New Chapter for Secrets
whimbley14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )
Hermione has a secret and Severus is suspicious. Could she really be trying to poison him, or is there more to it than that?
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About whimbley
Member Since 2005 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 17 | 29 Reviews Written | 185 Review Responses
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Reviews for Secrets
what a surprising story! more refreshing than coffee, caffeintated or not, it was like a splash of ginger in fruit juice!
He he he, cute story. Very amusing on the caffeine withdrawl and Hermione's morning sickness.
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Thank you! This one was a joy to write.
Loved the ST references. Geez, I'd be paranoid too if all those red shirts were dying and Hermione suggested I wear one!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
LOL! I have to give credit for that idea to my wonderful Beta June.
LOL. I picked it was caffeine withdrawal before Sev did! :)
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
LOL! You must have gone through this before too.
Eliminating the caffiene from an addict's coffee is just pure evil! No wonder Severus was feeling poorly...and apparently caffiene withdrawal also makes one paranoid that they're being poisoned. I don't know that I could get away with doing that to my husband, we've been married a long time but why take chances?Great story, I had a fabulous time reading it!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Thank you so much! And so glad you liked it!
Lol, half way through the story it occured to me that Severus seemed to be drinking WAY too much coffee. Great story!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Thank you! I had a friend who went through caffeine withdrawal, who was a great inspiration for this story. I'm so glad you liked it.
That was fun.
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun writing it.
it WAS THE COFFIE~~ !! loved it!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
LOL!I'm glad you liked it!
Well, the decaf change wasn't what I was expecting. My sister did that to her husband when he had a two pot a day coffee habit. He never noticed, either, except for the headaches.
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Hee! I was hoping it would be a surprise. My friend recently went through this, so I had a great resource for all the complications that go along with it.It was sort of an evil thing to do to Severus, but fun too.
Decaf is a completely horrible thing to do to a loved one. But this was a funny fic, so I'll forgive you your malicious sense of humour. lol.
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Yes, it was a rather evil thing for me to do to Severus, but really fun too.LOL!Had a friend recently go through this and I couldn't help using his experiences.I'm glad you liked it!
So well written! Love it!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Oh, thank you so very much!It's reviews like this, that just make my day!I'm glad you liked it!
Hee...that was cute with just enough fluff. I can actually see Severus whipping down the hall, and his flummoxed expression at finding out the truth.
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
LOL!Thanks so much!Those were two of my favorite parts of the story. So, glad that others could see the same vision I had when writing it.
How very sweet!
Response from whimbley (Author of Secrets)
Thank you! This was a really fun story to write. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
This was soo cute! Loved it!