New Chapter for Etude de Magie
Etude de Magie
karelia26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 56 Favorites )
Sometimes, a coincidental find can change one’s life entirely.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for Etude de Magie
Beautiful, thank you.
Fascinating! You are so creative! I love it!
karelia... this was just so beautiful!!
What an exquisitely spiritual tale. I enjoyed it thoroughtly.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Thank you for reviewing!
Lovely story. I love grabbing the Lady of the Lake out of mythology and making her an integral part of the wizarding world and how she is in a way it's protector. The diary was a wonderful tool to allow Severus to meet the real Hermione. Very well done. Thank you.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you!I think the Potterverse has a lot of potential where mythology is concerned. I can't quite imagine the magical world of HP having the same take as us Muggles do, in that we see it as purely legend or fiction. :D
Wonderful story.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! I'm happy you liked it. :)
Very original! I'm glad I found this!
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
this is a gorgeous story. i love it so much; i will try to articulate why! well, the way you used and incorporated the legend of the lady of the lake, and that hermione was to become a priestess, and the reasons you gave why. and i liked the sort of magical link between the hogwarts lake and her lake, and how you described it when severus ended up there. and of course all the spiritual and energetic stuff really resonates with me. and just everything, really. i had started to work my way through your stories a while back and got distracted, but i'm really happy work was slow today and i got to read this. : )
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
*thud* Thank you so, so, so much for the bestest review ever!
Particularly enjoyed Snape in the beginning scenes and the reading of the diary. And your Lady of the Lake was stunning. I loved this story, and I hope that you will keep writing.
I had read this once before, but was delighted to find it again in the highlighted section of this archive. Since that first reading, I understand much more about such things like the hundredth monkey phenomenon, and so it was an absolute joy to see such modern and yet ancient mysteries of life worked into the story with such beauty. Thank you so much for writing.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
You absolutely made my weekend with your words, thank you!
You're a great story teller. Thank you
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you for telling me this! You absolutely made my day!
WTG lady, great chapter! I can't wait for what happens next.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! I'm glad you like it!
What a beautiful story.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
I'm very happy you think so. Thank you so much for reviewing!
That was absolutely lovely.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Aw thank you! I'm glad you like it!
I like it very much, nice writing, good job
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
*bows* Thank you! ::smooches::
I Loved this. I like the use of the old tales of the Lady of the Lake.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! I, too, love Arthurian legend, especially as depicted in the Mists of Avalon. And having lived near Stonehenge and Glastonbury made it all the more believable for me. :-)
That was very interesting. I'd say that it was definitely a departure from your normal writing, but wonderful none the less. I enjoyed your blend of Arthurian and Potter magic. Rather tantalizing. Well done!
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on this! I'm very happy you enjoyed it.
I've just finished reading this a second time, and I love it just as much now as I did the first time through. It's lovely. Thank you.
You might want to rethink your title to Etude de Magie. Sorry for the french lesson, couldn't help it. Great story btw
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
I wish I'd have known you when I thought of the title, LOL! Just shows that ignorance does not equal bliss.
Thanks for pointing it out, and thanks for reading and reviewing! :-)
Sweet story.It was very moving.I love how Severus worshipped Hermione's body during the Beltane (May King & Queen) ritual, followed by his declaration of love for her. It was beautifully written and brought tears to my eyes.I love happy endings. Thank you.:D VERY well done--keep up the good work!☺
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words! It is one of my earlier fics, but I'm still fond of it. :D
Absolutely loved this! See ... this is what I meant - you can take these characters and add such a unique element. The Lady of the Lake ... it's like Red Cloud again ... such mystique. Seriously well done.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
::big smile:: Thank you so much!
Karelia, I love it! Mystical, swirling, enchanting. Incorporating the LoL into HG/SS was brilliant.
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your reading and reviewing and am so so so glad that you like the legend aspect as well. ::hugs::
Very ethereal. How did he not know she was referring to him in the diary ? :)
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Well, he is a man, after all. *snicker*Ta muchly for your kind words!
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Well, he is a man, after all. *snicker*Ta muchly for your kind words!
Okay slap me upside the head an call me silly! Here I am just browsing about and I come across this story I have read several times and what do I discover, but YOU wrote it! Where is my head. This again is one of my favorites. I am so sorry I have never taken the time to tell you. I love The Lady of the Lake! It is reminiscent of Red Cloud. Cheers dear Lady, forgive me? Irish
Ooh! I liked this one- it's so irritating when the /clearly/ non-Christian wizarding world gets turned monotheist! The idea of being taken in and making big change fits nicely with the brilliant Hermione, who is tenacious enough to get it done. Good show!
Response from karelia (Author of Etude de Magie)
Thank you! Yes, I agree on the irritant factor. :)