New Chapter for How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun
How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun
snapemylove21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
My response to #4 of the Potter Place Fall 2006 Prompt Challenge. Hermione Weasley and Lucius Malfoy have an unexpected run in at the Three Broomsticks five years after the final battle. Will sparks fly?
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About snapemylove
Member Since 2006 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 27 | 90 Reviews Written | 215 Review Responses
Reviews for How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun
Oh I don't know how this one popped up on my screen, but I'm sure glad it did. Too bad there isn't a second chapter - but I've enjoyed the gift of your writing with this one. Thank you.
Hee hee hee. That is definitely an interesting set up. Although, I don't think I could see HG staying in any marriage when her mate is off covorting with any fan girl he happens upon. However, the set up is nice, and I like the Lucius you have put forth.
Thanks for sharing.
poor Hermione, yet lucky Hermione. I loved the slurring!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I'm so sorry that I missed your review somehow, but thanks so much for leaving it. I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm so glad you liked it!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I'm so sorry that I missed your review somehow, but thanks so much for leaving it. I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm so glad you liked it!
Loved how it was going but was a little sad it ended right here - think it could be developed into more chapters. Sounds like Ron and Narcissa are just not the ones for Hermione and Lucius. I love how you portraited Lucius - he is too hot to handle
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you for the review. I did post a sequel to this entitled, "Three Need Not be a Crowd" which follows Lucius and Hermione back to Hogwarts where they encounter an unexpected extra party. Hee Hee. Please feel free to check that story out as well if you are interested. I've been VERY slowly working on a multi-chaptered sequel to that story as well. It'll probably be quite a while before that one's ready to post though. I've been too busy with an original story and the Mad Chatters story. Thank you for your honesty though. It is much appreciated!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you for the review. I did post a sequel to this entitled, "Three Need Not be a Crowd" which follows Lucius and Hermione back to Hogwarts where they encounter an unexpected extra party. Hee Hee. Please feel free to check that story out as well if you are interested. I've been VERY slowly working on a multi-chaptered sequel to that story as well. It'll probably be quite a while before that one's ready to post though. I've been too busy with an original story and the Mad Chatters story. Thank you for your honesty though. It is much appreciated!
Thank you! That was a very entertaining read! I love what you did with the charactersespecially Ron. That was just so realistic, and it's a very good thing that we have fan fiction to correct the grievous mistake of Hermione/Ron.
Your Lucius gave me shivers! Good thing I saw there was a sequel to this or I'd be asking for one =)
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
LOL! I just read your story last night. It was great! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. And it really is loosely based on my marriage (although not the affair part) so I thrilled to hear you describe it as realistic! And this was my first attempt at writing Lucius. He was so much harder for me to write and Severus ever was. LOL. Thanks so much for the review!
I love the story. I hope you continue it. Sounds like they're going to enjoy it and I want to know what happens next.
Are you a fellow Lumione shipper or you simply couldn't resist the prompt? ;)
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thanks! I am actually a SS/HG shipper, but the prompt was just too delicious to pass up. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Ooh nice!!
Are you considering a sequal? or to continue the story?
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I have a rough draft of a sequel done. It's my first attempt at PWP, and unfortunately, it is VERY rough at the moment. Who would have thought smut would be so difficult to write! I definitely tip my hat to the PWP writers. But, I'm working on it, so hopefully I'll be able to get it off to my beta soon and then post it :)
This was fun, I enjoyed it very much! Lucius is a much better choice than Ron :D
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad you liked it and I couldn't agree more - Lucius is a much better choice.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad you liked it and I couldn't agree more - Lucius is a much better choice.
Excellent! Now What? Does Ron find out? What about the rest of the Staff at Hogwarts?Do they do this once or is it reoccurring? Does anyone join them?
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I love this review! I laughed so hard! Thank you. Unfortunately I do not have answers for most of your questions. But there will be a sequel. I am currently working on a PWP sequel in which they will encounter another member of Hogwarts staff. Unfortunately it has been very difficult to write. God bless the PWP authors! I do not envy them. Smut is much more difficult to write than it seems! LOL. Thank you so much for your encouragement.
wow...i saw this story on AYLNO and just had to drop by... im very glad that i did! this story was wonderfully written and i didnt see any spelling or grammar mistakes..i big pe peeve for me!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you so much for your encouraging review. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I must ask though, what is AYLNO?
Response from severussnapelover (Reviewer)
AYLNO is a yahoo group...made for the fanfic A Year Like None Other by Aspen in the won the sererus/sevitus category in the sorting hat contest and is my fovorite fanfic out there. she is now writing the sequal A Summer like none other...and its excelent. i totally rec it
anyways...good job!
>Fredandcrooks on AYLNO<
very good start.......wouldn't mind reading the end.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
This particular story is complete. I am currently working on another one-shot that will be a sequel to this story. It will also be another prompt challenge response. It should be ready in a couple of weeks. Thank you for your encouragement.
I can’t understand why Hermione has stayed with Ron all these years. Was it just inertia? I don’t follow why he would let her dictate the terms of their marriage? To me that seems like something she wouldn’t tolerate. I was happy to see she received a partial sobering potion though. Good idea. Will your sequel take us through her romp with LM? Pretty please?
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Given the nature of the story, I did not give a whole lot of thought to why they cannot end the marriage, just that they can't. It could be that there is no divorce in the Wizarding World, or that it would cause her to be shunned, that she stays for moral reasons, or whatever, you can decide. Personally I agree that Hermione doesn't seem the type to be dictated to, but sometimes people do things for reasons others can't understand... and it worked well for my story line. There will be a sequel and it would include their "romp" as well as a run-in with an additional character. (Please don't expect too many gory details though as this is the closest thing to a PWP that I will have ever written and I'm not completely comfortable with that yet.) I am working on it now. However, it may take me a little while as RL is a bit overwhelming right now, so please be patient.
First of I have to say love, love the screen name...Snapemylove... so orginal :>)Anyway, I did enjoy this and would love to see it go a further. I do not care for LM normally but once in a while I find a story worth the read. I did enjoy this but there really was so little done between them. Then again I am a SS/HG fan so my opinion can be a bit one sided.I would truly love to see a LM/HG story where they begin a friendship first. Maybe his wife and son were killed by deatheaters that found out that he had changed sides. The story can unfold from there. Linda
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Your screen name is very descriptive. Nice! This is the first HG/LM story I've done as I rarely read them either, but I liked the prompt so I thought I'd give it a try. My other posted story and the other stories I am working on are HG/SS stories, as that is my preferred ship.I am currently working on a one-shot sequel to this story that will finish off their night. I don't plan on writing any HG/LM stories after that though.Thank you for your encouragement.
I love the idea of Hermoine hexing Ron's bits into snitches!Very nice effort my dear.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I never would have come up with the idea without your suggestion! Thanks for all your help!
you should write a small sequel.. please
great one shot. p
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Another one-shot is already underway as the sequel. It will also be a response to another of the Fall prompts. I'll probably take me a few weeks as RL is busy at the moment though, so please bear with me. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Oh dear, very funny. Drunken hermione takes the cake.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you. Hermione was a lot of fun to write in this story. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
All I can say is YUMMMMMMM!!!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you!
ohhh love it so far!!! love abit of naughty Lucius loven! :D moremoremore!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I'm so glad you liked it. This is my first attempt at writing Lucius as I am a hardcore HG/SS shipper :) This story was a lot of fun to write though!
This is a great take on this prompt! I enjoyed it.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Thank you so much for your encouragment and for your help during the posting process. I will be working on another one-shot as a sequel which will also be a prompt challenge response. It may take a couple more weeks though. :)
Wow.. awesome.. now add my dark prince Severus to the mix and she would be living my dream. More please and thank you.
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Your review, unfortunately, got lost in the fray. I thank you so much for your encouragement though.
Very nice set-up to the sequel; although, I'm afraid I read them in the wrong order! I'll just have to re-read them properly later.Thanks!
Response from snapemylove (Author of How a Sports-Obsessed Husband and a Nagging Wife Can Lead to a Night of Fun)
I'm so sorry this got lost in the mix. I'm glad you enjoyed the sorry and I wanted to make sure that I told you. Thank you.