdain as little as two weeks ago?"
"Absolutely not!" he spat.
"Then perhaps this really is much ado about nothing," Professor Dumbledore concluded.
Magical compulsions? It wasn't... real?
The very thought of it was enough to rend her heart.
"Thank you," she said, her head spinning. "I mean...well, thank you."
Hermione stood on trembling legs, willing them to be strong enough to support her weight.
Her heart hammering in her chest, she made a very un-Gryffindor exit.
She fled.
Snape jerked to his feet, seething.
"Albus," he said with a jerk of his head. It was the closest to a respectful nod he could muster. He was halfway to the door when Albus's voice stopped him.
"Severus... stay."
He spun back to face the older wizard.
"You will not follow her," Albus said severely. "Not until we are finished."
Swallowing his rage, Snape forced himself back into the chair.
"Whatever situation you are in, remember, you chose it. You walked into it willingly and against my own advice. You have chosen not to seek my help and have chosen not to keep me informed as to your plans and whereabouts. Your actions over the past two weeks are alarming and confusing. Perhaps you've uncovered their cause, but perhaps not. There are other explanations for why you would find yourself so attached to Miss Granger..."
"You're being ridiculous. I no more have feelings for her than I do for Flitwick."
"Severus, you could have brought me your concerns, and we could have proceeded to get this same information without the humiliation you put the girl through tonight."
"Woman," he corrected, feeling his face flush under the old man's scrutiny.
"Perhaps you should give her some time alone to come to terms with what all this might mean for her."
"For her?" Snape gaped at him. "For her? You said it yourself. I'm the one at risk here."
"Of course you are," Albus responded blandly. "But you'll come through, now that you understand what is happening."
"Your concern for me, as always, is a comfort."
"I'm concerned for you, never fear that. Forgive me for being a soft old fool, but tonight, I fear I'm more concerned for Miss Granger." Albus stared into his milky tea. "It was her heart that broke in front of me, after all."
Snape rose stiffly, allowing his cup and saucer to drop to Albus's desk with a clatter.
He left the Headmaster's office with a billow of his cloak.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Care of Magical Creatures
2762 Reviews | 6.75/10 Average
I've always loved this story.
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
OMG, thank you so much! I've always loved your stories--The Price of Madness is one of my favorites ever.
Beautiful ending! I loved that the baby self attached at the breast and that Hermione and her husband had an unassited homebith. I love Severus' frantic attempt at naming what he thought was going to be a boy. Since it was a girl Hermione was spared further worry. I love Winky's rebellion. Severus knows he is going to be a different dad. He deeply loves the mother of his child. They are family or pack from Albus' point of view. I know that dads are different than my dad and the other dads that waited in the waiting room for their wives to bring forth their childern. I've been a doula and IBCLC for over 2 decades and dads are different because they are present at the birth of their babes. They are different because they watch thier warrior wives birth babies so that they have a new respect for the mother of their child because they know in their hearts they aren't strong enough to do what we do. They are different because they get to share the awe of watching a new live come into the world and know that it is part of them. How much more different must those who help their wives to birth their own babes together and who get to be the one to see that new life emerge and be the first to hold that toasty warm soft body. I love how warm they are when they first come out. I know you poured your heart out with this story but I wish we got to find out what Hogwarts was waiting for. I wish I knew how Poppy got the gender incorrect and I hope that George isn't disappointed that his brother came out a girl. Thank you for a wonderful and enjoyable respite from reality. You are gifted with your story telling. I know that I will read this story again. Love,
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
I loved following your comments through this read. I just warmed the cockloes of my heart! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm on Chapter 61. I really love and appretiate the Christian and Spiritual side of this plot. I loved the chapter with Severus seeking out Muggle Magic to heal Hermione. The story was too intense for me to stop and write any reviews until now. You mix Christianity with muggle magic and wizard magic and manage not to make it less or be disrespectful in any way. I'm a blood born Quaker and we don't normally celebrate any of the litergy or rites but I still love them. They help one focus. I really really enjoy this side of the story that makes this story different from all the other Marriage Law stories. I love the Hermione is a pureblood Muggle and her parent's aren't dentists. This whole thing is so creative and original. Thank you for giving us such an ejoyable, emotional, erotic, exciting, frightening, heart pounding read!
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
Again and again during the writing of this story, I worried that I'd finally crossed a line and that readers wouldn't forgive me. The spiritual and religious aspect fascinated me and so I explored it. I've found that religious people often assume that Hermione is also religious. Those who aren't. don't assume she is. That was deliberate on my part, because I didn't want to alieante anyone.
Severus is willing to betray both the light and the dark to protect his soul mate. He thinks he is making choices that bind him to the dark forever. But the war hasn't yet been fought.
Amazing! It is totally amazing how you give us a perfectly acceptable reason to sympathize with Severus enough to see why he would betray the light and choose Tom and the dark. We chose with him. He didn't pass Abraham's test, however. But the Dark Lord in pragmatic wisdom is forgiving him because he has a use for Hermione. Albus never saw this coming. He never looked deep enough. He never fully examined the circumstances surrounding Severus falling in love with Hermione Granger and she loving him. He is an old fool. But I guess no one is right all the time. I don't forgive him though. He would kill Hermione and would feel it was what had to be done just as he is willing to allow Severus to die. He needs to reassess his priorities. He loves Seveus like a pet, not a son. Pets can be put down when they have served their purpose.
Amazing! It is totally amazing how you give us a perfectly acceptable reason to sympathize with Severus enough to see why he would betray the light and choose Tom and the dark. We chose with him. He didn't pass Abraham's test, however. But the Dark Lord in pragmatic wisdom is forgiving him because he has a use for Hermione. Albus never saw this coming. He never looked deep enough. He never fully examined the circumstances surrounding Severus falling in love with Hermione Granger and she loving him. He is an old fool. But I guess no one is right all the time. I don't forgive him though. He would kill Hermione and would feel it was what had to be done just as he is willing to allow Severus to die. He needs to reassess his priorities. He loves Seveus like a pet, not a son. Pets can be put down when they have served their purpose.
"My darling boy!" She's in so much trouble though.
Ginny needed to hear the welcome to grown up world speech. It hasn't been lost on me that she sounds more and more like Severus.
He feels safe in her arms. He knows she would die defending him and she is powerful and she loves him and he knows it. Fuck Malfoy! I'm sure he has his own adgenda, he clearly admitted it, but I don't remember what it is. I just know something very bad is going to happen but then it works out in the end and they are happy together.
What a beautiful chapter! All of their mutual revalations about the other on her birthday was so sweetly romantic and I loved it! What a wonderful birthday! He was exquisite. She's the luckiest woman in the world today. I know the sweetness can't last forever but it is so lovely to indulge as often as one can. It makes real life a little less bitter. Thank you, dearest mia. xoxoxox
OMG! They make everything so hard! But, I love it!!!! They are one big mess of embarrassment and resentment, self doubt, guilt, repressed desire and all manner of emotions for such suppossedly pragmatic and intellectual people. But, again, that is what we love about this particular Hermione Grander and Severus Snape. You are an excellent story birther. After a glass of wine and exhaustion from crying women and babies all day I can't think of the real word I want. Maybe excellent story crafter. You reach my emotions. Now! I musn't stay up half the night like I did last night and I must go to bed and hopefully, sleep. Good night dear mia. Thank you. xoxoxo
I had no business staying up past midnight reading this on a work night but the spell wouldn't let go of me. I'm on the chapter Lost and Found. It made me cry. I have to go to bed now and I know things are about to get worse. But I also know they end up all right. Thanks for a great read!
You did good, Girl!!!!! That Hermione is one smart cookie! She's so proud of him. She can give him so much more than that wanker Voldemort can. So he has that dark mark thing he does, but how often? And it isn't because he loves you it is to control you. What she can give him lasts a lifetime. She sees it all. I hope he is satisfied. Throw her a bone you arse. Give her some credit. Admit the love you two feel is real. She deserves it, Professor.
At least Hermione knew what vows she was taking and took them willingly. So she couldn't be under a compulsion. And you can't really take a vow against your will can you? If it is only words with no intent is it really a vow or just a lie? Well. I know some bad stuff is coming up, I just doen't know how soon. Yikes.
It seems to me his rage exceeds the crime. I know he hates to be controled. But he knows she bore him no malice. She was stupid and selfish and she admits it. What does he gain from making her suffer? What does he hope to accomplish? Does he want to break her? He is right about everything. She admits it. What does he want from her? She is stronger than I. I would be broken by his anger. To what will he drive her? Suicide? At this point I would be thinking that it would be better for everyone if I were dead. Oh but her Christian beliefs...my beliefs...is suicide always a sin?
That was beautiful! Poor man. I remember he's really upset about these vows. On to the Headmaster's office if I remember correctly. Dude! Calm down! Have some tea.
My goodness! He has his work cut out for him. Preparing the caldron indeed! We shall see his success in the next chapter I hope. I think I remember yes, but I'm not certain. So here I go!
I am sorry for poor Ron. But he isn't Severus. He isn't as deep as Severus is. His pain will heal and he will be able to move on. That is why Hemione needs Severus. He is a deep deep well of...I don't know what...he is more than any other wizard. Hermione is no normal witch. They need each other. What I don't understand is, what the hell is Albus Dumbledore's problem with it? Does he just prefer Severus miserable? Doesn't he believe Severus is worthy of such love and devotion or of Hermione? Does he really truely not trust his most important spy even though he endures near death to spy for him? I don't get or feel sympathy for this Albus Dumbledore. I hope Severus puts the pricipals of tea making, "preparing, bursting and releasing" to good use soon for Hermione's sake.
Bless their poor, poor hearts! They love each other and can't admit it yet because it's too raw and the ministry is watching. One moment he is proud of her and the next he is breaking her heart with accusations that remind her that she was being selfish when she asked him to marry her. They never get a break. Her friends certainly have something to think about now that they know that A. Hermione can do wandless magic, B. she loves Severus Snape, C. The headmaster assaulted her. I do so hope that Harry made that connection. Will he go ask Albus Dumbledore what the hell he did to Hermione? I do hope so very much!
For all of my complaints, I've felt that sigh and feeling of knowing you belong in the arms of my husband. It is wonderful. It's maked me put up with messy and lazy for 37 years.
What a fuck head Albus was to wonder why she was willing to die to protect Severus!!! As if Severus wasn't worth protecting. And she's his wife! How could Albus and Poppy underestimate Hermione so badly? She's Griffindor loyal! She would fight to the death to protect anyone she loves, those Ass Holes! Plus! What makes Albus so sure she doesn't have enough of her own power to resist him without needing a dark spell? Hermione rocks!!!!! I love this Hermione. She's the strongest I think I have ever read. I hope Albus is afraid of her now. He should be. He's lucky the two of them don't kick his self righteous ass!
I'm very surprised that when I've checked I haven't left you reviews on my first two readings of this incredible story. If reviews are payment for the enjoyment you bring to the lives of others, you dear mia, deserve reviews upon more reviews! I read many chapters last night without reviewing because I needed you and you were here to provide solace. I couldn't stop reading because you were keeping me from despair. I've loved this story. I love the way you keep us on our toes when we never know what mood Severus is going to be in. You have my complete sympathy for both Severus and Hermione. I'm perplexed and disgruntled regarding Albus and Hermione's friends treatment of her. The only person who made sense was Minerva. I love this version of her parents more than any other I've ever read, and I have read everything TPP has with this pairing. I pretty much exclusively read SS/HG. I'm grateful that her parents were really forgiving after a brief snit that had to be had for the sake of principle. I don't know if I could have been as gracious as her parents have been about her getting married with out inviting them under the circumstances. My own grown daughters have caused me a great deal of grief and I worked so hard to be the best mom that anyone could be. They have disappointed me, humiliated me and thrown away any opportunities I provided for them. They have made poor choices and I am the one paying for them. One must protect the little grandchildren. Thank you so much for all the work you have put into writing a wonderful romance adventure that a reader can immerse one's self in. Poor Hermione. She is about to face a terrible ordeal with Albus, that bastard! My lack of shorterm memory allowes me to read the same stories over and over only remembering the general direction of the story but not the details.
Yikes!!!! She's left the Headmaster's office thinking that all of Severus' feelings for her are fake because they are nothing more than the result of magical compulsions. I don't remember how they work this out at all. I only remember that some time in the future Hermione will make a crazy, mental, painful and destructive decision and act upon it to her harm and despair. I can't remember if this is what drives her to it. I need to go to bed but I can't stop reading!
Poor Severus! I hope he has better luck explaining this to Voldi than he had with his friends Albus and Minerva.
She has a lot to learn! I do hope he teaches her a lesson. Well, many lessons actually. She has a lot to learn especially about Severus Snape and about matrimony. I have terrible short term memory so I can't remember if this comes up but in her haste to save her education, I wonder if she has looked into any rules regarding students marrying teachers. Did it occur to her that if she marries a professor she may not be able to remain a student? Surely she has checked that out. Hasn't she? I'm loving it! You are witty and have great rhythm and flow.