New Chapter for Virgin on the Ridiculous
Virgin on the Ridiculous
melusin38 Reviews | 38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 36 Favorites )
A serial drabble in response to the 'Double Standards' prompt, 'grangersnape100' community at livejournal. **Winner** Order of Merlin, First Class, OWL Awards 2007 for best Drabble.
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About melusin
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 344 | 77 Reviews Written | 1,999 Review Responses

Alan Rickman obsessed ex-civil servant now living the good life in France. I only write in the good ship SS/HG. However, if you think that the only way these two can get together is by some sort of forced marriage, 'binding' or whatever, don't read my stories. You will be disappointed.
Reviews for Virgin on the Ridiculous
This is exactly the sort of story I was looking for. I only wish it were longer. I just love the idea of Severus the virgin.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
love love love it!
Aw, poor nervous Snape.Loved the line about her having to make an honest man out of him!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Highly amusing! Thank you very much!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
thanks for reviewing
Atta girl, Hermione. Tip the double standard right on its sorry arse, and go for what you want. Her reputation indeed! These days people are more surprised if you're twenty-four and still saving yourself for marriage than they are if you're not! I suppose that's rather her point, but it's good enough that I'll make it too. I always love Assertive!Hermione, and yours is first-rate.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
thanks - yeah, the point was really to apply the double standard to a man and show how ridiculous it was.
That's sooo sweet and cute... lovely. It has a certain appeal, to make Severus so unexperienced, and your reason for it is truly sweet, too. Glad it was so nice for him! Thanks a lot.
Author's Response: Thanks. I'm tired of all those insipid Virgin!Hermione stories, so the prompt was asking for it.
Awww...that's cute. I love Snape's thought process.
Oh "G" this reminds me of my husband! We dated forever and i never could get him to kiss me good night. we were just "friends" but I wanted more. So i took him to see Sliver and seduced him. Very good. LOL, love it!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
LOL - sometimes men do need rather a lot of encouragemnt, don't they. I was just tired of all the virgin!Hermione stories out there and decided to turn the old cliches on their respective heads. glad you liked it
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
LOL - sometimes men do need rather a lot of encouragemnt, don't they. I was just tired of all the virgin!Hermione stories out there and decided to turn the old cliches on their respective heads. glad you liked it
Oh, I do so love it when Hermione takes charge! A wonderful twist on all the shy, retiring Virgin!Hermione stories. Congratulations on your SSHG Awards nomination for this wonderful piece.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thanks glad you liked it.
OMG I do love a virginal Snape.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
me too!
Bloody hilarious! Love to see the tables turned like that - and Severus wondering if Hermione would still respect him in the morning was wonderful
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you. Glad you found it funny.
So lovely!!! I love the twist from the usual :)
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you.
That was so cuuute. :)
The ‘I suppose I’ll have to make an honest man of you, then?’ line was just hilarious and sweet at the same time. :-) Just like the whole fic. :)
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you.
Well done, I really enjoyed this! It's refreshing to see a modern thinking Hermione and an old-fashioned repressed Snape. His vunerability is very endearing. Thank you!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed.
Aww! How sweet!
Oh excellent! Severus as the shy, blushing virgin. I have a weakness for Virgin!Severus fics, especially when written with charm and humor, as you have done!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you. I quite like a good Virgin!Snape myself - he's much too repressed to be a sex-god ;)
That was quite delightful! I particularly enjoyed the title. Well done!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you.
Cute and adorable! I enjoyed the characterization, even if OOC it was fun!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Well, it was meant as a parody on all the old cliched Shy!Hermione stuff that's out there -which is equally OOC.
Thank you for reviewing
! I thought it was very cute.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you :)
Nice... More, please!~Lotm
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you LOTM
I'm working on a femdom love story at the moment - first few chapters are up on lj on the Bottomsnape Community - called 'Needs Must. I know this is a bit cheeky, but I'd be interested in your opinion (if you have time to read it, that is) since it's very much an experiment for me, and I'm flying solo. (no beta holding my hand). ~Puppy eyes~
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*sniffles* Unfortunately, I don't have the time. I'm skiving off work to read fanfic as it is. (bad me!) But I'm sure you'll do alright.Have you tried searching Perfect Imagination (website) for a free-range beta?~Lotm
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
No, it's ok. I wouldn't have a problem finding someone to do the punctuation/grammar checking etc - I need feedback for some of the content.
Very cute.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you - glad you liked it.
Would Hermione still respect him after this? .....Bwahahahha!That was the best line... ever! *snort* LMAOToo freakin' funny for words! Good job!
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you - glad you found it funny.
This is truly brilliant. I applaud you! I will go look for other things under your name -- and, if I remember rightly, you are camillo's beta?? -- will definitely look for other things under your name.
Response from melusin (Author of Virgin on the Ridiculous)
Thank you very much. Yes, I am Camillo's beta - and what a find she is.