New Chapter for Dinner Time
Dinner Time
minuet996 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
A humorous look at dinner time with Snape & Hermione.
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About minuet99
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 9 | 3 Reviews Written | 64 Review Responses
Reviews for Dinner Time
Awww, what a gem of a little story. Daddy!Snape makes my heart sour, and this one-shot didn't disappoint. Thank you. :)
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you for your kind words!
I love this sweet story. *happy sigh* Such a lovely peek into their lives. :)
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you. :)
Perfectly fluffy and wonderful! Thank you.
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you for letting me know!
Oh, this was very nice! Now write how they get together, please.~Lotmthe insatiable ss/hg fanatic--yes I know there's a 12 step program for it, but I'm not going, dammit
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you. Coming from you, this means a lot. As for your request, we'll see. ;-) I'm not making promises, but I'm not saying no, either.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*purrrrrrrrrrrs, glad you'll at least consider more ss/hg, period*~Lotmperennially addicted
What an enjoyable bit of fluff. I needed something cheerful to read today. Thank you.
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed it. While not normally a fan of reading fluff, sometimes this ship is so angsty that you need a bit of cheeriness to even yourself out!
Very amusing and sweet...
Response from minuet99 (Author of Dinner Time)
Thank you. There aren't many stories written about SS & HG and family time that aren't rife with angst or drama. Everyone needs a little palate-cleansing!