Chapter 11 of 67
mia madwynVoted Best New Author (Lumos), Best SS/HG Romance (Amortentia) and Best SS/HG Angst
(Diffindo) in The New Library Awards.
Seventh-year student Hermione Granger decides to marry the one eligible wizard who did not ask for her--the horrid but powerful Severus Snape. All is not sweetness and light. Be careful what you ask for. Or, as has been said by many a wise witch, "Marry in haste; repent in leisure." MLC
ReviewedEverything recognizable and wonderful is the creation of Jo Rowling. The other stuff is mine.
Severus had considered waking her up.
He wasn't going to go tiptoeing around his own quarters while she slept until all hours of the day.
But he found her sleeping form fascinating, slipping her looks as he dressed.
When she wasn't nattering at him or whinging about things or making a general nuisance of herself in other words, when she was asleep she was oddly compelling to look at.
Her eyelashes were very thick and curly for one thing. Nothing more than should be expected, considering that hair, but he would have never noticed such a thing if she hadn't been sleeping.
She had a soft spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Very pale, easy to miss when her face was animated, which it almost always was. Except, obviously, when she slept.
Her hands were long and slender, and her fingertips were stained with multi-coloured inks. Odd, that. Odd that he hadn't noticed before.
He also found it annoying that a strand of hair clung to her parted lips. How did she sleep with all that wretched mop of hair, with strands drifting on each breath and clinging to her cheeks, her lashes, her lips? He finally stopped with his shirt half-buttoned to lean over the bed to free the strand and felt her moist breath wash over his knuckles in the process.
He stood, feeling that warmth on his knuckles, for longer than he cared to consider.
In conclusion, he found a sleeping Hermione Granger much more tolerable than an awake one, so he decided to let her sleep.
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, after all, he thought as he whooshed through the door and into the corridor, then meticulously checked the wards to make sure she wouldn't be disturbed.
First things first.
Although lurking outside the House of Slytherin was one of the least comfortable ways she could spend a Saturday morning, it was the most straightforward way she could think of to find Pansy Parkinson.
Unfortunately, Draco Malfoy emerged first. To her surprise, he was alone. All right. This could work as well.
He frowned at her. "Granger."
"Snape," she corrected.
He arched a skeptical eyebrow and smirked. "As you say."
"After the Sorting, Peregrine Burns made me a gift of his jade serpent," she began.
"Good. You know. Well, then, I hope you gave him another? It was the sweetest thing, of course, but I hate to think he--"
"Of course we did."
"Oh." Well, that was easy. One thing marked off her list.
"Did you really think we wouldn't?" he asked, narrow-eyed.
"I thought you might not realize he'd given his away." She didn't like the way he looked at her, now. The way his eyes flickered up and down her body. Not exactly menacing, but assessing. It was almost enough to make her cross her arms across her breasts, except that would reveal she noticed and was bothered by his appraisal.
She also didn't like the way he smelled of cigarette smoke. They were allowed to smoke in Slytherin?
He gave his head a small shake and turned his attention back to the corridor ahead of them, then smirked again. "I still haven't gotten used to the idea."
"What idea?" she asked.
"I'm just trying to imagine you with Severus. You're not at all his type," he said with a snide laugh.
Imagine? This time she crossed her arms without hesitation. "I should hope not. He's not the kind of letch who drools over the girls in his classes," she said with sharp snip.
Draco shot her a surprised look.
She realized belatedly that her words might be misconstrued. "Of course, that's no longer an issue between us," she amended, "as I'm no longer his student."
Draco glanced down her body again, and this time there was no doubt what he was imagining--
She took a step toward the stairs. "I'm sorry if it seemed I was judging you and finding you lacking when it came to your duties in the House of Slytherin," she said politely. "I have some other errands to run, now."
"What? No apologies for judging me and finding me lacking as a husband?" This time the sneer definitely held malice.
"No," she said. "No apologies for that."
She left him watching her. She could feel him watching her.
But that was the least unsettling part of the conversation.
Professor Snape had a type. She wasn't it.
Draco Malfoy knew him well enough to know this.
And to call him Severus.
None of this surprised her.
It certainly shouldn't hurt her.
But surprisingly, it did.
She'd taken two left turns and a right before she realized she was headed up to Gryffindor Tower.
Old habits died hard.
She retraced her steps and headed back to the dungeons, trying to form the word "Severus" in her mind and finding it impossible.
She returned to her lists with a renewed fervor. Sitting on the bed against a pile of pillows with books and parchments stacked around her, and a small lap desk with quill and ink levitating beside her, she hacked away at them until she'd more or less bent them to her will.
But she'd left herself far too much today, on a Saturday when her mind was truly only on ... well, yes. That.
Which brought her to the "Ways to Make Professor Snape's Life Easier" list.
It was a short list.
That bothered her a lot.
In the week since she'd come up with her oh so clever plan to marry Professor Snape, not only had he married her, but he'd almost gotten killed, most likely on her behalf, though he'd never admitted it beyond the ominous, "The Dark Lord isn't happy."
She'd turned his life upside down, and no matter how good her intentions, she seemed to get up his nose every time they even attempted to have a normal conversation. Of course, he was usually an arse, but still, she'd known that going in. She was the one with the great debt to him, not the reverse.
He must hate himself for ever agreeing to save her.
He must hate her.
She certainly hated herself on a regular basis.
She rubbed her temples with her thumbs. Guilt was a horrid thing to carry around on her shoulders, especially when she so richly deserved it.
She turned back to the list.
She'd gone over everything he'd said to her and listed it for reference.
"... with as little fuss as is humanly possible..."
This was number one on the "must avoid doing" sub-list. And she'd tried. But it seemed just existing in his quarters created fuss.
"I don't care about the shirt."
In the language of Snape, especially as she'd literally pinched his own nice shirt out of his own armoire, this had to count as a positive. And the way he'd looked at her legs unless, of course, he really had been looking at Crookshanks.
Well, the shirt still went onto the "how to please" sub-list.
Along with tea. At least there was no second-guessing that.
Did he like firewhisky, or was his indulgence the night of their wedding an aberration? If he actually liked it, he was certain to like single malt better. She could have her father send some, just in case.
She chewed the feather end of her quill.
Or wine. He did seem to like wine. Her parents had a very fine wine cellar, or so it was reputed. Her own experience with wine was limited to holidays and special occasions, and she hadn't spent so many of them at home in recent years.
At least her "research further" sub-list was growing.
He hadn't complained about the sheets, either the color or the softness.
But that didn't mean he wouldn't toss them in the fire when he decided they needed cleaning, either.
She added to the list, "Magical housekeeping How to clean sheets?" Was there a wizarding equivalent of a washer and dryer? She wouldn't mind doing her own laundry if it meant she could keep her soft sheets. She'd rather they be a very pale silver, of course. The red and green was reminding her all too much of something she might find on Professor Dumbledore's bed, and that was a thought too disturbing for words.
In the meantime she cast a freshening charm over them and felt them soften and fluff over, under and around her. She didn't dare use herbs; he'd complained about the sachet. She quickly added sachets to the "must avoid doing" sub-list.
She really should find a way to keep Crookshanks out of their bed, she thought, stroking his purring body as she considered it. In fact, this being Saturday, she really should find a way. What if Crooks misunderstood their physical activities? He could be fiercely protective of her, as Ron had the scars on his hand to prove.
She added that to the "prepare for Sat. night" list with a shudder.
Crooks was definitely due a night out hunting.
Snape entered the Slytherin common room unannounced, as usual. It was, after all, the only way to catch the little buggers up to mischief.
The common room was empty. They must all be at lunch....
Miss Granger must be at lunch. In fact, immediately upon thinking that thought, he supposed he should consider going to the Great Hall, as well.
He turned to leave, but Draco stepped out of the seventh-year salon.
He arched his brows. Draco knew better than to be familiar with him here. "Mr Malfoy?"
"Could I have a word with you, sir?"
Well. Better. Snape nodded and followed him into the salon. With a slight wave of his hand, he warded the room and silenced it.
Draco slouched onto a green velvet chaise longue and offered Snape a cigarette.
Snape accepted it and sank into the wing chair across from him. But as he started to light up, he stopped. He didn't want to taste of stale cigarette when they...
But that was hours away.
And there would be no kissing.
He never kissed if he could avoid it and had developed more than a modicum of skill at effective kissing without tongues for those times when he felt it necessary. Early in his study of potions he'd considered the risk of the introduction of foreign elements to one's body through the exchange of bodily fluids, and frankly, snogging simply wasn't worth the risk. Fortunately, there were protection spells for more intimate acts, but the human mouth was a nasty place by definition, and it would be difficult to find a better incubator for some of the more malicious elements he'd encountered in his years of spying.
But here he was, struggling with a deep and dangerous desire to kiss her....
He looked up to find Draco studying him, the little whelp. "Is there something amiss in my appearance?" he snapped.
Draco shrugged, smirked, and exhaled a soft stream of smoke. "I'm just beginning to wonder if you did me any favors by marrying Granger. Since the Sorting, everyone has discussed how eagerly she seems to have adapted to your bed."
Snape willed his body to stillness and simply cocked his head.
"Having a Mudblood around to fuck wouldn't be the worst fate in the world," continued Draco with a whinge.
The cigarette exploded in his hand, spraying tobacco. He wanted to reach across the short distance between them and snap the boy's neck. "You are talking about my wife."
Draco laughed. "Really, Severus."
"Yes. Really."
"My father told me that you've been known to share." Draco's eyes darted nervously to his cigarette, which he seemed more interested in staring at than actually smoking.
Wandless magic being what it was and his Dark urges being what they were, he wouldn't even have to reach. Just a flick of his hands... He could almost see Draco with his head dangling sideways....
He tasted bile in the back of his throat.
Images flashed into his head, images he usually repressed.
Images of a seventh-year Lucius and Narcissa, drunk on their newfound sexual prowess, deciding to initiate a fourth-year Severus Snape into the delicacies of love.
Of Narcissa welcoming him into her naked embrace.
Of Lucius smoking hashish and watching, smiling, giving advice. Touch her there, that's right, you like that don't you, pet? Once even moving his hand over Severus's to demonstrate the correct technique, the soft yet firm pressure....
And then pulling Severus off of her and flinging him out of the way to finish the deed, leaving him to wank and watch and seethe and experience an orgasm like none he'd experienced before.
Images that taunted and haunted him for years.
Lucius had told Draco about that?
Draco cleared his throat, nervous.
Lucius is playing games. No way would he expose Narcissa to such knowledge from her son.
"Draco," he said, his voice soft and cunning. "Are you telling me that your father suggested a man should share his own wife?" The words, your mother, hung between them unspoken.
The boy's face suffused with an ugly red. "You know that's not what he meant, not if she's pureblood and a true wife."
"Just because my wife is Muggle-born does not make her any less the wife of a pureblood Slytherin. It would be a grave mistake for anyone to forget that."
Draco jerked a nod. "It's just it's just that I see pureblood Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws with their Mudblood wives and know that they're all fucking like rabbits and here I could have been..."
You could have been eligible for the Dark Mark the moment you were married! Snape finished silently, his rage palpable in the pulse of the blood pounding through his veins. None of my House will sport a Dark Mark in these halls, as long as there is a chance in hell of ending this madness before they leave Hogwarts.
"Yes, you could dilute your line with Muggle blood, couldn't you? And after you, how many other Slytherins would follow you, Draco? And they would follow you. You would lead them right into the Ministry's hands."
Draco squeezed his eyes closed.
"I thought we all agreed, no Slytherins will take part in this travesty until they are forced to by graduating. No pureblood Slytherins will allow their lines to be tainted."
"I don't know what kind of game your father is playing with me, Draco. I don't expect you to take my side. But I do expect you to use your fucking brain and control yourself. Use your hand. Use a Knockturn Alley whore. But don't play into the fucking Ministry's schemes, and don't turn yourself into a murderer when you have to rid yourself of a Muggle wife once the Dark Lord returns to power.
"Do I make myself perfectly clear?"
Draco nodded, to all appearances chastened.
Snape removed the wards and silencing charm and made his exit before his fury could erupt.
If Draco Malfoy threw away the sacrifice he'd made to stop him from taking the Dark Mark, to give him time to come to his senses or the war time to end or the bloody fucking world to stop spinning on its axis
If Draco took a wife
Or touched his wife
He'd rip him limb from limb.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Care of Magical Creatures
2762 Reviews | 6.75/10 Average
I've always loved this story.
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
OMG, thank you so much! I've always loved your stories--The Price of Madness is one of my favorites ever.
Beautiful ending! I loved that the baby self attached at the breast and that Hermione and her husband had an unassited homebith. I love Severus' frantic attempt at naming what he thought was going to be a boy. Since it was a girl Hermione was spared further worry. I love Winky's rebellion. Severus knows he is going to be a different dad. He deeply loves the mother of his child. They are family or pack from Albus' point of view. I know that dads are different than my dad and the other dads that waited in the waiting room for their wives to bring forth their childern. I've been a doula and IBCLC for over 2 decades and dads are different because they are present at the birth of their babes. They are different because they watch thier warrior wives birth babies so that they have a new respect for the mother of their child because they know in their hearts they aren't strong enough to do what we do. They are different because they get to share the awe of watching a new live come into the world and know that it is part of them. How much more different must those who help their wives to birth their own babes together and who get to be the one to see that new life emerge and be the first to hold that toasty warm soft body. I love how warm they are when they first come out. I know you poured your heart out with this story but I wish we got to find out what Hogwarts was waiting for. I wish I knew how Poppy got the gender incorrect and I hope that George isn't disappointed that his brother came out a girl. Thank you for a wonderful and enjoyable respite from reality. You are gifted with your story telling. I know that I will read this story again. Love,
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
I loved following your comments through this read. I just warmed the cockloes of my heart! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm on Chapter 61. I really love and appretiate the Christian and Spiritual side of this plot. I loved the chapter with Severus seeking out Muggle Magic to heal Hermione. The story was too intense for me to stop and write any reviews until now. You mix Christianity with muggle magic and wizard magic and manage not to make it less or be disrespectful in any way. I'm a blood born Quaker and we don't normally celebrate any of the litergy or rites but I still love them. They help one focus. I really really enjoy this side of the story that makes this story different from all the other Marriage Law stories. I love the Hermione is a pureblood Muggle and her parent's aren't dentists. This whole thing is so creative and original. Thank you for giving us such an ejoyable, emotional, erotic, exciting, frightening, heart pounding read!
Response from mia madwyn (Author of Care of Magical Creatures)
Again and again during the writing of this story, I worried that I'd finally crossed a line and that readers wouldn't forgive me. The spiritual and religious aspect fascinated me and so I explored it. I've found that religious people often assume that Hermione is also religious. Those who aren't. don't assume she is. That was deliberate on my part, because I didn't want to alieante anyone.
Severus is willing to betray both the light and the dark to protect his soul mate. He thinks he is making choices that bind him to the dark forever. But the war hasn't yet been fought.
Amazing! It is totally amazing how you give us a perfectly acceptable reason to sympathize with Severus enough to see why he would betray the light and choose Tom and the dark. We chose with him. He didn't pass Abraham's test, however. But the Dark Lord in pragmatic wisdom is forgiving him because he has a use for Hermione. Albus never saw this coming. He never looked deep enough. He never fully examined the circumstances surrounding Severus falling in love with Hermione Granger and she loving him. He is an old fool. But I guess no one is right all the time. I don't forgive him though. He would kill Hermione and would feel it was what had to be done just as he is willing to allow Severus to die. He needs to reassess his priorities. He loves Seveus like a pet, not a son. Pets can be put down when they have served their purpose.
Amazing! It is totally amazing how you give us a perfectly acceptable reason to sympathize with Severus enough to see why he would betray the light and choose Tom and the dark. We chose with him. He didn't pass Abraham's test, however. But the Dark Lord in pragmatic wisdom is forgiving him because he has a use for Hermione. Albus never saw this coming. He never looked deep enough. He never fully examined the circumstances surrounding Severus falling in love with Hermione Granger and she loving him. He is an old fool. But I guess no one is right all the time. I don't forgive him though. He would kill Hermione and would feel it was what had to be done just as he is willing to allow Severus to die. He needs to reassess his priorities. He loves Seveus like a pet, not a son. Pets can be put down when they have served their purpose.
"My darling boy!" She's in so much trouble though.
Ginny needed to hear the welcome to grown up world speech. It hasn't been lost on me that she sounds more and more like Severus.
He feels safe in her arms. He knows she would die defending him and she is powerful and she loves him and he knows it. Fuck Malfoy! I'm sure he has his own adgenda, he clearly admitted it, but I don't remember what it is. I just know something very bad is going to happen but then it works out in the end and they are happy together.
What a beautiful chapter! All of their mutual revalations about the other on her birthday was so sweetly romantic and I loved it! What a wonderful birthday! He was exquisite. She's the luckiest woman in the world today. I know the sweetness can't last forever but it is so lovely to indulge as often as one can. It makes real life a little less bitter. Thank you, dearest mia. xoxoxox
OMG! They make everything so hard! But, I love it!!!! They are one big mess of embarrassment and resentment, self doubt, guilt, repressed desire and all manner of emotions for such suppossedly pragmatic and intellectual people. But, again, that is what we love about this particular Hermione Grander and Severus Snape. You are an excellent story birther. After a glass of wine and exhaustion from crying women and babies all day I can't think of the real word I want. Maybe excellent story crafter. You reach my emotions. Now! I musn't stay up half the night like I did last night and I must go to bed and hopefully, sleep. Good night dear mia. Thank you. xoxoxo
I had no business staying up past midnight reading this on a work night but the spell wouldn't let go of me. I'm on the chapter Lost and Found. It made me cry. I have to go to bed now and I know things are about to get worse. But I also know they end up all right. Thanks for a great read!
You did good, Girl!!!!! That Hermione is one smart cookie! She's so proud of him. She can give him so much more than that wanker Voldemort can. So he has that dark mark thing he does, but how often? And it isn't because he loves you it is to control you. What she can give him lasts a lifetime. She sees it all. I hope he is satisfied. Throw her a bone you arse. Give her some credit. Admit the love you two feel is real. She deserves it, Professor.
At least Hermione knew what vows she was taking and took them willingly. So she couldn't be under a compulsion. And you can't really take a vow against your will can you? If it is only words with no intent is it really a vow or just a lie? Well. I know some bad stuff is coming up, I just doen't know how soon. Yikes.
It seems to me his rage exceeds the crime. I know he hates to be controled. But he knows she bore him no malice. She was stupid and selfish and she admits it. What does he gain from making her suffer? What does he hope to accomplish? Does he want to break her? He is right about everything. She admits it. What does he want from her? She is stronger than I. I would be broken by his anger. To what will he drive her? Suicide? At this point I would be thinking that it would be better for everyone if I were dead. Oh but her Christian suicide always a sin?
That was beautiful! Poor man. I remember he's really upset about these vows. On to the Headmaster's office if I remember correctly. Dude! Calm down! Have some tea.
My goodness! He has his work cut out for him. Preparing the caldron indeed! We shall see his success in the next chapter I hope. I think I remember yes, but I'm not certain. So here I go!
I am sorry for poor Ron. But he isn't Severus. He isn't as deep as Severus is. His pain will heal and he will be able to move on. That is why Hemione needs Severus. He is a deep deep well of...I don't know what...he is more than any other wizard. Hermione is no normal witch. They need each other. What I don't understand is, what the hell is Albus Dumbledore's problem with it? Does he just prefer Severus miserable? Doesn't he believe Severus is worthy of such love and devotion or of Hermione? Does he really truely not trust his most important spy even though he endures near death to spy for him? I don't get or feel sympathy for this Albus Dumbledore. I hope Severus puts the pricipals of tea making, "preparing, bursting and releasing" to good use soon for Hermione's sake.
Bless their poor, poor hearts! They love each other and can't admit it yet because it's too raw and the ministry is watching. One moment he is proud of her and the next he is breaking her heart with accusations that remind her that she was being selfish when she asked him to marry her. They never get a break. Her friends certainly have something to think about now that they know that A. Hermione can do wandless magic, B. she loves Severus Snape, C. The headmaster assaulted her. I do so hope that Harry made that connection. Will he go ask Albus Dumbledore what the hell he did to Hermione? I do hope so very much!
For all of my complaints, I've felt that sigh and feeling of knowing you belong in the arms of my husband. It is wonderful. It's maked me put up with messy and lazy for 37 years.
What a fuck head Albus was to wonder why she was willing to die to protect Severus!!! As if Severus wasn't worth protecting. And she's his wife! How could Albus and Poppy underestimate Hermione so badly? She's Griffindor loyal! She would fight to the death to protect anyone she loves, those Ass Holes! Plus! What makes Albus so sure she doesn't have enough of her own power to resist him without needing a dark spell? Hermione rocks!!!!! I love this Hermione. She's the strongest I think I have ever read. I hope Albus is afraid of her now. He should be. He's lucky the two of them don't kick his self righteous ass!
I'm very surprised that when I've checked I haven't left you reviews on my first two readings of this incredible story. If reviews are payment for the enjoyment you bring to the lives of others, you dear mia, deserve reviews upon more reviews! I read many chapters last night without reviewing because I needed you and you were here to provide solace. I couldn't stop reading because you were keeping me from despair. I've loved this story. I love the way you keep us on our toes when we never know what mood Severus is going to be in. You have my complete sympathy for both Severus and Hermione. I'm perplexed and disgruntled regarding Albus and Hermione's friends treatment of her. The only person who made sense was Minerva. I love this version of her parents more than any other I've ever read, and I have read everything TPP has with this pairing. I pretty much exclusively read SS/HG. I'm grateful that her parents were really forgiving after a brief snit that had to be had for the sake of principle. I don't know if I could have been as gracious as her parents have been about her getting married with out inviting them under the circumstances. My own grown daughters have caused me a great deal of grief and I worked so hard to be the best mom that anyone could be. They have disappointed me, humiliated me and thrown away any opportunities I provided for them. They have made poor choices and I am the one paying for them. One must protect the little grandchildren. Thank you so much for all the work you have put into writing a wonderful romance adventure that a reader can immerse one's self in. Poor Hermione. She is about to face a terrible ordeal with Albus, that bastard! My lack of shorterm memory allowes me to read the same stories over and over only remembering the general direction of the story but not the details.
Yikes!!!! She's left the Headmaster's office thinking that all of Severus' feelings for her are fake because they are nothing more than the result of magical compulsions. I don't remember how they work this out at all. I only remember that some time in the future Hermione will make a crazy, mental, painful and destructive decision and act upon it to her harm and despair. I can't remember if this is what drives her to it. I need to go to bed but I can't stop reading!
Poor Severus! I hope he has better luck explaining this to Voldi than he had with his friends Albus and Minerva.
She has a lot to learn! I do hope he teaches her a lesson. Well, many lessons actually. She has a lot to learn especially about Severus Snape and about matrimony. I have terrible short term memory so I can't remember if this comes up but in her haste to save her education, I wonder if she has looked into any rules regarding students marrying teachers. Did it occur to her that if she marries a professor she may not be able to remain a student? Surely she has checked that out. Hasn't she? I'm loving it! You are witty and have great rhythm and flow.