New Chapter for Learning Something New
Learning Something New
Southern_Witch_6911 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Pansy longs for someone to care for her the way Ron takes care of his girl. Overcoming past prejudices won?t be easy, but she?d like to try. Would he if given the chance?
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to stir my cauldron.
Reviews for Learning Something New
This was sweet, soft and happy--but Ron still keeps a bit of the ego and Pansy her edge.
Yay! So glad you continued this. It was cute and sweet.
damn you I have no time for reading!!!But I did read it so here is your reward.I liked the soft gentle feel this fic converys, it is sweet and real romantically. It is interesting to see a Slyterin girl attempt to gain interest of a boy at a distance, secretive and watching.The bittersweet nature of friends growing apart and growing up is also a touch of realism to this fic.Simply a lovely, sweet little romance. Makes me want to root for Pansy.
Oh, this is the Pansy that I like! I think she can be such a fun character to explore. Lovely, lovely. Thanks for a good read!
What I like about this is that Pansy was the unsure one, the one who wanted/needed love and attention. Ron seems self-assured. It's a nice change!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Learning Something New)
Thanks. I'd never really "developed" a Pansy before, aside from her character in LTE. I'd hoped this side of her wouldn't be too bad. I think Ron will get a bit more confidence as he goes along.
Oh, it's sweet! I don't really like Ron with anyone but Hermione for some reason, but I really like this idea. Pansy does deserve better than Draco. I know I was horrible when I was her age, so there's hope.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Learning Something New)
It did feel odd writing Ron / someone different, but I don't mind him being with others. I'm mostly odd about Snape being with others and Hermione being with others (depending on who). When I was her age, I ... *hehe*
Very sweet :D
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Learning Something New)
Thanks for reading!
Ah, so cute and charming! Definately an unusual pair to write, but you have done it justice.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Learning Something New)
Thanks for reading. I thought they might be worth investigating. Something different anyway. Teehee.
Look at me, reading a Pansy/Ron fic, and enjoying it! It's lovely to see Ron having a little adventure of his own. And it's lovely to see Pansy as a real, full fledged person complete with thoughts and feelings instead of being portrayed as a air-headed slut. I really enjoyed it! :)
good story line .......... would like to see more of this story and see how the characters react to the pairing of ron and pansy. keep up the good work ladies.
As always a wonderful story and one that is not written very often. You have a great style to your writing that pulls people in to the story you are reading.I would be wonderful to maybe do a chapter or so more just to see what life is like after the train ride...ummm sounds like a good title... After the Train Ride.Anyway I remember long ago read a story that was a WIP about Pansy becoming pregnant after a death eater meeting and Ron wants to help her but I believe she does not want to kept it. Suddenly she loses a baby but Ron is told that she was having twins and the other one is still there an can be carried to term. I have long ago wanted to finish reading it but unfortnately did not book mark it so I don't remember the name. Oh well it will come around some time.As for your writing, I don't thing there is any thing that you have written that I have not liked. Unlike many authors your truly bring your characters to life.Thanks for a great one shot.Linda