New Chapter for Grandmother Moon
Grandmother Moon
PlaidPooka5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Hell, I don't know. It's a poem, go read it! *giggle*
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Grandmother Moon
This really reminds me of "Goodnight Moon" or some other bedtime classic/lullaby. I don't know too much about poetry, but I know that I love this and that I envy your ability to write something like this. You make it seem so easy.So, with your permission of course, I'd like to read this to my infant cousin, Niko. The first stanza is so appropriate for a child's bedtime ritual. Dumbledore had a line in the third movie that I think was very very Dumbledorian, it was the following: "From dreams we enter a world entirely our own. Let him swim from the deepest ocean or climb over the highest cloud." Or something like that. Anyway, I thought of this when I read that first stanza. And for some reason, I thought of William Wordsworth's 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" as I read the rest of it. Don't know what that was about.Thanks for your talent and sharing it with all of us,Peace, Love, and Potter,Sue.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Grandmother Moon)
Well done.
What a beautiful poem. You are very talented.Tamara
So tell me, how many poems do you have in this book? You like the quatrain, abba. Is there a name for this? I am coming to appreciate poetry more lately.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Grandmother Moon)
Actually, I don't have a lot of poems in that book. It's mostly a book of my mother's poetry, with a bit from me and my sister. It was fun to do though.