New Chapter for Those Few Moments
Those Few Moments
WriterMerrin13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
Severus is about to receive the Dementor?s Kiss. Hermione has one last thing to say. Six drabbles from various POVs.
Inspired by "Those Few Words" by septentrion1970 over at grangersnape100.
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About WriterMerrin
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 51 | 822 Reviews Written | 741 Review Responses
Sometimes writing, nearly always beta reading, I love to unwind after work by reading fanfiction.
Reviews for Those Few Moments
I almost didn't read this { I am a "Severus Lives " " Happy Ever After " kind of gal, but I'm glad I did, there was some stomach churning moments , but in the end we get both.
Whew, just in the nick of time, too! Maybe now Severus will be allowed to go free?
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Oh, absoutely! If you follow the link below and scroll down to "Those Few Words," you'll find the drabble that inspired this--it's their happy ending. for taking the time to write such nice reviews today!
Very well written. Thank you for sharing.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Well, thank you very much for letting me know what you thought about it :)
wow that was increditable(hope that is spelled right) have you ever thought of writing a sequel to this like what happens next because this was great
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Oh, I can't believe I never answered this review. If you follow the link below and scroll down to "Those Few Words," you'll find the drabble that inspired this--it's their happy ending. you very much!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Oh, I can't believe I never answered this review. If you follow the link below and scroll down to "Those Few Words," you'll find the drabble that inspired this--it's their happy ending. you very much!
Good heavens that was cutting it a bit close wasnt it? I was worried!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Thanks! I enjoyed exploring the moments from the different POVs. Glad I came across.
yes! happy ending! thanks
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
And thank YOU for letting me know you liked it.
I know I'm going to be somewhat unpopular saying this, but I think the story would have been better if he hadn't been saved at the last minute. I was *happier* that he survived, but it felt a little like a deus ex machina, perhaps because I haven't read the story it's based on.
That said, like greenwood, I thought Ron's thoughts were great. Both that AND the fact that the declaration was meant to be a last goodbye make me think a sequel would be a very good thing. Are you sure we can't persuade you?
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Thanks for the thoughtful comments. There are several things I may have done differently if the setting had been mine to control; but the muse has had its shot at this. I think you'll like what I'm working on instead.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
For a long moment there I thought it was all over for Severus! I almost thought that Harmione was going to go with him. You had me gripped in a fleeting feeling of true love. It ended a bit too soon I thought. You really could have worked us a bit there...just a thought! Great idea with the whole setting and who was present. I really liked Ron's thoughts (they seemed very much in character for him).
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Wow, a long review! *big grin*
I'm glad the emotion came through in this tiny piece, and I'm glad that Ron worked -- he tried so hard. The outcome and setting were from the brilliant mind of Septentrion. The original audience already knew that Snape survived; so it hadn't occured to me to bother dragging it out. I will have to next time ;)
I'm delighted to see this cluster of drabbles posted here.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Thanks! I owe you one.
Close call indeed. Just to be safe I checked the reviews -- glad I did. Good story!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Hee! I didn't know people actually did that. I'm happy to get your review. Thanks.
I wasn't sure about reading this since I'm a happy ending junkie and the summary and warnings certainly didn't suggest any happiness ahead!? But, I figured I'd check it out and I'm glad I did.? I hope you're considering telling us what happens next - I think you'd do a great job at it.? Thanks for posting your story!
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Thanks! I'm a happy ending junky, too. I don't have any plans for this story, but I do have a multi-chapter thing I'm working on. Thanks for the encouragement :)
Whew! That was a close call.
Response from WriterMerrin (Author of Those Few Moments)
Thanks for my first ever review on this site!